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AOC says that censorship is necessary

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posted on Sep, 24 2024 @ 10:56 AM
I’d believe her.

If only she was clutching a chain link fence faux sobbing while making this claim.

posted on Sep, 24 2024 @ 10:56 AM
a reply to: pianopraze

What do you expect from a person that worship and surround herself with nothing but muslin terrorist butt kissers that had infiltrated our politics.

AOC hates America hates the American people and American ways, she hates the constitution but loves power.

Typical democrats.

posted on Sep, 24 2024 @ 11:01 AM
a reply to: Tolkien

Well now, here is a perfect example of spreading false or at least misleading information.

particularly when that other adult is some low iQ self-appointed dingbat ex-barmaid

In fact, Cortez graduated cum laude from Boston University with a double major in international relations and economics. Hardly indicative of a ''low IQ.'' Also, she is not ''self appointed''. She was elected by the voters in her district. So in that one sentence you have helped to promulgate two different cases of false information.

posted on Sep, 24 2024 @ 11:01 AM

originally posted by: BingoMcGoof
Maybe this will help us understand

Why would one side ask for Censorship and the Other side doesn't ?

If I'm in a debate and I know I've got no Facts or Reason to stand on. The best I can do is Obfuscate the very subject at hand.

Talk in circles and play on the emotions of my audience . That is all Kamala , AOC and the rest of them do . It's simple; People Cry censorship when they are the ones losing the Argument .

When Information , Facts or Knowledge in general are seen as Toxic or Harmful then something has gone terribly wrong .
edit on 24-9-2024 by asabuvsobelow because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2024 @ 11:05 AM
a reply to: grey580

And yet she still openly stated that the reason unemployment was down was because people were working multiple jobs.
College graduate != intelligent.

posted on Sep, 24 2024 @ 11:05 AM
a reply to: BingoMcGoof

In fact, Cortez graduated cum laude from Boston University with a double major in international relations and economics. Hardly indicative of a ''low IQ.'' Also, she is not ''self appointed''. She was elected by the voters in her district. So in that one sentence you have helped to promulgate two different cases of false information.

Mate a College Degree does not make a person Intelligent . In fact it's usually the opposite . College graduates have the habit of never growing beyond their College education. Not only that they are hostile to anyone who threatens their bought and paid for Idealistic Brain.

Medical Doctors and Engineers are about the only College Graduates who can say they are intelligent just because of their education.

posted on Sep, 24 2024 @ 11:07 AM
a reply to: BingoMcGoof

Stop equating college education to intelligence. She's a moron. Example: Graduated with a degree in economics, but doesn't understand how unemployment is calculated.

posted on Sep, 24 2024 @ 11:13 AM
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

I do not disagree with what you point out, yet the question is about spreading misinformation, that is what she was talking about in the video, right? What do we do about it. Here, we discuss the issue and point out cases where misinformation appears. I have already pointed out a case of that in another thread.

Here, in your reply, even as I agree with all your points, I also see that by omission, you have spread misinformation by selectively pointing to ''Kamala , AOC and the rest of them do '', without pointing out the entire scope of their adversaries doing exactly the same thing.

posted on Sep, 24 2024 @ 11:13 AM
Its fairly straight forward.

We judge someone by their behavior. How does she behave?

What does she stand for? Murder of the unborn
law breaking non citizens
Spewage of false information
lockdown of true information
Disarm Law abiding citizens
Rob the US and send its time and treasures elsewhere to undeserving slobs

You know something? With behavior like hers, she should be quickly packed up and deported into a nation that runs things the way she likes. Venezuela comes to mind

posted on Sep, 24 2024 @ 11:13 AM
a reply to: BingoMcGoof

I am Puertorrican just like the AOC person, guess what we do not like her, just like we do not like Sotomayor.

She is on power trip and she has always been, she has failed her own voters and doesn't give a crap.

She will gladly sell America to the darn globalist when the time is right, because all she wants is power.

posted on Sep, 24 2024 @ 11:19 AM

originally posted by: MrGashler
a reply to: BingoMcGoof

Stop equating college education to intelligence. She's a moron. Example: Graduated with a degree in economics, but doesn't understand how unemployment is calculated.

Don't forget the Amazon HQ tax break debacle -

In it, Ocasio-Cortez said: “If we’re willing to give away $3 billion dollars for this deal, we could invest those $3 billion dollars in our district ourselves if we wanted to.” She added: “We could hire more teachers. We can fix our subways. We can put a lot of people to work for that money if we wanted to.”

She's an idiot.

edit on 9 24 2024 by underpass61 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2024 @ 11:21 AM
a reply to: BingoMcGoof

Did I assume anything?

