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By age 18 you should have 70 shots

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posted on Sep, 25 2024 @ 07:20 AM
And if that was not bad enough 27 shots by the age of 2 !
A very short video from Rumble ... ask yourself are all those shots necessary ? 70 divided by 18 means 3.66 shots a year or knock off the 27 they get by 2 years of age and start figuring for 16 years which leaves 43 shots or 2.68 every year until 18.. The lady is speaking before an American health board in D.C. and gets a standing ovation for her efforts. I have a friend who has a baby that is almost 2 years old. I asked her how many shots the child had received and she said none. I then told my wife about the 27 shots they want to give kids before 2 years of age in America and she just shook her head in disbelief..

posted on Sep, 25 2024 @ 07:45 AM
I think there are extremes on both ends. Vaccines are not bad in general and do a lot of good. Is your friend open to Chicken Pox Parties, or doesn't care if their kid gets measles? Measles is extremely infectious and killed off 100 million Indians. If you do not have long-term issues, you still end up with lifetime scars.

About 6 years ago, one of my workers was 100% no vac, all-natural foods and meds. She died in her mid-30s of curable breast cancer.

posted on Sep, 25 2024 @ 07:48 AM
a reply to: 727Sky

Have Americans become healthier over the last 40 years?

posted on Sep, 25 2024 @ 08:22 AM
70 sure autta be enough to create as many newMKULTRA targets as they want. 😬

posted on Sep, 25 2024 @ 08:50 AM
I think we need to see the safety data, got into an argument with a co-worker who told me every shot has 2-3 vaccines in it.

So I asked your telling me the pediatrician lied to me when my son got his shots? He said yes the doctors just say whatever the medical industrial complex says.

Now I want to say he ended at 12 jabs 6 years ago 2-3 every 3 months or so, 70 is absurd and the biggest problem I see (other than a distinct lack of safety data being available) is many places try to give all the jabs in one go and its hurting/killing babies.

posted on Sep, 25 2024 @ 09:08 AM
Interesting thing…
My father just came out of blood cancer treatment and a bone marrow transplant.
Killed his whole immune system and now it’s building back up from zero.
They just told him he has to take all of his shots again from day 1.
32 of them because he’s immune to nothing.
Hopefully they won’t make him take the Covid experimental gene therapy.

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