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posted on Sep, 23 2024 @ 02:32 PM
You should be aware by now that we are short staffed and stretched thin. That coupled with the staff abilities being hamstrung by a previous administrator and a most contentious political environment have caused a reevaluation of moderating strategy. Post removals are having no effect. Warnings and in-thread admonishments are having no effect. Short term post bans are having minimal effect, and only while the post ban is in place.

Effective immediately, anyone failing to adhere to the requirements we have shared, to the point of absurdity, resulting in a Political Trolling post deletion will generate a lengthy post ban, length to be determined at staff discretion. You can reasonably assume it could last until after the US election. This is not negotiable or up for discussion.

As a reminder, new accounts are no longer being activated, so circumventing a post ban with a new account is no longer possible, and full account bans are permanent.

Please proceed accordingly.

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