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ILLUMINATION – Reverse Perception Of Cyclic Probability – CEO ASSASSINATION

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posted on Dec, 10 2024 @ 08:50 AM
I will make this thread as concise as possible, as I do not feel this is worth investing too much time or effort into. Nor do I want to validate apparent faked reverse events which are currently taking place

I just felt it important to document this publicly somewhere, online. So that it cannot be said that these certain alignments went unnoticed

Some of you with some understanding of the mysteries may know the exact metaphysical concepts I am describing. Others will not

I will try to keep it as basic as possible so that anyone can follow, even if you are not aware of the phenomena I am speaking of

Within Illumination and the mysteries we go through many years of conditioning and exercises specifically designed to rewiring our linear minds, to see the world cyclically

What we refer to a Complex non-linear dynamics. Something which is broken down into cyclical Probability and Possibility

Probability is, technically, the path of least resistance. That which is most likely to happen. That which has happened before, promoting that which is likely to happen again

Probability is, technically, the path less travelled. That which is least likely to happen. That which goes against expectation, promoting a gateway within alternating cycle

The common alignment of these concepts within religion based on the ancient Illuminated teachings are:

”Christ” meaning “Cycle”
“Prophecy” meaning “Probability”
“Prayer” meaning “Possibility”

“Christ” passes away, in order to return. Dies, in order to be resurrected. Is gone, so that it can “come again”. It is the essence of its literal ancient translation “Cycle”

There is much more to this, which aligns within Sumerian, Egyptian, Norse, Greek (Eleusinian) and other versions of the mystery teachings, as well as the foundation for all science, maths and psychology …

But I am trying to keep this thread concise, so I will move on

Within everything that happens in this world, there is always some degree of opposing counter. Whether it be an exact mirror, backwards, or reversed (note, backwards and reversed are very different things)

Within the process of Illuminated initiation, we are taught to recognise these processes, as I mentioned before

The key of that which is referred to as “Annunaki”, which is one in the same as the mythological story of King Arthur, drawing his sword from the stone

The key to viewing the world cyclically within non-linear dynamics, is recognising these patterns, in how events are “mirrored, reversed, or made backwards”

Within this, there are two sets of sequence used to perceive the world, which are wired into your very conscious mind and the way you perceive the world


Numbers – Primary sequence – Precision and Expansion
Letters – Secondary sequence – Algorithm and Contraction

The basis of these two, as you would see often taught within many of the modern “secret societies” and incarnations of the ancient mystery school, is SYMBOLS

Understanding the original intended meaning of symbols and why they are drawn the way they are is very powerful

It is very literally the binary programming language, that the computers of our brains rely on to interpret the world and ourselves within it

Strings of these symbols, linearly, are very powerful

Strings of these symbols, or their phonetic pronunciation, which are made the same forwards as backwards, are even more powerful

If you want example of what it was that allowed King Arthur to pull the sword from the stone, record yourself saying the name “Arthur” then play it backwards. It will stay say Arthur. It is phonetically perfect backwards, the same as forwards

This is what we refer to as a “phonetic key”

The same as if you record yourself saying “Annuna” and play it backwards. It is exactly the same backwards as forwards

This is the “Annuna-ki”

We learn to read a string of numbers, or a sentence, backwards and forwards. Breaking down every individual letter, word and the whole of the sentence

When you have spent years doing this, you can break a sentence down, phonetically, into countless different “alternate translations”

You can find versions of the sentence, which can be read with the same intended meaning, both backwards and forwards

I am getting too far into this again, so I will get to the point which is, we train our brains to read and perceive things which are linearly manifested “forwards” in both directions

In much the same way as there is a difference between “Time which passes to you” and “Time which passes from you”

The common perception that we are subject to a linear stream, such as time, streaming in one direction, is false

The correct way we are supposed to see this world, is as a focus point within a cycle

That which has just passed, is also that which will last follow, that which is about to come

But this perception is not limited to the stream in the way we think it is

Things we do and choices we make today, are actually intimately linked to things which happened to us in the past

The future, can cause the past. Just the same as vice-versa

It is just hard for most of us to recognise the patterns, because we have spend our whole lives looking forward, thinking of the past as a mechanism which does nothing more than promote us

Now …

Within coming to understand how to visualise these patterns instinctively, something very interesting comes to happen to the Illuminated individuals able to perceive such patterns

We become more and more influential to the patterns, rather than merely being influenced by them

The internalised patterns of “Probability” start to turn externally towards “Possibility”

Within the Sumerian culture, this is depicted as a winged (external) being, carrying forth a bucket of water. Or planting a seed in the back of others heads

Initiate – Internalised – Fisherman/Pisces – Jesus/Isis – Resonance
Ascended – Externalised – Water-bearer/Aquarius – Christ/Osiris – Oscillation

Externalisation of probability to possibility, comes with resistance from the preexisting cycles of probability

Something which is often recursive to the point of destructive

As all patterns are, essentially, frequency seeking equilibrium (El'ohim) within their native torus (Torah/Horus), they will always seek to follow the path of least resistance to the easiest of sequence and outcome

