posted on Nov, 7 2024 @ 10:53 PM
Weird as a Canadian I was under the impression our truth and reconciliation was nothing more than a grift to stoke racial tension and ride the coat
tails of BLM with every child matters. Referring to usually not substantive claims of residential school burials. Every child matters cares about dead
natives from 100 years ago but couldn’t give 1 single F about currently living native children who live In squaller. Every child matters except the
living ones….
I am of the opinion that natives are owed nothing and would have been far far better off being completely assimilated rather then segregated and with
no extra rights or treaties just Canadians like any other.
Sure the church and Canadian government had a miss guided attempt too educate a people who were thousands of years behind the rest of planet. I argue
that if the natives where left undisturbed it would have led to even greater stuffing and exploitations by groups who could easily manipulate them as
we all know how easily they traded for guns booze and horses. Ripping off the bandage and attempting trying to educate them as quickly as possible en
mass was probably the best thing that’s ever happened to natives but no one will ever say it.
Before anyone jumps to conclusions my wife is Métis and so are all my children.
But to answer the OP. Maybe he wants to reconcile all the retarded rhetorical bs that’s been slung by msm and the left for years and year and years.
You know nazi,racist, fascist, Russian sympathizer ect.
Or maybe he wants to repair Americans relationship with other countries like you said Russia, Iran,Iraq and Mexico those kind of things.
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edit on 7-11-2024 by Athetos because: (no reason given)