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Tulsi Goes Republican

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posted on Oct, 22 2024 @ 10:06 PM
Looks like Tulsi has decided to join the Republican party, if she intends to work for the Trump admin it's probably a smart move, or maybe even a requirement? I'm not sure how it works, but we might also see RFK Jr switch to R since he also intends to work for Trump. It's so ridiculous how the left just casually labels Tulsi as a Russian agent and RFK a crazy vaccine conspiracy theorist... this idea that "the academic left is the only real authority" has been taken way too far and must be reigned in. Most of the MSM and so called authoritative sources are now the single greatest threat against humanity, and that isn't hyperbole, yet in all their grand wisdom they still fail to grasp that.

posted on Oct, 22 2024 @ 10:27 PM
I think it was wise that Tulsi went Republican. I no longer want to be associated with the Democrats anymore. I kind of feel embarrassed that I was once a liberal Democrat supporter. Never happen again for me.

That does not mean I will not support a good candidate for a local position that is Democrat. We tend to know which candidates here are decent, and some good people here do run on the Democrat ticket and I will vote for an honest local person no matter what party they are running on if they are actually trying to help us Yoopers instead of sucking up to the Democrats downstate whom are doing things to hurt Yoopers overall. Do we really need widespread legal gambling in the U.P? Do we need all the pot stores selling strong Pot that is twice as strong as it should be...It can cause psychosis in some people over ten percent and used frequently which means at least once a week.

Our government should not be enticing people to get addicted to gambling by making it convenient, and they should not be allowing extremely strong strains of MJ to be sold in stores they profit from. Pot addiction does not need to be a physical addiction, in fact most people I knew just got mentally addicted to the buzz.

Plus, what is the fun of smoking it when it is totally legal....I liked the naughty feeling I had from smoking it when it was illegal....years back I even smoked with most of the cops because they trusted me not to say anything. They knew I did not sell hard drugs.

posted on Oct, 22 2024 @ 10:59 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

Whether or not a government should sell recreational drugs is a difficult question to answer, but there's absolutely no doubt it should be legal for us to grow some plants in our own backyard. The fact most countries will allow you to legally purchase alcohol but wont allow you to grow a relatively benign plant in your own backyard always infuriated me, and points out how hypocritical society can be. I think it's a very good thing we've started moving away from that barbaric world where drug addicts are treated like hard criminals and thrown in prison.

I'm always going to lean towards liberty and freedom when given the choice, rather than allowing the nanny state to decide how I should live. We are each responsible for the consequences of our own actions, we are each responsible for our own health. I'm not a particularly healthy person and I'm sure I will bear the consequences of that one day. But I would still like to have the freedom to experience things that might be unhealthy. I don't eat much fast food but I still very much enjoy a burger from McDonalds every couple of months, it's a great treat.

That's why I get annoyed by these people who want to ban fast food or tax the hell out of it so people can't afford it. It's just more nanny state nonsense and it goes against the spirit of liberty. That's also a big reason why the left is now just as much a threat to my bad habits as the right. Several leftist governments are now starting to completely make smoking illegal. Where I live there's very little chance of our leftist government letting me grow or buy weed legally.

The same thing applies to gambling, and anything else which might be considered addictive or bad for your health. Sure it's easy to say we need to ban all those bad things, but I honestly think life becomes sterile and boring when we remove too much of that stuff from our life. It's like those people who never eat any fast food, because eating something unhealthy once a month might shave a few weeks off their life... I would ask, does that person really enjoy or experience life?
edit on 22/10/2024 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

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