Within such, there are orders of Illuminated such as myself, who seek to cure the world or certain sicknesses within their very core, by whatever means necessary. Who will introduce patterns of destruction into the cycles, if necessary for the greater good

Then there are collective orders of somewhat “Illuminated” individuals who seek to have things remain as much the same as possible. Regardless of how sick the systems may be

Within the latter of the orders, a collective perception based on very particular algorithmic translations of the ancient knowledge are very important

They believe these to act as “keys” which only they can access. By which they seek to have the ancient knowledge known by only a select few. Those who would not seek to drastically alter, or oppose the collective orders which now exist

For the most part, these people are good, decent, and well-meaning. The major problem within such orders, is fear. Fear they are not aware they possess and promote like a sickness

posted on Dec, 10 2024 @ 08:53 AM
For the orders such as my own, Illuminated orders based on money and power such as those who would carry titles such as “Illuminati”, are what we refer to as “fake light”

Those who would seek keep their power and influence at all costs, who interfere with the evolution and forward progression of this world into the new aeon of the water-bearer Aquarius

Inadvertently, many within religion have unwittingly aligned themselves to become part of such an existential blockage. Seeking the return of the fisherman. Without understanding the deeper meaning, nature and importance of what concepts like “Christ” and “Jesus” actually represent

Natively, the Illuminated orders such as my own, are able to influence sequences of “probability” within this world towards “possibility”, by mere consideration

Think of … picking up cash that you would never normally carry and putting the in your pocket before you leave the house, as a type of instinct. Then later that you day, you come to need cash for something very specific, that would have otherwise seen you inconvenienced or missing out

Now, go beyond this …

Think of picking up cash very specifically, because you are sick of a trend moving towards a cashless society. So that later that day, the banking systems are exploited and crash across the country for half the day

Now, go beyond this …

To the point where you see something you know is wrong with this world, and entire systems rise and fall, in order to align a better version of the things you are unhappy with

You become aware of the problem. The problem tries to realign itself. Without you needing do anything other than be a conscious focus point within cyclical (Christ) perception

Within the influence exerted by the genuine Illuminated individuals and orders, this happens on a large scale, which can be near imperceptible. Until the result originates seemingly inexplicably

It works in such a way that the changes come about organically, without unnecessarily hurting anyone (who does not try to intentionally stand in the way of the changes)

Within our order, we say that “Time keeps on slipping over to, what it once was supposed to be. Time has its own way home

This means, that the sequences of things which are put into action, which align to an equilibrium within the way things are “supposed to be” will always pervade naturally through even the greatest collective of people, who try to keep things “the way they are”

That is of course, if the way things are, are not the way things are supposed to be

Within this, it does not matter how large the collective of people aligned to the “false perception” of what we call reality are, they cannot prevent the greater, and more natural order, from returning to what it is supposed to be

Within such, one ascended individual who has been through the true ancient form of initiation, is more powerful than the entire collective of any of the “opposing” forms

… If they seek selflessly, for the greater good

Alternatively, the false orders of light have very specific processes pushed through perceptive systems which try prevent alternating lines of possibility, to sustain the orders of probability which they are comfortable with

Selfish alignment, which will always fall when it cannot be justified to something greater than the individual

Now … To the point of everything I have just explained the basics of


I want to you take a very good look at what happens when gateways of possibility open, that the false light seek to keep closed. In order to keep things as much the way they are as possible

Specifically, how they seek to steer the collective consciousness, using mirrored, backwards or reverse perception

Again, I will keep this brief. You can look any of these details up yourself, if you haven't already seen them

A CEO was shot

Days later, they announce they are looking for a “smiling assassin”, who looks somewhat similar, but is also very different

Very intentionally different. To the point where it can be argued that this is not the same man. Again, this is done very intentionally

There needs to be two paths of “possibility” opened, catering to both sides of perception on this event, in order to then close the paths into the comfortable narrative of probability that they wish to push

The assassin was wearing a beige bag. The suspect was wearing a bag with a colour closer to black

The shirt was also a different colour

The important thing within this, is that two different people, are being pushed as the same person

Then they apparently find the bag

Then they apparently find the suspect in a different state. Still carrying the gun. With a letter which apparently basically confesses to everything

Two states. Two people

Different people. Different ID's

Everything is designed to try align something that happened, to something they want to happen

Then, the man is identified

This is where it gets really good, if you understand the way in which things are made to be mirrored, reversed or backwards, well enough to recognise it being done fluidly in real timeCEO'S WILD CHRISTMAS PARTY RANT GOES VIRAL

A CEO’s bizarre Christmas party pep talk to staff has gone viral after he told workers he took drugs but didn’t “do it at work events”.

Stephen Carter, CEO of recruiting firm Sharp and Carter, gave the rousing speech on Zoom, with one of his 203 employees filming the meeting and posting it to social media.

“I take drugs myself, I just don’t do it at work events,” Mr Carter says in the footage.

