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How does the evolutionist explain the existence of that first one-celled animal from which all life forms supposedly evolved? For many years the medieval idea of spontaneous generation was the accepted explanation. According to Webster, spontaneous generation is "the generation of living from nonliving matter ... [it is taken] from the belief, now abandoned, that organisms found in putrid organic matter arose spontaneously from it."
Do you begin to see the dilemma of the evolutionists in explaining that first amoeba, or monad, or whatever formed the first cell of life? If it sprang up spontaneously from no previous life, it contradicts a basic law of nature which forms the foundation of the entire theory. Yet, without believing in spontaneous generation, the evolutionist would have to acknowledge something other than natural forces at work - in other words, God. How do they get around this dilemma?
Dr. George Wald, Nobel Prize winner of Harvard University, states it as cryptically and honestly as an evolutionist can: "One has only to contemplate the magnitude of this task to concede that the spontaneous generation of a living organism is impossible. Yet here we are - as a result, I believe, of spontaneous generation." Scientific American
What would be involved in the accidental development of a single living cell? The fact is that the most elementary form of life is more complicated than any manmade thing on earth. The entire complex of New York City is less complicated than the makeup of the simplest microscopic cell. It is more than ridiculous to talk about its chance production. Scientists themselves assure us that the structure of a single cell is unbelievably intricate. The chance for a proper combination of molecules into amino acids, and then into proteins with the properties of life is entirely unrealistic. American Scientist
"From the probability standpoint, the ordering of the present environment into a single amino acid molecule would be utterly improbable in all the time and space available for the origin of terrestrial life."
A Swiss mathematician, Charles Eugene Guye, actually computes the odds against such an occurrence at only one chance in 10(160). That means 10 multiplied by itself 160 times, a number too large even to articulate. Another scientist expressed it this way:
"The amount of matter to be shaken together to produce a single molecule of protein would be millions of times greater than that in the whole universe. For it to occur on earth alone would require many, almost endless, billions of years." The Evidence of God in an Expanding Universe, p. 23.
Through gradual changes wrought in the various species through mutation, it is assumed by the evolutionists that the amoeba turned into an invertebrate, which became an amphibian, then a reptile, a quadruped, an ape form, and finally a man. In other words, the species are not fixed in the eyes of the evolutionists. Families are forever drifting over into another higher form as time progresses. This means that all the fossil records of animal history should reveal an utter absence of precise family boundaries. Everything should be in the process of changing into something else - with literally hundreds of millions of half-developed fish trying to become amphibious, and reptiles halfway transformed into birds, and mammals looking like half-apes or half-men.
Originally posted by Rren
I have noticed many discussions, here an ATS regarding creationism -vs- evolutionism. I have made the argument many times that substantiel evidence for design cannot be ignored, remember for evolution to be soley responsible for all life, including man, you have to assume that spontaneous generation is scientifically valid. In short, how did the first pre-biotic molecules become the first single celled living organisms.I thought i would post some counter arguments, that IMO, are valid evidences of design.
How does the evolutionist explain the existence of that first one-celled animal from which all life forms supposedly evolved? For many years the medieval idea of spontaneous generation was the accepted explanation. According to Webster, spontaneous generation is "the generation of living from nonliving matter ... [it is taken] from the belief, now abandoned, that organisms found in putrid organic matter arose spontaneously from it."
Next I would like to explore mutations as the vehicle by which evolution creates new species:
Through gradual changes wrought in the various species through mutation, it is assumed by the evolutionists that the amoeba turned into an invertebrate, which became an amphibian, then a reptile, a quadruped, an ape form, and finally a man. In other words, the species are not fixed in the eyes of the evolutionists. Families are forever drifting over into another higher form as time progresses.
This means that all the fossil records of animal history should reveal an utter absence of precise family boundaries. Everything should be in the process of changing into something else - with literally hundreds of millions of half-developed fish trying to become amphibious, and reptiles halfway transformed into birds, and mammals looking like half-apes or half-men.
My question for evolutionists(and I, by no means mean to be sarcastic or condescending), is this not a valid observation, should we not have some evidence in the fossil record for these "half-breeds" caught in the act of evolving. Considering the fact that all would accept evolution would have to be a very slow process, wouldn't you expect to find numerous fossils showing us evolution in the process.
If you're doing science, you're following the scientific method. If there is any mention of any sort of god, it is automatically not science. It's not meant to offend anyone who is religious either - there are other things that are studied that is not science, for example black holes. If anyone tries to tell you differently, ask any astrophysicist if studying a black hole is science, and they will say no (and I'm basing this on my department and other departments in universities I have visited).
I guess my point is that it doesn't really matter which is science in a person's eyes. It matters more if it is consistent to what they already believe.
I happen to be a man of science, so I lean towards Gould's work.
Basically your proofs are not proofs of creative design, but arguments against evolution.
BTW, this is just my opinion, but I don't really think this belongs in the science & technology forums.
It should also be noted that both definitions above are very, very simplified. There are many different schools of thought within each theory. Still, it's best to know this before jumping in and "disproving" evolution. To criticise evolution for the shortcomings of abiogenesis would be like me criticizing Ford for making the absolutely crappy Honda Civic
Just a nitpick, really, but evolution doesn't suggest that creatures move into higher forms, just different ones
I get cranky because, by trying to reduce God to a scientific theory, you reduce His glory.
My impression is that people promoting 'Intelligent Design' [a euphamism for Creationism unless you are thinking of aliens] are doing shoddy science and shortchanging people. Their focus is supporting mysticism instead of pure discovery.
Creation Science is an oxymoron...
