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posted on Sep, 20 2024 @ 10:44 PM

So my 6 year old went up to a little girl in his jiu jitsu class and struck up a conversation, asking if she could come with us next time we flew to see the family in florida.

I laughed and said dont think so son.

We get in the car and I ask him if he liked her, he got flustered (rare for him) and said yes, and I better not say its sussy. I just smiled and said nothing wrong with liking a girl... he then went into an explanation on dating and that sometimes on a date people kiss.

I pointed out that before he came along I dated mommy and that we still kiss... "yea but thats sussy" (suspect for us old farts), I didnt give him any grief and we just rolled into his post class music.

Little dude constantly surprises me, 100% fearless if he doesnt know the girls around him, or in jiu jitsu, or even class at school. normal social situations he is a chip off the old block, gets flustered and awkward.

I hope he keeps this mentality, kind of hoping the marital arts training gives him that belief in himself to help when things get truly awkward later in life.

Cant imagine not having him around.

posted on Sep, 20 2024 @ 10:59 PM
a reply to: Irishhaf

I can tell you cherish every moment of watching your son growing up. Just know the best is yet to come, that incredible day you gain a daughter and the frosting on the cake: when you become a grandpa!


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