“Because that’s when things get really out of hand. If you take drugs at the Christmas party you will be fired. It’s a really strong rule.”

“If you want to cheat on your partner I would recommend 2024 has been a stark reminder it is probably not wise to cheat on your partner with someone at work,” Mr Carter continued.

“If you are going to cheat on your partner and if you have to do it – just don’t do it with someone at work it really becomes problematic as we have seen.

“If you are single we have got lots of people who have met their partner here.”

Here we have a new story trying to “wash” the events with the CEO being assassinated

I take drugs myself, I just don't do it at work events aligns to Health funds, not approving claims for the sick

If you take drugs at a Christmas party you will be fired aligns to If you don't approve the claims, you will be “fired” (literally)

See the alignment?

Every single detail of this story, aligns with their attempt to align a suspect for the shooting, who appears to be a different person to the shooter

“Cheating on the partner”

So, now they have created a person to blame for the killing. There next step would be wash an alignment to wealth and power. Take all attention away from the empire of ill-gotten wealth behind those such as the CEO

posted on Dec, 10 2024 @ 08:55 AM
Which they did in one of the very next stories


His “family empire exposed” is a story in which nearly every single sentence is designed to be mirrored, backwards or reversed, to any empire of wealth which could have been exposed by looking deeper into why this CEO was killed

Which also serves to get all those celebrating the death of the CEO as a win against corrupt exploitation of capitalism, to see their false suspect as a villain. No better than the wealthy he targeted

These alignments are not (completely) intentional. They will it to go away, and systems enact the things they seek, based on their perception of being the dominant (Alpha) alignments in this world

In much the same was as the Illuminated orders such as mine are able to influence the world by mere consideration, these false illuminated groups promote a type of “defence” mechanism through corrupted mediums such as the news media, to protect them from being exposed

… But they are not the Alphas

We classify these orders as “Deltas”. Reactionary. Without any true alignment to the source of creation of their own, of that which people call “God”

It would appear, looking at this incident and everything surrounding it for about five minutes, that someone (or a group of someones) is trying very hard to ensure that nobody looks too hard into who the real shooter is, or why he targeted the person he did

It is much better to simply create a suspect and wash the collective public perception, in hopes to make it all go away

Events like this are gateways of possibility, which are very bad for minority groups who sit very comfortably within systems exploiting the majority

For this reason, it is most important to steer the public perception as far away from celebrating such changes as possible

Find someone and exercise your authority as quickly as possible. Even if you need to completely create a false person or event to do so. So that people do not think they can get away with challenging the 'way things are', or push for 'the way things are supposed to be'

I have only looked into this very superficially. Because going any deeper would risk inadvertently lending the alignment of my own Illuminated order, to whatever this false perceptive disaster is they are trying to perpetrate upon the people

There is much, much more detail I can go into with the alignments, such as the meaning of their names. But there is no point

The fact those such as myself could see this so clearly and quickly, means that their efforts to make this go away, will actually serve to return this back upon themselves exponentially

We refer to this as “Paralapsis”

When you try counter something pushing towards a greater (and more just) alignment than your own. It will always come back on you ten times worse

And you cannot escape a paralapsis, once you have been silly enough to push one against a greater recognised alignment

One thing I can say with a fairly high degree of certainty, is that there is some type of false perception being pushed within this event

If there were not something false being pushed, there would be no need for reflection events to be posted in the news

If they were just, without fault and blameless, they would still be looking for the real shooter

The fact that they are creating ripples and sub-events, means that either everything to do with the suspect is being faked …

Or the entire event is staged and fake

Either way, there is a horribly false perception being pushed. Bad enough that it is falling over on itself nearly as quickly as it is being pushed

posted on Dec, 10 2024 @ 09:04 AM
umm, I just don't know where to begin...too many forced concepts. I think the word count is in inverse proportion to the True Meaning....I think...

posted on Dec, 10 2024 @ 09:48 AM

originally posted by: Compendium
One thing I can say with a fairly high degree of certainty, is that there is some type of false perception being pushed within this event

The fact that they are creating ripples and sub-events, means that either everything to do with the suspect is being faked …

Or the entire event is staged and fake

And yet the man is dead. Nothing 'fake' about that.

I think you need to speak to someone. Professionally.

posted on Dec, 10 2024 @ 11:11 AM
a reply to: Compendium

Within such, one ascended individual who has been through the true ancient form of initiation, is more powerful than the entire collective of any of the “opposing” forms

I'm not sure what part of the world you've been working on but the USA has been in desperate need of 'illuminated' help for a very long time.
Could you please turn the tide? Pretty please?

posted on Dec, 10 2024 @ 11:41 AM
a reply to: Compendium

That was "concise"?!

posted on Dec, 10 2024 @ 11:42 AM
Are you advising that this is an event that will lead to a greater cascade that is not totally related?