Thirty years after astronomers discovered the mysterious object at the exact center of our Milky Way Galaxy, an international team of scientists has finally succeeded in directly measuring the size of that object, which surrounds a black hole nearly four million times more massive than the Sun. This is the closest telescopic approach to a black hole so far and puts a major frontier of astrophysics within reach of future observations. The scientists used the National Science Foundation's Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) radio telescope to make the breakthrough.
Originally posted by Rren
While i'll admit that most IDT proponents are either Christian, Muslim or Jew. IDT does not say anything about the designer( IOW God, gods, aliens) it simply tries to show detect or predict design....not designer. If we were designed by aliens(no i don't believe that, never-the-less tho) would that design be detectable/testable, is it only if God is the designer that it's unscientific? IOW we may never be able to prove God is the designer(my belief) but we should be able to detect the design, no?
de·sign (dĭ-zīn')
v., -signed, -sign·ing, -signs.
To conceive or fashion in the mind; invent: design a good excuse for not attending the conference.
To formulate a plan for; devise: designed a marketing strategy for the new product.
To plan out in systematic, usually graphic form: design a building; design a computer program.
To create or contrive for a particular purpose or effect: a game designed to appeal to all ages.
To have as a goal or purpose; intend.
To create or execute in an artistic or highly skilled manner.
To make or execute plans.
To have a goal or purpose in mind.
To create designs.
A drawing or sketch.
A graphic representation, especially a detailed plan for construction or manufacture.
The purposeful or inventive arrangement of parts or details: the aerodynamic design of an automobile; furniture of simple but elegant design.
The art or practice of designing or making designs.
Something designed, especially a decorative or an artistic work.
An ornamental pattern. See synonyms at figure.
A basic scheme or pattern that affects and controls function or development: the overall design of an epic poem.
A plan; a project. See synonyms at plan.
A reasoned purpose; an intent: It was her design to set up practice on her own as soon as she was qualified.
Deliberate intention: He became a photographer more by accident than by design.
A secretive plot or scheme. Often used in the plural: He has designs on my job.
Good science and effective science education requires that origins science be conducted objectively and without an irrebuttable naturalistic assumption, or, for that matter, any other religious or philosophic assumption.
For this scientific reason, we believe schools should encourage their teachers to teach origins science in a way that is most consistent with the scientific method. The use of an irrebuttable assumption is essentially antagonistic to that method.
What would be involved in the accidental development of a single living cell? The fact is that the most elementary form of life is more complicated than any manmade thing on earth. The entire complex of New York City is less complicated than the makeup of the simplest microscopic cell. It is more than ridiculous to talk about its chance production. Scientists themselves assure us that the structure of a single cell is unbelievably intricate. The chance for a proper combination of molecules into amino acids, and then into proteins with the properties of life is entirely unrealistic. American Scientist
Professor G. G. Simpson, one of the elite spokesmen for evolution, writes about multiple, simultaneous mutations and reports that the mathematical likelihood of getting good evolutionary results would occur only once in 274 billion years! And that would be assuming 100 million individuals reproducing a new generation every day! He concludes by saying:
"Obviously...such a process has played no part whatever in evolution." The Major Features of Evolution, p. 96.
"Obviously...a process of simultaneous mutations has played no part whatever in evolution." The Major Features of Evolution, p. 96.
Originally posted by Rren
I have noticed many discussions, here an ATS regarding creationism -vs- evolutionism. I have made the argument many times that substantiel evidence for design cannot be ignored, remember for evolution to be soley responsible for all life, including man, you have to assume that spontaneous generation is scientifically valid.
For many years the medieval idea of spontaneous generation was the accepted explanation.
If it sprang up spontaneously from no previous life, it contradicts a basic law of nature which forms the foundation of the entire theory.
an incredible leap-of-logic to assume this is the natural product of non-living materials to become living and eventually sentient.
What would be involved in the accidental development of a single living cell?
The entire complex of New York City is less complicated than the makeup of the simplest microscopic cell.
"The amount of matter to be shaken together to produce a single molecule of protein would be millions of times greater than that in the whole universe. For it to occur on earth alone would require many, almost endless, billions of years."
Next I would like to explore mutations as the vehicle by which evolution creates new species:
This means that all the fossil records of animal history should reveal an utter absence of precise family boundaries
with literally hundreds of millions of half-developed fish trying to become amphibious, and reptiles halfway transformed into birds, and mammals looking like half-apes or half-men.
evolutionists(and I, by no means mean to be sarcastic or condescending)
is this not a valid observation, should we not have some evidence in the fossil record for these "half-breeds" caught in the act of evolving.
Yet it must not be forgotten that mutation is the ultimate source of all genetic variation found in natural populations and the only raw material available for natural selection to work on
Evolutionists say that mutation is absolutely essential to provide the inexorable upgrading of species which changed the simpler forms into more complex forms. BUT - the scientific fact is that mutation could NEVER accomplish what evolution demands of it
Huxley admits: "The great majority of mutant genes are harmful in their effect on the organism
Other scientists, including Darwin himself, conceded that most mutants are recessive and degenerative
"Obviously...such a process has played no part whatever in evolution." The Major Features of Evolution, p. 96.
I have noticed alot seem to think because you are a christian you are blind to the science of evolution.
simply because they dont believe its proven we evolved into the myriad of earth life out of non-living materials by chance
Originally posted by Rren
If mainstrem science is convinced they allready know Evolution(as a whole) is fact, should not a creationist scientist show the faults in that logic?
Evolution of the cell for example.
So life is not more complex or higher than say 1 billion years ago? That's NOT true, but i'm sure you allready knew that.
Only to study His creation and glorify Him....give credit where credit is due, however unscientific that may be
IDT does not say anything about the designer(