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democrats under Obama's Plan "To Fundamentally Transform The US Of A" Into a Communist State

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posted on Oct, 1 2024 @ 04:02 AM
This article is self explanatory. It says exactly what others and I have been posting for years warning about, even decades.

Read for yourself to decide. Are We the People better of than we were four years ago? What about the next four years...

The Coming Election, In 37 Days, Will Be The Culmination Of Obama's Plan "To Fundamentally Transform The United States Of America" Into a Communist State

By Capt Joseph R. John, September 30, 2024 Op Ed 691

We are encouraging every Patriotic American to go to their local theater, to see Dinesh DeSouza’s “Vindicating Trump;” it is a “Must See” film prior to the election.  By clicking on the below listed link, you will see a trailer of the film     VINDICATING TRUMP TRAILER | In Theaters Now ( . 

The attachment outlines what is being planned in 37 days by the Progressives, Socialist Democrats, Marxists, Communists, Obama, Comrade Kamala Harris, Comrade Tim Waltz, and in Communist China’s carefully laid out plans to steal another Presidential Election.
Obama has had his fellow Communist allies register millions of the 18 million Illegal Aliens as possible, that the “Obama Open Border Policy” allowed to invade the US through the wide-open US borders over the last four years, so they can vote for Comrade Kamala Harris in the November 5, 2024, Presidential Election. 

They will also execute their four-year plan to electronically initiate Voter Fraud on election night, to steal the 2024 Presidential Election from President Donald J. Trump by changing his vote totals, as they electronically stole the 2020 Presidential Election from President Donald J. Trump. 

The Socialist Democrat Party has been misleading American Citizens over the last four years about their Progressive policies, attempting to convince the American electorate, that they only want to install an insignificant number of Socialist Policies in the US Government Bureaucracy (over the last 125 years, Socialist Policies have never worked in any government). 

What they have been hiding from American Citizens is that Socialism is the “Short-Lived” waystation, on the way to Barack Obama’s and Comrade Kamala Harris’ final goal, their plan to change the US Constitutional Republic into an oppressive and freedom killing dictatorial Communist Government.

Ayn Rand stated, “There is no difference between Communism and Socialism except in the means of achieving the same ultimate end.”  We now know that Barack Obama, his fellow Communist allies, Soros, Comrade Kamala Harris, Comrade Tim Waltz, Bill Gates, the Socialist Democrat Party, and Communist China’s goal is to register the 18 million Illegal Aliens who invaded the United States over the last four years through wide open borders, so they would be able to vote in the November 5th Presidential Election.  

The Communist policy has always been to enslave Americans, by force.  However, Socialists propose to enslave Americans by convincing them to vote on November 5, 2024, for Comrade Kamala Harris (Biden has already convinced Obama, to turn over all his Presidential powers over to Harris).    It is merely the difference between “Murdering” Americans by Communists, or by convincing Americans to commit “Suicide,” on their own, by voting for Comrade Kamala Harris.

House Committee on Homeland Security Chairman Mark E. Green, MD (R-TN) issued a statement following the release of new data from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) showing that, as of July 21, 2024, nearly 650,000 criminal Illegal Aliens were currently on ICE’s Non-Detained Docket (NDD) and roaming free in communities throughout the United States.

This figure includes 13,099 individuals convicted of or charged with murder, more than 20,000 of sexual assault, and more than 105,000 of assault.  Should American Citizens vote for Comrade Kamala Harris after she has allowed 650,000 Criminal Illegal Aliens to roam freely in communities throughout the United States to commit more crimes?

Should American Citizens vote for Comrade Kamala Harris when she has proved to be incapable of even answering direct questions from the press?  Instead of answering a valid press question, Harris often launches into a meaningless rant that makes no sense.  Comrade Harris is the first presidential candidate, in US history, who has refused to hold a press conference. 

Four years ago, Harris was assigned the task of Border Czar by the President, but she failed to deal with, halt the invasion, or even go to the wide-open border.  Now Kamala Harris is promising to stop the border invasion, if she is elected; when she could stop the border invasion today or could have stopped the invasion on any one day in the past four years.  Has Comrade Kamala Harris proved to the American voters, that she now deserves a promotion from Vice President to President?  

Click on the below listed link to help you determine if she deserves a promotion, and to reflect on if you are better off today, than you were four years ago.

The Culmination of Marxist Infiltration, Part 1”.  It is the story of how Barack Hussein Obama plans to fundamentally change the US Constitutional Republic into a Communist State.

This lengthy article says it all far as I'm concerned. If people still side with the demonic democratic socialist left politically, then that's on them. They have chosen to be domestic enemies of the United States and the Constitutional Republic We the People are.

I've said it before and I will keep saying it.

Love America or LEAVE!

edit on 1-10-2024 by ADVISOR because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2024 @ 06:00 AM
McCarthy was 100% right. We let a good chance to squash this in the 50's go by because the Media and all the Hollyweirds were already owned by the Cabal.

Clearly, the Communist manifesto was noted by the Communist party as "the plan".

Saul Alinsky wrote his treatise "Rules for Radicals" to help set up the hippies to approve of it too so they would trash society and help destroy Capitalism. The problem with that is these Capitalist have already been captured by the Ruling Elite and they are pawns making it look like the actual creative genius type Capitalists are creeps so the public sees "squirrel" when we zoom in on the control of those Corporate players.

Sun Tzu said one can't win at anything if you don't understand who your opponent is and who you are. We are fighting a very long game being played out that began centuries ago in Europe. The Asian sect of this is like the Yeng to their yang. The Islamic folks and the Chinese are their enemies but they use them to get to us in the west. Their intended target is the whole world, but control of the West is holding them back from doing so. The game is ratcheting up on us all.


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