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Russell Brand and Vivek Ramaswamy talk about throttling of election content by Google AI

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posted on Sep, 30 2024 @ 09:22 AM
Hi folks,

A very brief thread to highlight an extremely important issue that any Trump voters should be very aware of, in order to hopefully take actions to counter the impact of the throttling I will discuss, whereby the Trump campaign is being de-amplified by the Google AI, and the Harris campaign is being amplified by that same AI. At the current rate, with the fake polls pretending that the election campaigns are much closer than they actually are (Trump is clearly legitimately quite far ahead right now, based on rally attendance & online independent media spaces blowing up in his support), it is very likely that this deliberate & media-pushed poll fakery will provide 'cover' for devious election interference & manipulation of the voting tally by the Harris campaign when November rolls around.

Google is the world's premier search engine whether we like it or not, and Vivek Ramaswamy/ Russell Brand have both become very aware of just how much of a problem the throttling of traffic in favour of the Harris campaign actually is right now. The humans at Silicon Valley tech companies have been training the Google AI with a host of attendant biases in favour of leftist politics, and specifically in favour of the Harris campaign, before letting the AI loose to 'take control' of the traffic management of traffic linked to Google's patrons' actions online. That way, those self-same humans can claim that it is only the AI which is impacting content for whatever reasons they might claim, when in fact the biases have been trained-into the process of the AI's management of content online when a Google search is run. This has the potential to be devastating, with Trump being de-emphasised by the AI processes, it could mean that a whole bunch of undecided simpletons who don't understand that this is what's happening could ultimately turn around & vote for the Harris campaign based on the propaganda that has flooded their senses if they rely on Google to obtain information regarding political matters.

If you are a Trump supporter, may I request that you take action to counter the effects of this propaganda amplification, perhaps by selecting some great Trump content (funny is good, but with serious policy information too) & emailing it to ten friends, once a week sending a new piece of content to all ten. Simply dressed up with 'Thought you might like to see this', etc. Especially if you can find a way to make that content relevant to the person receiving it, that could be an effective way to sway the minds of people who are on the fence. Ensure you avoid preaching to the choir, this is definitely a twisted & deceptive campaign from the Democrats, so it's time to make it personal by analogically amplifying Trump content to the people you know/ are acquainted with, especially independents on the fence.

Just a thought. If you can not only do this, but also encourage five other Trump supporters to do the same thing each week, then there's a chance that a chain reaction will be instantiated (like those chain letters in the eighties!), meaning that Trump will benefit from a host of additional votes that he might not otherwise have received. Encourage every person you convince to carry out this mission to 'pay it forward' and similarly convince five of their contacts to do the same email shots, and again, and again, paying it forward, and so on & on - ad infinitum.

Google has a lot of power, but simple mathematics, along with easily shared personalised content, could still legitimately tip the scales in Trump's favour.

Best wishes & blessings from a UK-based Trump supporter!



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