I was halfway through an email conversation with Merrily when a life threatening 'renewable energy' disaster took all my attention. The 'renewable
energy' disaster trashed my life and regretfully I never carried on the conversation. She was one of the few to speak with full honesty on this
Often when a decent individual with an inquisitive outlook has a close up experience with a big cat in Great Britain they respond by investigating
further. When they encounter undeniable weirdness they often drop their interest, it's too much to cope with when daily survival has to be come
Merrily took it further. She made an honest attempt to make sense of the evidence.
I've seen a snarling black leopard type cat vanish five yards away. A close friend had a relative who saw a black leopard type cat climb a tree, then
vanish. Two respected naturalists I'm aware of saw big cats vanish. The story is repeated over and over again by unrelated witnesses.
British big cats are weird and the narrative control technicians want to squash that train of thought.
Merrily has moved fully to the spirit world.
Pan rest her soul.
She organised the first national Big Cats Conference . . .
a reply to: TimBurr
Hopefuly she felt vindicated when DNA evidence recently proved that there are indeed big black cats in the UK- www.discoverwildlife.com...
RIP Merrily Harpur
Its always baffled me how the authorities have denied the knowledge of big cats for so long.
Did they think society would collapse when the truth came out?
Awww Kester, I am so sorry to hear this My sincere condolences my friend.
Well, you and I have spent many an hour around the camp fire talking about this very subject, including our own personal experiences. I also have no
doubt at all that it was a black cat that circumvented 'camp' that night!
I shall go and watch your video now. Thank you.
See you soon!
Christmas Rainbows!
I woke up and it was snarling at me from five yards away. I was looking straight into it's mouth. I threw my arm up defensively and froze. I knew it
would be far quicker than me and remaining motionless was my best chance. At that point it simply vanished. Trying to make sense of it afterwards I
told myself the shock caused me to momentarily black out. But how could I black out to that extent and remain sitting up with my arm up? The fact
remains, when I examine the memory, the cat just vanished.
Moments later a dog at a nearby farmhouse started barking in a terrified way, half bark half yelp. Then the ominous feeling of a top predator carried
on down the valley. I remained with my arm up, in a state of extreme hyper-vigilance, listening intently, until eventually I settled back and fell
Answering your question as plainly as possible. Real living creature that vanished from sight, but was still there.
The first time I saw one a woman had just painfully told me her husband had unexpectedly died the week before. Then she looked over my shoulder and
said, "What's that?" A black leopard type cat was walking down the edge of the field in front of the house her husband had been born in. The next
weird thing was finding an inexplicable isolated splatter of blood on the snow exactly where I was trying to avoid the area I believed that cat to be.
It was like a message that trying to avoid it won't work.
Some encounters are very odd, other times they're seen plain as day just going about their business.