I was interested in reading the comments to videos where this news story was posted to see the sentiment and found most to be in support of the shooter. While I understand the general feeling of anger toward CEOs/Corporations it is also important to understand why a person feels anger and bitterness and what they themselves are missing in their lives (deficient) so they can remediate this. Negativity such as that is worth investigating.

posted on Dec, 10 2024 @ 11:45 AM
Here comes or there went nationalized healthcare! 😬

posted on Dec, 10 2024 @ 05:33 PM
a reply to: Compendium

Good to see you posting again, but wow !
As I clicked on your thread, just before reading, I looked at the clock : 11:11, ... LoL !!

I've had breakfast, lunch, and supper pondering your ideas, but still unable to digest mostly.

I love pondering cycles, and liked your pointing to how the illusory nature of time, and how you view it as always : this, here, now.

I can see the false narratives being dropped, and how they may potentially solve multiple "problems" with this one story.

I get the part about how our will can sometimes, subtly influence reality : but I don't get the link to the "assassination".

That seems to be a loaded word as well eh : "assassin."

Just the fact that the media have released so much info on the would-be assassin : raises the curiosity level.

And the vid ?
A disguised pro-hitman, and a disguised stuntman ?
Who among us knows ?

I get the part about how great evolution/ascension, will be/is accompanied by great resistance/dragging-down, but please help me understand how one, the other, or both emanate from our will ?

posted on Dec, 10 2024 @ 06:19 PM
a reply to: Compendium

I completely agree with your post. You talk about things that most people overlook. These are things I think about also. You brought about thoughts I have overlooked. Think you for illuminating my mind with your wisdom.

posted on Dec, 11 2024 @ 01:24 AM

originally posted by: KnowItAllKnowNothin
a reply to: Compendium

I get the part about how great evolution/ascension, will be/is accompanied by great resistance/dragging-down, but please help me understand how one, the other, or both emanate from our will ?

Good to see you also

Direction is the key

You have probably seen me touch on it more than a few times on this forum, but that is because being able to visualise it is very important, towards understanding how anything in this world works. Be it mental, emotional/spiritual, or physical ... Even our ability to consider such things

Many look externally for the source of their creation. "God in the sky", things such as this

Many look internally for the source of their creation. Atoms focused and formed into aggregate life, things such as this

The thing that they all overlook, is that both are inherently correct, they are merely looking in a different direction to those they are at odds with

There is a mathematical concept we are taught in Illumination that was well known in ancient times, that will at some stage in the future be rediscovered, which simplifies this in a way that will eventually lead to an alignment within all the various forms of knowledge and understanding of this world

The simplest form of this is

1 cannot exist without 2
2 cannot exist without 1
And neither can exist without 3

This will make the heads of mathematicians and physicists explode, when they first realise the implications of something so similar, that they have overlooked for so long

1 cannot exist as something by itself. 1 of what? Even if the 1 you are speaking of, is the whole of all known physical existence. There needs be a comparative of form to that 1, being everything which 1 is not

So there needs be a 2. Even if that 2, is simply the negative of empty equivalent of 1

But then we run into a slight problem. If that 1, needs a comparative 2, in order to be 1, then would it not mean that the 1, is merely half of a whole? Regardless of if those two halves are diametrically opposed, opposite, or different

Further to this, who is to say that 1, is not actually 2? And 2, is not actually 1? Even if you were to quantify this with 1 being all known reality, and 2 being the emptiness of everything which cannot be seen or does not exist ... Who is to say that 1 did not originate from/within 2? Making 2 the original 1, and 1 that which came after as 2?

The answer to this is the foundation of all known reality, physics, science, everything. The principle foundation of vibration, resonance, oscillation and frequency. The principle foundation of all science

1 must be equal to 2. 2 must be equal to 1. Regardless of which came first, or which is everything and which is the comparative nothing which allows everything, or the "whole" to exist


1 == 2
2 == 1

But the problem is that neither can be defined as being one or the other, by themselves, without the other

So we still cannot say which one is definitively 1, and which is definitively 2. Both are both. And both are halves of a whole

You need have an origin, and a destination. The only way that this can exist, is with DIRECTION

To do this, there needs be 3, which comes in-between

With 3, you can now say which is 1, and which is 2, based upon where your focus originates from as the primary

The need for 3, also creates the need for every positive, to have an equal and opposite negative. Within which is the basis and foundation of everything we know in science as "force" or "pressure"

This creates the perfect 5th in frequency. The same as you find in music

Which then needs be countered by a negative root (microcosm) return. 2 negative notes for the 7th (seals inwardly, such as the 7 seals and musical intervals) giving us the octave of frequency

A counter to this again, needs to create sub indexes of frequency, as recurrence (5 semi-tones)

All of which promote 12 layers of physical manifested reality

All of which internalise, and reflect externally, in such a way that we can exist within them, whilst also being that which we exist within

The ouroboros. The snake eating its own tail. The essence of the cycle/Christ

So even with direction, and layers of cycle returning upon themselves to promote dimensional phase, and our ability to reflect within the mind and physical consciousness ... How do we perceive what is external and what is internal?

