posted on Oct, 10 2024 @ 12:10 PM
I'm kinda near Bakersfield and I just saw two military jets. Like idk looked like F22 or maybe do they have a new version of F15? or something
similar [I AM NOT GOOD AT IDENTIFYING PLANES] flying sooooo close together and I mean from my perspective on the ground looked like they were just
feet apart but I know my perspective is wrong. One peeled off and went up straight up, then made a big circle and started doing barrel rolls like i
thought this guy was gonna crash because I could see the sun glinting off the plane and could just see that it was crazily rolling then it pulled out
of it went straight up into the air and immediately then nosedived straight toward the ground guys I thought it was going down but he didn't crash
This is a very weird sight to me out here. I have never seen one jet let alone two that appear to be doing some kind of training maneuvers and what
was weird too about it is that when the 2nd plane started doing the rolls, it also at the same time started having a contrail. Previous to that
maneuver neither plane had a contrail. The first plane flew away when the 2nd started going into the rolls.
Does anybody know of any training or exercises going on out here? These planes were VERY low also I would put it at maybe 10,000ft possibly lower when
they did the first pass over.
That was my excitement for the day.
Well we need more to talk about than that. Have you guys seen any recent strange or interesting activity from military planes? Do they do training
like this frequently? HOW HAVE I NOT NOTICED THIS BEFORE if they are doing it all the time It just seemed like they were pretty low in altitude.
Should I call someone, like Edwards and ask about it? Im scared to call the military hehehehehehe but I have heard others call and ask about activity
before if it was from the base or UFOs so maybe I should call. I don't want to get somebody in trouble.............obviously wasn't UFOs.