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Reflections of Elections past

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posted on Dec, 29 2024 @ 05:52 PM
NOTE – This is a long read. So, for the TLDR version, here you go
Obama was evil. Biden sucked even worse, tragically. Reagan was great. Carter is dead, may he RIP. Everyone in between was suck-ish, and we can’t talk about Trump because everything has already been said by the media.

Okay, now for the long version…

I remember in 2008 when Obama was elected; I thought to myself how, despite how I disagreed with democrats, that he might be worthy of giving a chance to. I was so wrong, as we would all learn in time. At first he seemed honorable enough, but with power came deception, and then pure evil. His agenda changed from just becoming president to destroying the very fabric of this country.

I can remember saying (even here on ATS) by the end of Obama’s 1st term that Obama would make Jimmy Carter look like Ronald Reagan by the time Obama was done ruining this country. I wasn’t far off, but I didn’t know then that an even worse president would come along just 8 years after Obama’s 2nd term. Biden.

Joe Biden was not only morally bankrupt himself, but he also had Obama and Pelosi (another agent provocateur) in the background calling the shots. Biden wasn’t just double trouble, he was triple trouble.

I can remember back in 1980 when Ronald Reagan was elected. The country had been so beaten down by endless recessions, and embarrassed in the eyes of the World by the diplomacy failures of the Carter Administration, I can remember feeling like a several ton weight was lifted off my shoulders. Every day in the news prior to that was “Carter this…”, or “Carter that…”; it was endless. I couldn’t stand Jimmy Carter, but I had no idea what lay ahead.

I remember when Bush Sr. was elected in ’88. I was cautiously hopeful he would be another Reagan. Boy, was I sorely mistaken on that one! And then there was Clinton. Say what you will about Clinton, but he did have personality, but after eight years of Clinton at the helm, dear Lord, America needed a change…badly! By the end of the Clinton-Clinton term the corruption was so deep it was unclear how we’d ever get out of it.

Then there was George Bush Jr in 2000. Gawd help us all. He was a freaking robot, a hollow robot. He had no policy, and he was absolutely controlled by the DC Mob. Cheney was at the top of that list (and I used to like Cheney…back when he was Governor of Wy.) But Cheney turned out to be downright evil (like Obama)

That brings us to Obama in 2008. America needed change. I don’t think anyone could argue this. The only problem was the change America needed wasn’t the change Obama had in mind. But nobody knew this back then. Bush had to go, and McCain wasn’t the right guy (he might have been even worse than Obama, but that’s a hard call). It didn’t take long for Obama to get full of all that power and set his real plans of destroying this nation underway. And he worked hard to do it too. Bankrupt the country (more than Bush / Cheney had done before him), cripple the country in international diplomacy, and bring the country to its knees domestically. He was a triple threat.

Then there was Trump. If Obama had done one thing, he had emboldened the liberal left to the point that I don’t need to say even a single thing about Trump. Never before in history has an entire media turned on a president the way they did on Trump. Not a single detail of his every waking moment was exposed 15 ways from Sunday.

The left was hell bent to “get Trump”, from day #1. Well, they got him in 2020, but the price was almost unimaginable, Joe Biden. Today we see Biden was likely the most corrupt president in the last 100 years. Not even Nixon was as corrupt. Biden eclipses every other president in living memory in terms of being just plain awful. Biden failed at every single thing he did. He failed miserably at diplomacy to the point where every powerful nation on Earth was/is laughing at America. He decimated the military. Domestically, he caused chaos and unrest. And now, we see he wasn’t even capable of tying his own shoes. He let the government “machine” run completely amok.

Now we stand on a somewhat new horizon. (hopefully). America (or part of it) has woken up, which is NOT to be confused with “Woke”. In fact, America has woken up to ‘Woke’, and sent a clear message. There’s a chance for America, but there’s not much time left.

Let’s hope the next installment of “I Remember” is a more rosy one!

posted on Dec, 29 2024 @ 06:20 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

At our house, Obama was considered by some an "empty suit".....while others were concerned/worried about his desire to "fundamentally change" America.
Our household was right to be concerned.

Little did we know how much worse he would be for the country.

Had we known back then he was buds with Bill Ayers.........

posted on Dec, 29 2024 @ 06:59 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

At the World Trade Center memorial ceremony.

that he might be worthy of giving a chance to

That's what got him elected the first time. I didn't buy into that attitude. I smelled the rat from the beginning. When a politician spews grandiose platitudes without meat an potatoes, look out.

The same with Clinton. I knew him from the time he was governor of Arkansas.