The key to this is the TORUS (Horus/Torah) and equilibrium

This is why all manifest reality such as cells, atoms, planets, galaxies, etc, all exist within a sphere/torus

A sphere is the only shape that can perfectly promote an internal/external balance between two points

We are either within the sphere, looking outwards. Or we are the sphere, making it impossible to look inwards

But, within every layer that we are able to look outwards on, there is a comparable link to the layers within us that we cannot see

The smallest of our atomic structure, is one in the same as the largest of universal spheres

The reason that this is important when it comes to what you refer to as emanation of will, is because it allows you to understand that every single living creature in this world, has an unbroken lineage right back to the source of creation and the formation of this world

If they did not, they would not/could not be here

Everything, emanated from another form, which came from another, which came from another, all the way back to the very first original seed of creation

Whether you see this as the big bang, or God casting forth light into the unknown. They are the same thing

The important part to understand, or at least acknowledge, is that as we originated from the original source, so too are we that source

Within such, we possess the reflective keys of all known creation and "reality"

The cycles within this, such as that we recognise as our days and lifetimes, are a temporary illusion of focus, for something that we have within inherent from the source itself, which pervades through everything and everyone we will ever know ...

That this world will ever know

Every person, creature, plant. Every bug. Is you, and you are it

You are merely a reflection of each other, at massively separated points of focus and direction

If you train yourself to understand this intimately, it will open gateways within your being, where the eminent will is seen to be little more than direction of the source, towards greater (and lesser) versions of yourself

Versions of yourself at different places and times, within the same mechanisms of something greater than yourself. Which is yourself in all that you can be (and will be)

When we remove fear (mind), pain (heart) and impurities (body) in our 3 forms (which align with the 3 I was speaking of earlier, as well as concepts like "Father, Son and Holy Spirit) the will becomes like the flow of water. Not only shaped by that it flows within, but also that which comes to shape everything it could flow within/through/upon

Direction is the key. And understanding that what you are projecting your emanate will towards, is the very same as that from within which such will emanated

It is all direction and reflection

posted on Dec, 11 2024 @ 01:40 AM

originally posted by: NoOneButMeAgain

originally posted by: Compendium
One thing I can say with a fairly high degree of certainty, is that there is some type of false perception being pushed within this event

The fact that they are creating ripples and sub-events, means that either everything to do with the suspect is being faked …

Or the entire event is staged and fake

And yet the man is dead. Nothing 'fake' about that.

I think you need to speak to someone. Professionally.

You are missing the point

It does not matter if a man really died. Or if the whole thing was fake

It does not matter if the person they arrested is the real shooter. Or if that person is a fake

All that matters is the process itself, and the unnecessary "reflections" being created by this event

These "reflection" ripple effects, only take place when something artificial, false or fake is being pushed within the collective, to steer common perception

When these events are real and organic, such ripples do not take place

This makes it very easy to see when some type of deception, corruption or trickery is taking place

This event is just an example of a phenomena that happens within literally everything that is mass consumed within this world

The attempts to steer collective consciousness and perception towards a particular amicable narrative for particular orders and groups of people

Something which used to be very effective, but now does not work at all

Do not misunderstand me, I am not saying that a persons life is without meaning, or that each individual is not special. Only that in the grander scheme of things, their life is only as consequential as the processes they brought into being within this world

We are taught this very early on within Illumination

We experience death, to realise that the common perceptive fear of mortality is irrational

It is not death we should be afraid of, but what managed to promote within this world before we leave

We say, "You either leave behind a legacy for CREATION, or DECAY". In much the same way that we choose to live and exist within either CREATION or DECAY within our time in this world

Did we make this world better because we were here? Did we give more to this world than we took from it in our time here, leave being LOVE and CREATION?

Or did we simply take from this world, and leave being little more than PAIN and DECAY

It could be argued, within this situation, that this particular mans legacy was one of far more PAIN and DECAY, than it was of LOVE and CREATION

But who is to say for certain? Or judge? Unless you are one of those who was personally affected by his time here

The answer would be different between those on the receiving end of the record 32% of denied claims, that he is responsible for litigating within policy, than it would be his family

It could be argued that there is far more people in that 32% than there are family

But again, it really does not matter either way, and is not mine to judge or care about in any form. Such is emotional reflection, which does little more than pollutes the simple rationale and reasoning of the processes

posted on Dec, 11 2024 @ 01:57 AM

originally posted by: nugget1
a reply to: Compendium

Within such, one ascended individual who has been through the true ancient form of initiation, is more powerful than the entire collective of any of the “opposing” forms

I'm not sure what part of the world you've been working on but the USA has been in desperate need of 'illuminated' help for a very long time.
Could you please turn the tide? Pretty please?

