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U.S. Officials have confirmed that Israeli Forces have now crossed into Southern Lebanon

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posted on Sep, 30 2024 @ 04:40 PM

originally posted by: WeMustCare

originally posted by: nugget1
a reply to: putnam6

I bet Biden is ready to scream at some union bosses over the phone !

Just wait until our 'highly educated' college kids get wind of this. Meltdown 3...2....1.

I sure wouldn't want to be anywhere in the middle east right now; Bibi isn't pussy-footing around....and he's going it alone.

Bibi and his top people say they no longer trust Biden Harris. No briefings to the U.S. before or after any operations. Wow

I think he knows about how U.S. insiders may have helped hold back intel before Oct7 ☠️

posted on Sep, 30 2024 @ 04:52 PM

originally posted by: WeMustCare

originally posted by: nugget1
a reply to: putnam6

I bet Biden is ready to scream at some union bosses over the phone !

Just wait until our 'highly educated' college kids get wind of this. Meltdown 3...2....1.

I sure wouldn't want to be anywhere in the middle east right now; Bibi isn't pussy-footing around....and he's going it alone.

Bibi and his top people say they no longer trust Biden Harris. No briefings to the U.S. before or after any operations. Wow

They shouldn't trust them. Remember when Israeli/American relations were so solid, Bush and the King of Jordan got them to stand down as Saddam lobbed SCUD missiles?

America needs to be strong in the Middle East if feels like we are right on the cusp of a shift in attitudes, handcuffing Israel right now is not ideal. The only thing that makes sense is in the backchannels it remains solid as ever.

On 17 January 1991, Iraq initiated a missile campaign against Israel. Over the course of the next month, approximately 42 Scud missiles were fired into Israeli territory, primarily at the cities of Tel Aviv and Haifa.


— Today at 5:16 PM
Tweet • JoeTruzman
FxTwitter / FixupX
💬 2 🔁 9 ❤️ 21 👁️ 2.1K
Joe Truzman (@JoeTruzman)
Hezbollah claims it inflicted casualties on Israeli troops in Lebanese territory. The incident occurred opposite the towns of Adaisseh and Kfar Kila, near the Lebanon-Israel border. Hezbollah did not provide evidence to support its claim.

Faytuks Translator
— Today at 6:21 PM

The Israel Defense Forces' ground movement into Lebanon will be significant but not "major," a senior U.S. official told ABC News.
Media extracted by FaytuksBot•Today at 6:18 PM

edit on p000000309pm096 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2024 @ 05:41 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: SteamyAmerican

Not this, again?
I know right?!

I can’t believe she would say something so blatantly false either.

I totally agree OC2.

posted on Sep, 30 2024 @ 05:45 PM
a reply to: putnam6

Handcuffing Israel?

Is that what we are doing when we send them $ and bombs?

Because maybe I missed something but no matter what nation in the west that says something to try and provide a truce or peace-deal in the region, is immediately blindsided by a new Israeli attack or a reneg by the Palestinian side on terms.

Now I know how this started and questions linger there, but it seems as though Bibi is going it alone even with regards to his own people’s wishes.

This train has left the station and Netanyahu keeps moving the go-posts for what a “victory” means.

posted on Sep, 30 2024 @ 05:57 PM

Faytuks Translator
— Today at 6:54 PM

BREAKING: The Israeli ground operation in southern Lebanon started, Israeli officials said
Today at 6:52 PM

posted on Sep, 30 2024 @ 06:03 PM
a reply to: putnam6

Good news 👍
Hopefully they brought their high boots.
There are lots of terrorist turds to flush in Lebanon.
The Lebanese people will be better off for it with hezbollah gone, finally.
Israel should send UN the bill for it.

posted on Sep, 30 2024 @ 06:09 PM
a reply to: SteamyAmerican

How long should a country put up with indiscriminate rockets being fired at them?

Hezbollah was the tip of the spear for Iran. It was the linchpin holding back Israel from pushing all the proxy fronts or Iran directly.

Israel used their intelligence agency to find a weakness and have been applying exponential pressure since.

I don’t think they’re above criticism. I believe we should question their lobbying and political influence on the US. And I’m vehemently against any legislation to block protest against a foreign power we have no defensive treaties with.

But I absolutely understand and appreciate their will to survive from a position of strength. It’s truly rare to see these days.

I don’t feel sorry for them crushing the ideologies that are a stain on this planet. I’ve also defended the protesters against Israel on this board while being labeled. We don’t have to subscribe to ideological dogmas. Many things can be true at once.

posted on Sep, 30 2024 @ 06:13 PM
Israel is only ever able to tip toe into Lebanon through the ground since they agreed to leave in 2000. Typically they just stop and turn around after heavy Hezbollah fighting. Despite the death of key leadership, these people have an ideology that transcends one leader, or several of them. I do not see history changing this time around. I don't expect Israel to take much ground. Ants have tunnels all over the place, and they just keep streaming out from the Earth like a portal from Hell that never closes.

I know they have specific goals along the border, so whatever it is they better get them done quickly.

posted on Sep, 30 2024 @ 06:27 PM

originally posted by: SteamyAmerican
a reply to: putnam6

Handcuffing Israel?

Is that what we are doing when we send them $ and bombs?

Because maybe I missed something but no matter what nation in the west that says something to try and provide a truce or peace-deal in the region, is immediately blindsided by a new Israeli attack or a reneg by the Palestinian side on terms.

Now I know how this started and questions linger there, but it seems as though Bibi is going it alone even with regards to his own people’s wishes.

This train has left the station and Netanyahu keeps moving the go-posts for what a “victory” means.

Yes Delbert, concerning how America's relationship used to be with Israel, the current US administration is wishy-washy whereas in the past American support was ironclad both publically and behind the scenes.

There's a difference between unconditional support and conditional support.

BTW military aid is not given it is bought and paid for by Israel, who also supply America with thier warfare tech discoveries, those dollars keep the MIC happy and employ thousands of Americans.

The aerospace and defense sector of our economy is essential to a strong economy, and if we are going to have an ally in the region it needs to have similar values. Do I trust them no, I don't, but who is trustworthy anymore? Especially in the Middle East

Apr 20
The U.S. House of Representatives has Passed all 3 of the Military Aid Bills to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan today by a Vote of 316-94, with the Bills in Total being Worth roughly $95 Billion.

posted on Sep, 30 2024 @ 06:27 PM
Good luck, Bibi...when you get nuked, don't call us! Okay?

We've got other 'fish to fry'...sorry.

posted on Sep, 30 2024 @ 06:32 PM
a reply to: CriticalStinker

Understandable. Truly.

I guess I’m most upset with the US for being complicit and aiding the destruction of others in their affairs and those of their enemy. Whatever the angle one sides with.

I believe whereas we should concern ourselves with our own issues. Ie victims of Helene. Without derailing I’m just lamenting there is a lot of woe in the world and we seem to be more concerned with that than our own henhouse.


posted on Sep, 30 2024 @ 06:36 PM

originally posted by: WeMustCare

originally posted by: Dalamax
Special military action or is it a declaration of war?

a reply to: putnam6

Either way, all they have to do is take out the top leaders.... The four or five men who supply the money, weapons, plans.

And keep taking them out with cruise missiles until nobody wants to be a top leader.

The organization then collapses... And all the fighters return to their home towns.

They’ve already replaced Nasrallah and also issued a statement saying they have replacements for their other top
leaders in case of sickness, injury, etc…. Taking these guys out is not the slam dunk you think it is. I believe we just had this conversation, the terrorist aren’t going anywhere, there will always be someone to take their place.

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