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Eritrean gangs clash in 10-hour riot during 'cultural celebration' North Carolina

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posted on Sep, 20 2024 @ 09:03 PM
it appears that Eritrea is what some call the North Korea of Africa. they've got a little kim wanta be who's been the "president" since 1993 and is a dick tator with no kind of elections, no free press and have to get permission to leave.

President Isaias Afwerki, 77, has led Eritrea since it won independence from Ethiopia in a long guerrilla war. There have been no elections. There’s no free press. Exit visas are required. Many young people are forced into military service with no end date, human rights groups and United Nations experts say.

and yet it appears that this is not the only place these riots have broken out in other countries with pro government and exiled Eritreans

Some Eritreans and state-backed media have blamed attacks in Stockholm, Toronto and the German town of Giessen in part on ethnic Tigrayans from northern Ethiopia. That’s where Eritrean forces joined Ethiopia’s military in fighting a two-year war against Tigray forces until a peace deal was made in November. Eritrean forces were accused of some of the worst atrocities, including gang rapes. Kassa Hailemariam, a U.S.-based advocate for many Tigrayans, told the AP “it is ridiculous to blame Tigrayans for the global Eritrean movement against the age-long dictator in Asmara,” Eritrea’s capital. “We are not part of this movement!”

both quotes come from here,
Eritrea’s repressive government criticizes exiles who attack overseas festivals as ‘asylum scum

this sounds like a cluster f____ from the get go.

edit on 20-9-2024 by BernnieJGato because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2024 @ 11:09 PM
Red Dawn just Walked across the Border.
or they were Flown in by the Byedone Admin.

originally posted by: VariedcodeSole
a reply to: watchitburn

As part of a REAL infrastructure plan, (not like the one that has NEVER materialized if you haven't noticed), we need to allocate resources to locate, apprehend and permanently relocate these barnacles back to wherever to they came from.

It really needs to be our priority ONE.

Second, would be to locate, apprehend and prosecute the facilitators and schemers of this wildly treasonous invasion.

We need a foundational return to law and order. Can't move forward without it and the left doesn't want it.

"We are not going back" because they are going to jail or worse otherwise.

Still a lot of fun ahead though, so turn those frowns upside down!

We still have uprisings and revolts to contend with, coming soon! OH, and just wait until the domestic gangs form truces with the illegals! Oklahoma is absolutely over run with cartel and Chinese national illegal marijuana operations.

Some areas you can't even go into unless you like having AK-47's point at your nose. They've completely taken over SOVEREIGN UNITED STATES SOIL and are fiercely defending it!!

So we haven't even got to the part where we will HAVE TO have major military and law enforcement operations to clear out our public lands...

So much excitement and action ahead!!
Enjoy everyone!!

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