I have not completed ascension, and may never. I am in a process referred to as affliction (within tribulation), which manifests unknown sickness, which may end up killing me, before I can personally be of much use to this world

Basically, you cannot align yourself externally with/within this world (as is the purpose of ascension, after you have aligned yourself internally within initiation) ... Without also taking on the sickness of the world

You have to take the bad with the good. The curse with the gifts

The "resurrection" part of the underworld process, in which you overcome such sickness and affliction, is said to be one of the most difficult things that can ever be done in this world. Something that few ever come close to, let alone succeed

It is essentially, expanding your mind to align with (and control/steer) the collective consciousness of the world itself

I am hopeful and positive. But realistically, I may not be here in a few years

I, like many in this world, push as hard as we can against many of the things we see happening in this world. But within initiation, you are generally limited to localised effect to yourself, those around you, and basic elemental manipulation

Within the ascension process, and affliction, your effect is globalised to an extent, but it comes at a cost

Everything I push against, pushes back

The larger the issue I push again, the larger the pain it returns

To the point where I can completely destroy myself physically for some time, and only have minimal lasting effect

The goal is to minimalise the need to push, by making small adjustments that will eventually lead to big change, as to not destroy yourself in the process

Think of it like swimming against the tide of a river, to try get to shore

If you push against it hard, you will probably make some ground against it, but you will also likely drown

You need to learn to swim with the tide, and let it carry you to shore

It may not be exactly where you hoped to be, but at least it will be somewhat like you need to be, in order to persist

One thing I can say ... I am told there are far more Illuminated people being "awoken" in this world now, than there used to be

Many more, every day, are pushing against sickness within the internalise resonant cycles

Which, I am also told, is why you are seeing more and more ridiculousness coming to the surface

This is the sickness fighting against being attacked, defending itself

It will come to a head one way or another. But I cannot say how, or when
edit on 11 12 24 by Compendium because: Added more and made corrections

posted on Dec, 11 2024 @ 02:06 AM
a reply to: Gor3Godd3ss

No problem

Nice to meet you

posted on Dec, 11 2024 @ 02:15 AM

originally posted by: AcrobaticDreams1
Are you advising that this is an event that will lead to a greater cascade that is not totally related?

I was interested in reading the comments to videos where this news story was posted to see the sentiment and found most to be in support of the shooter. While I understand the general feeling of anger toward CEOs/Corporations it is also important to understand why a person feels anger and bitterness and what they themselves are missing in their lives (deficient) so they can remediate this. Negativity such as that is worth investigating.

I am saying that regardless of the genesis or purpose of the event itself, it had the potential within it to act as a gateway to positive change for the greater good

Within what is now being produced in mirrored, backwards, or reverse news stories, there is an attempt to counter this gateway, to negate any possible effects on particular groups who would suffer because of this positive change for others

I think that the attempt to placate the effect is going to lead to some very "turbulent" and unexpected effects for those it is trying to defend

This is what we refer to as "paralapsis"

They try to make a similar "ripple" events, that are supposed to wash off any possible unwanted effect

But if the thing they are trying to wash off, or prevent, has a greater native alignment than that which they are trying to defend, the ripples effect will push back exponentially, until it destroys one or the other

Imagine an echo chamber, that keeps increasing in frequency and getting louder, until it destroys the chamber to find the true and natural equilibrium outside of the unnatural one they tried contain it within

Every time they try block this and wash it away, it will come back worse and worse, until they accept the alignment of the greater gateway that was opened, and accept any appropriate consequences or punishments for the things they have done ...

Or they fall upon their own sword, simply to prove it sharp ...

Or they are completely destroyed

This seems to be one of those types of events to me
edit on 11 12 24 by Compendium because: Added quote and context

posted on Dec, 11 2024 @ 05:34 AM
I'll be honest with you, all those things, minus the manmade words and names have always been with me. I too can sometimes change things deliberately, I just call it something else from the group you seem to belong to.
However despite me calling it human words, I do not actually belong to any group, I am just who I am.

And I am aware that the grouping I use for myself is merely the one I fancy the most and hence go with it.

I don't think you are as special as you think you are by calling yourself illuminated and others who don't belong to your specific group not illuminated.

This shows me that you are still very far from illumination.
Anyone can be illuminated as it is within us all.
Those that think more may come to similar conclusion without any teachings.
Others could too, but some are just not interested.
That is their right too and doesn't make them less human.

Despite of my intuitive knowledge of most things you wrote about, I would never, ever say anywhere or to anyone that I am 'more illuminated' than others.

Each human has a role to play and each role is as important as the next in order to make the world go round.
Even the vilest, dumbest, nastiest, apparently useless humans are important wheels in the machine.

You have sure read a lot and know the words, but it hasn't actually hit home yet, hence your mild grandiosity.

You now need to lose your ego and just teach what you know without making distinctions as to other humans and animals.

You are close, but many others are too, or even further without big show offs.
Think shamans in tribal groups away from abrahamic religions and many other highly illuminated humans and animals all around the globe as examples.

You have nice teachings in some way, in others they are just as weak and shakey as religious teachings.


Because you have locked yourself into one way of seeing the world alone and yet don't see that this knowledge is global and even interspecies.
Animals may be far ahead of us, hence their ability to live as one with nature, accepting inevitable fates and not needing therapists. Most suffering animals had contact with humans.