I asked for clarification on your position.

Thank you for providing it.

I think moderation on ATS has been superb. I read that posts as the mods are frustrated and will act in manner they list. I always try to avoid attacking individuals. Sure I haven’t been perfect in heat of moment. I’ve taken breaks from ATS in the past for my own mental health when I get overly frustrated.

posted on Sep, 24 2024 @ 11:21 AM

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow
a reply to: BingoMcGoof

In fact, Cortez graduated cum laude from Boston University with a double major in international relations and economics. Hardly indicative of a ''low IQ.'' Also, she is not ''self appointed''. She was elected by the voters in her district. So in that one sentence you have helped to promulgate two different cases of false information.

Mate a College Degree does not make a person Intelligent . In fact it's usually the opposite . College graduates have the habit of never growing beyond their College education. Not only that they are hostile to anyone who threatens their bought and paid for Idealistic Brain.

Medical Doctors and Engineers are about the only College Graduates who can say they are intelligent just because of their education.

Guess what As, I've heard that argument throughout my life and you know what, I agree with that on one level it is true. However it is also true that graduating as she has with a double major IS indicative of intelligence. You and others can interpret that how you like, and so can I,but those opinions are nothing more than opinions and should be stated that way,

For instance you say '' In fact it's usually the opposite''. Certainly THAT is an opinion and not a fact, that is unless you have some really impressive statistics to back it up.

posted on Sep, 24 2024 @ 11:22 AM
a reply to: grey580

She attended Yorktown High School and later Boston University, where she double-majored in international relations and economics, graduating cum laude.

...and she used that lauded education to become a bartender.

I've met a lot of people who are book smart, but can't figure out how to change a flat tire. In my language that's known as "Couldn't pour piss out of a boot with directions on the heel"

posted on Sep, 24 2024 @ 11:23 AM

originally posted by: grey580
a reply to: Tolkien

That low iQ dingbat graduated Boston University cum laude.

So she was in either top 20-30 percent of her class.

if she is so smart, how is it she doesn't comprehend the First Amendment to the US Consitutuion that she swore to uphold and defend?

This is easy stuff. I'd really like you to answer.

posted on Sep, 24 2024 @ 11:24 AM
She wants censorship because AOC is a marxist, just like most democrat politicians, plus she wants to make sure that her voters doesn't knows what kind of failure she is.

Hell she does not want the rest of the nation to know her failures.

NYC neighborhood in AOC’s district blasted as ‘third world’ conditions with illegal vendors, prostitution on streets

AOC’s district saw 57% increase in major crimes under tenure

NYC residents in AOC's district furious over 'unbearable' migrant crisis, crime: She 'abandoned' us
Rachel Campos-Duffy tours AOC's district to speak with residents about 'unbearable' conditions

AOC shouted down during chaotic NYC town hall: ‘You’re a piece of s–t!’

No wonder she wants censorship.

posted on Sep, 24 2024 @ 11:24 AM

originally posted by: BingoMcGoof
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

I do not disagree with what you point out, yet the question is about spreading misinformation, that is what she was talking about in the video, right? What do we do about it. Here, we discuss the issue and point out cases where misinformation appears. I have already pointed out a case of that in another thread.

Here, in your reply, even as I agree with all your points, I also see that by omission, you have spread misinformation by selectively pointing to ''Kamala , AOC and the rest of them do '', without pointing out the entire scope of their adversaries doing exactly the same thing.

Who decides who gets to decide what is misinfo or lies? What if somebody else proves the misinfo is true and accurate? 🤣

Remember all 51 of those intelligence people that said the Dossier was true all had college degrees and impeccable credentials! Who explains THAT?

posted on Sep, 24 2024 @ 11:28 AM

originally posted by: BingoMcGoof
a reply to: Tolkien

Well now, here is a perfect example of spreading false or at least misleading information.

particularly when that other adult is some low iQ self-appointed dingbat ex-barmaid

In fact, Cortez graduated cum laude from Boston University with a double major in international relations and economics. Hardly indicative of a ''low IQ.'' Also, she is not ''self appointed''. She was elected by the voters in her district. So in that one sentence you have helped to promulgate two different cases of false information.

Are you aware of how she was brought into politics? The Justic Democrats put out an add and her brother answered for her. She was interviewed, and won the job. What job? Being the face of the campaign. I'm sure she graduated in a good spot and did well on tests as your post implies. But in this thread, the issue is she is going directly against the first amendment and for some reason, that has become a popular position.

Can you explain who should monitor and decide which speach is allowed? Or do you not agree with her on this point?

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