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Stealth Reissue Of DOD Directive 5240.01 Expands Military Power To Kill Americans

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posted on Oct, 18 2024 @ 05:18 PM
This, would definitely lead to a short lived civil war.

However I personally feel it's going to be more of another revolution.

The Stealth Reissue Of DOD Directive 5240.01 of 1982: Illegally Expands The Military Power To Authorize The US Military To Kill American Citizens

By Capt Joseph R. John, October 18, 2024 Op Ed 694

As the Republic nears the most important pivotal election in US History, a sinister, illegal, and stealth revision of the DOD Directive 5240.01 of 1982, that deals with “National Security Threats” was  issued on September 27, 2024 by Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, with the support of Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman General Charles Q. Brown, Jr., USAF.  The revision that affects the life and freedom of every American Citizen, was made without the review and pre-approval of the US Congress.  

One previous 2016 change to the DOD Directive 5240.01 of 1982, focused on intelligence collection and it “carefully ensured” the protection of the “Civil Liberties” of every American Citizen. 
That change also emphasized the need for the strict oversight, and the need to specifically authorize the collection of information on any American Citizen---it never included the authorization for the Secretary of Defense to issue an order to allow the US Military to “KILL AMERICAN CITIZENS.”

The expanded definition of "National Security Threats" in the September 27, 2024, change to the DOD Directive 5240.01 of 1982 has raised the alarms and concerns of civil libertarians and advocates of the US Constitution.  
Since the change authorizes the US Military to oppress the “Civil Liberties” of American Citizens in violation of the US Constitution, and that that directive now includes, the never approved authorization, for the US Military to “KILL AMERICAN CITIZENS.” 

The September 27, 2024, change to the DOD Directive 5240.01 of 1982, added DHS’s broader definition of their domestic terrorism threats.  It now newly includes the unsubstantiated “Anti-White Racists” allegation that there is widespread White Supremacism throughout the United States; that “Anti-White Racist” allegation does not and has not ever been proven to have ever existed throughout the United States.

Inserting that there is wide spread White Supremacism throughout the United States was authorized to be included in the September 27, 2024 change the DOD Directive 5240.01 of 1982 by the radical “Anti-White Racist” leadership in the Department of Defense, which includes Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and General Charles Q. Brown, Jr., USAF, who were both selected by Barack Husein Obama to be appointed by Biden.

The September 27, 2024, change to the DOD Directive of 1982 granted military intelligence with the “unprecedented” authority to get involved in the law enforcement of American Citizens within the United States, while authorizing the use of deadly force to “KILL AMERICAN CITIZENS” during domestic disturbances. 
The traitorous September 27, 2024 change to DOD Directive 5240.01 of 1982 was not reviewed or authorized by Congress.  It should have been, since it affected the life and freedom of every American Citizen, but was only changed by the  Secretary of Defense, but most certainly under the direct orders of Barack Hussein Obama, who is in complete control of the Biden administration. 

For the first time in the 248-year History of the Republic, a DOD Directive specifically authorized the US Military, to use lethal force to “KILL AMERICAN CITIZENS” during civil disturbances or street demonstrations. 

In 2009, Obama established a Flag and General Officer Prescreening Promotion Board, it was established, to ensure that only 0-6 Officers who responded affirmatively to a lengthy list of questions posed by the Screening Board, to determine if the O-6 supported Obama’s goal to “fundamentally transform” the nation.  
Only the O-6 Officers who supported Obama’s goals were allowed to go before the Flag and General Officer Promotion Board to be considered for promotion to Flag Rank.  All previously promoted conservative Flag and General Officers who never went before the Obama Screening Board were phased out of the US Armed Forces over the next 8 years.   Only pre-screened Woke Flag and General Officers were promoted to the 3- and 4-star rank.

For the last four years, thousands of invading Illegal Aliens who have no loyalty to the Republic, do not support the US Constitution, and do not necessarily intend to protect American Citizens have been inducted into the US Armed Forces, to help them obtain their US Citizenship. 

At the same time thousands of white conservative senior enlisted personnel who were loyal to the Republic, who protected and defended the US Constitution, and were very protective of American Citizens have been driven out of the US Armed Forces with allegations of White Supremacism, and others for refusing to take the COVID shot on basis of religious issues. 

The thousands of invading Illegal Aliens inducted in the US Army will follow the orders of Woke General Officers to fire upon and “KILL AMERICAN CITIZENS,” in accordance with the September 27, 2024, revision of the DOD Directive 5240.01 of 1982.

Click this highlighted text to read full Article

DOD Directive 1982 Document

As I've said for decades;

Priorities of a "transparent" demoncrat regime never included Americans best interests.

Let it be known, those who knew, tried.

edit on 18-10-2024 by ADVISOR because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2024 @ 06:06 PM
I don’t know about the other states, but in Texas that old quote “a rifle behind every blade of grass” still rings true.

And before somebody throws out the military’s toys, they can’t bomb a city and expect their plan to work. They will be coming after individuals.
edit on 10/18/2424 by Texastruth2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2024 @ 06:07 PM
a reply to: ADVISOR

This, would definitely lead to a short lived civil war.

However I personally feel it's going to be more of another revolution.

You've left many important questions open such as who will win this short-lived civil war or revolution in your opinion?

posted on Oct, 18 2024 @ 06:12 PM
Posted a few days ago here:

Thread closed.


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