I know what I know because it just made sense to me. I might change my human knowledge however if I learn something new that makes more sense.
I am not better or more illuminated than others. I might have more intuition when ot comes to certain knowledge than others, but I also know that people who do are just born that way and pursue this knowledge more.
Yet anyone who is truly interested can do that.

Many arent, because they are busy saving people's lives, upholding law and order, fix your car or find out about space, quantum physics or clean your mess after you've been in a hotel.

We are all illuminated in our own ways. I don't get the feeling you appreciate this fact. You are not illuminated, you are stuck in your chosen teachings, yet there are many others.

I know for sure that I know nothing. The universe and it's workings are so vast, we just see a pinhead's worth from a purely human perspective.

Do you feel your teachings? I can't tell. I am too blinded by your illumination.

posted on Dec, 11 2024 @ 08:18 AM
a reply to: Hecate666

"Illumination" is a term for any who seek the mysteries

Because "Illumination" by literal definition, is opposite of the word "mysteries"

Hence the title

This is what the process of seeking the mysteries was, and still is, commonly referred to in most of the ancient mystery schools. As in the title of the Egyptian texts commonly referred to as "The book of the dead". The more accurate accepted modern translation is "The book of going forth by day" or "The book of emerging into light"

The real title of this book is "The book of Illumination"

I have been through this exact initiation process. What would you rather me call it, if not what it has always been called, Illumination?

You seem to be replying under a knee-jerk reaction that the terminology and things I describe imply that I think I understand more than yourself

Respectfully, I can't help you with this

I am describing what I have physically been through, and by such understand

I never implied this is more, or less, than any others are capable of. Other than to say there are orders of "false light" who very literally rely on collective belief as a manufacturer guiding light

They have not been through any of the processes of initiation or the mysteries themselves to properly understand them. They rely only on what they have been told by others

Even within this, I made it clear that these people are generally, for the most part, good, decent and well meaning people. They just suffer from deep seeded fears, which make it hard, if not impossible, to see certain things about the nature of our being and origins

Within Illuminated orders such as my own, we are stripped of such fears within deliberate experiences

The reason for this, is that knowledge can given, but understand can only come through experience

During initiation, we physically experience death, in order to free us from the fear of our mortality. Something we must do willingly, by our own hand. And must be done as a form of sacrifice. Meaning, in a situation where we are forced to make a decision between allowing another to suffer and possibly die for us, or sacrificing ourselves in order to save them

The majority of people who are put through this test, choose to allow another to save them

A good deal of them, beg for salvation

There are entire belief systems built around those that fail this first and most important test of initiation

This ritual process, if we are lucky enough to be revived and survive, gives us a perfect understanding of the illusory nature of ego. That which many refer to as "ego death". Which is for the most part a vastly misunderstood concept

It does not mean realising you are unimportant or no more special than anyone else

It means understanding that "you" are more than the limitations of your physical named self

But, that to understand such, you must be willing to sacrifice yourself to something greater than yourself

You need to be willing to let go of the illusion of self within a mortal cycle of life and death

Because within such, the named self as we know it, is unimportant

"Who" we are is not important. All that matters, is that which we do

Like giving up our life if necessary, rather than ever let another suffer and die for us by choice

Those that try avoid the mysteries, rather than seek them are by definition of the words and what they do, not Illuminated. I do not say this because of my opinions of them personally

It is no different to saying you are not an athlete if you don't play sport

Any who actively seek to bring light into the darkness of this world and it's mysteries are Illuminated

And there are many different forms

And you are right, there are also countless paths to "self-initiation"

My personal experiences, are with the Sinai. The "burning ones"

If you disagree with that I offer, I would love to hear your contributions. I never make any claims to being definitively right on anything I post. And I welcome anything you have to offer on anything I post, in the same way I do from many others on this forum who I learn just as much from, as they do from me

If you think my experiences and terminology come from a place of ego, I cannot help you with this. I am who I am, and my understanding comes from many years of personal experience

The considerations you mentioned about animals (which also extends to plants and the elements) are elemental teachings within the early stages of Illumination

They are in no way advanced

One example, we train in specific forms of mediation, in the middle of open fields, focusing a vortex upwards between our bodies electrical field and the ionosphere, which draws eagles in to circle the vortex above our heads

We gently will birds and bats to "steer" them as they fly. We call them, they come

This is all taught in the early stages of initiation

The more advanced version of this within ascension processes, such as the greater mysteries in the Eleusinian mysteries, are far more potent

You establish a deep emotional alignment with animals

You sense their pain, instinctually. They are drawn to you if they need help

If you lose control of your fire, with things like lust, anger, rage or violence, or push too hard within emotional reflections, animals around you start dropping dead in droves

Not just one or two, dead animals everywhere. Dead by various different causes

To the point where you can literally track the negative pulse moving out around you

We find one black cat found dead under the neighbours house, then another black cat the next day across the road behind my house. Then another black cat the following day at my best friends house the next suburb over

One of my pets dies, the neighbours will die the following day. So I will warn my friends to keep their pets inside

But being able to see the pattern moving outwards and preventing it from hurting my friends pets, only sends it back to me, so more of my pets die