George H.W. was the first to proclaim the establishment of "A New World Order".

George W. was as transparent as a sheet of plastic wrap.

Biden, like Hilldog campaigned from his basement or to imaginary crowds. Like all the previous democratic candidates of the last 16 years, none could speak without a teleprompter in front of them.
edit on 29-12-2024 by charlest2 because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-12-2024 by charlest2 because: (no reason given)

I was a gullible fool when I was young.

edit on 29-12-2024 by charlest2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2024 @ 06:01 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk
Politics aside, I think Obama only got in because he was black. IE. I could hear the jubilations from here "Oooooo, America has got it's first black president, look how fair we are". Then there's the triple whack, Hillary Clinton or Michelle Obama or Kamala Harris. They were flying with the woke with "Ooooo look, we've got our first female president". But that didn't happen and all that was not anything to do with politics or their policies.

posted on Dec, 30 2024 @ 10:44 AM
a reply to: charlest2

"Witnesses" "at the time" say she said "All that for a f**k'n flag?" 🤣

It was a proud day 😀

posted on Dec, 30 2024 @ 04:43 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk


Obama didn't win....McCain lost. However Sarah made that campaign a classic of the decade.

In 2012 Obama didn't win...Romney lost. one ever votes FOR anyone, they just vote against someone.

I damn sure didn't vote for Elon!!

edit on 30-12-2024 by lilzazz because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2024 @ 05:39 PM
a reply to: crayzeed

I have absolutely no doubt that an overwhelming element of Obama's momentum was due to his race (or alleged race). In retrospect, and even then, I'm not sure I had an issue with and of itself. In some respects (party aside) it was a good thing (as hard as this is to say, not from a race perspective but from a political one). I never had an issue with Obama because of his race...UNTIL he started using his 'alleged' race in a race war against the other half of his race which he denied. THEN it was a problem (for me).

I've long said I don't see 'color' and I don't. I see ability, and from the initial glances Obama seemed he had some skills. What we, the American populace, didn't know was those skills were aimed at destroying this nation and making it a socialist state. He kept that hidden. Shame on me for not seeing it, but he hid it very well.

There is no doubt Obama is a great orator. He is. You cannot take this away from him. He can sell air conditioners to Eskimos, and make recession seem like something everyone wants. He's an outstanding public speaker, something Bush 2 and Biden are not. Both Bush 2.0 and Biden, and even Bush 1.0, are terrible public speakers.

Hillary didn't win because she's just straight-up evil. I think even democrats are afraid of her. I would be! She's dangerous, and you can hear it in her voice when she speaks.

Politically, America has been in a sea of darkness for 20 years, maybe longer. It's interesting to see America wake up (and not "woke up")...finally!

It will take time, but there is hope.

posted on Dec, 31 2024 @ 08:40 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Morning...Happy New Year FCD....I loved Gerry Ford. Every couple days....he'd fall down or up the stairs of Air Force 1.

And...he was a former model...Underwear I think...

Peace to you, brother!

posted on Dec, 31 2024 @ 05:49 PM
a reply to: mysterioustranger

I liked him well enough. Liked Betty quite a lot....gutsy woman.

Seems like he was the only guy to never get elected POTUS....and never ran on the POTUS ticket either, as he replaced Spiro Agnew.
I always figured he got the spot as a reward for his "duty" on the Warren Commission.

posted on Dec, 31 2024 @ 06:17 PM
a reply to: DontTreadOnMe

I still remember the debate gaffe that turned the '76 election when Ford said Eastern Europe wasn't under Soviet control. I was in college watching with some friends of mine. We all went slack jawed and stared at each other. It was one of those moments.

'80 election night was equally memorable. At a friend's house with 3-4 other people. We'd ordered pizza and bought various bags of junk snacks, all prepped to pull an all-nighter with election coverage. Didn't even have the lid off the first pizza box before Carter conceded.

Weird times.

posted on Dec, 31 2024 @ 06:23 PM
a reply to: yeahright

I remember in 2020 watching Virginia being called for the Dems....with like almost no votes in....I wanna say 10%.
One of those things that you wonder if you really saw what you know you saw.

posted on Dec, 31 2024 @ 06:37 PM
a reply to: DontTreadOnMe

2020 was a travesty. 81M votes my Aunt Gertrude's arse. Unprecedented corruption right in our faces. Have we finally learned our lesson? Doesn't much matter as long as Congress is what it is. And it's going to be.

posted on Dec, 31 2024 @ 10:54 PM
a reply to: DontTreadOnMe

Hey D? Happy New Year to you n he! Thnx for all you've done.

God bless you too!


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