For no apparent physical reason. They are loved and looked after, they just die

And it is almost always in a way that makes it very obviously connected to deep emotional outbursts or reflection

Though this alignment is far deeper than just animals, it extends to people and plants

The sicker I am in my affliction, the more plants around me start to wither and die

The sicker my best friend, with multiple myeloma blood cancer, seems to get

But of course, likewise, it should also be considered me getting sicker because of them

The point is, there is a very obvious connection

It gets much, much deeper, to the point someone close to me I know kills animals he considers to be pests in a very particular way, that echoes to me inexplicably feeling the exact pain of their death, that then echoes to a pet of mine dying from the exact same injury in an accident. Then days later, my friends sister dies from something near identical to what he did to the animals

The connections go far deeper than this still

But it is pointless trying to explain it, as even experiencing it I do not understand it fully myself

But I know it happens and see the connections to the point I can warn people

Anyways ...

I am speaking of understanding gained from my experience

I do not consider it to be anything greater than what anyone else is capable of

However, I have willingly traversed the underworld and done what most are to afraid to

So I will speak as one who has
edit on 11 12 24 by Compendium because: Spelling and spacing

posted on Dec, 11 2024 @ 10:41 AM

originally posted by: NoOneButMeAgain

originally posted by: Compendium
One thing I can say with a fairly high degree of certainty, is that there is some type of false perception being pushed within this event

The fact that they are creating ripples and sub-events, means that either everything to do with the suspect is being faked …

Or the entire event is staged and fake

And yet the man is dead. Nothing 'fake' about that.

I think you need to speak to someone. Professionally.

Mate don't insult someone who is pouring out Knowledge and Wisdom to you and others and asking for nothing in return. He is giving us a Cyclical layout of world events .

To explain cyclical events to someone who can only think in a linear way is much like Christ speaking to his disciples in parables .

We are wired from birth to think of everything as First time happenings , We are born , we live , we die but to accept the reality of reincarnation is totally foreign to 99% of us . Everything you see has happened before , it's rotating in a circle over and over until the balance of conscious enlightenment is reached by us as a whole .

Ecclesiastes 1:9 What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.

The world is filled with over-educated un-intelligent people who think they have a grasp on reality . When in fact most people are completely blind refusing to simply look within and remember who they really are and where they came from .

edit on 11-12-2024 by asabuvsobelow because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 11 2024 @ 03:22 PM
a reply to: Compendium

Thanks so much for your offering.
Here is a nice cup of organic green-tea for you

It approaches incomprehensibility for me, to consider that a kind soul on the "other side" of the world, has consideration for me. Perhaps teaching is learning, as they say ?

So much info is a tad overwhelming for me.
Or maybe 1-2-3 tads ... LoL !!

I think I get the 1-2 parts, and can conceptualize that idea in multiple ways.

Non-duality, then polarity within non-duality, then observation (consciousness) of the polarity, yet still oneness within the field of potentialities ?

Still not clicking on the direction part though.

Is direction similar to massaging a reflexology point on my hand, to alleviate a headache ?

Is direction like being able to see someone post a comment containing some form of judgement, or accusation : wherein we can see that they are actually projecting something from within ?

Is direction smiling at an old lady in the grocery store : then her sourpuss turns to reflect that smile ?

Is direction the consideration that when I feel a type of divine connection, it is similar to what others attribute to an exterior God ?

Is direction the understanding that as-within is mirrored through as-outside ?

I feel that I'm way below average on these, and am considering some kind of mindfulness coach.
( LOL ! Ever notice that most never mention what they are below-avg at, but love to mention what they consider themselves to be above avg in/at ? )

Is direction the conscious observer in the double-slit experiment variations ?

Is there a simpler way to say that 3 is merely focus, perspective, observation, consciousness ?

( Thanks for your patience while I overthink this ! LOL !! )

There is tension, along with the harmony of a fifth.
I wonder if all of us feel music the same way ?
Personally : I love minor chords, so there is some feeling of resolution moving down to the fourth.

There are the notes, the strings, the instrument, and the perception.

Is the movement from the fifth to the fourth : part of the direction ?

Seven steps to an octave : does that relate to the seven seals, the seven seas, seven continents, and the chakras ?

Have you ever seen so many questions in a post ?

Is this Sarah-the-Shaman lady talking about similar concepts, regarding sevens and Krystcycles ?

The Alchemist : Origins of Christ Consciousness - The Kryst Field and its HIDDEN Truth

I meditate, and try self-reiki, but the Chrism/Kryst/Christ/milk-and-honey, doesn't seem to "rise" in my perception.
I never get to the "light-explosion."

I love contemplating the torus, imagining how it flows through my body, and everything else.
My favorite toroidal object to contemplate is an apple.

On emanation : I wish to also encourage you to see, that you also come from a long line of survivors.
You are now surviving the affliction : because survival is inherent in your ancestry.
Your impulsion to reply is strength, from within, somewhere.

Thanks other me.
Peace and blessings.

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