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Ex-Border Patrol Chief Testifies that Biden/Harris Ordered Media Cover Up!

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posted on Sep, 19 2024 @ 06:25 PM
This should concern us all, but I know there will be those who ignore the significance of this testimony.

The Biden/Harris administration has put all Americans in danger with their laissez-faire approach to the border and ordering the border patrol Chief to cover it up.

There is no telling what dangers walk our streets because of what this rogue administration has allowed.

It's beyond words what they have allowed to happen.

The video is @ 5 minutes long, please take the time to watch. Anyone who has lost a family member to fentanyl should be furious.

edit on 19-9-2024 by TheLieWeLive because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2024 @ 06:44 PM
I won't tell you who you should vote for, but after this testimony there is one clear choice of who you shouldn't vote for.

posted on Sep, 19 2024 @ 06:50 PM

originally posted by: TheLieWeLive
This should concern us all, but I know there will be those who ignore the significance of this testimony.

The Biden/Harris administration has put all Americans in danger with their laissez-faire approach to the border and ordering the border patrol Chief to cover it up.

There is no telling what dangers walk our streets because of what this rogue administration has allowed.

It's beyond words what they have allowed to happen.

The video is @ 5 minutes long, please take the time to watch. Anyone who has lost a family member to fentanyl should be furious.

Thanks for posting you are right our border issues have such far-reaching consequences it should be the top priority for any rational and thinking voter

posted on Sep, 19 2024 @ 06:50 PM
Ok I’m a libertarian past the half century mark.

I vote mainly independent, but when I vote D or R I’ve voted almost 50/50 in the past.

The democrats have now become so corrupt and so totally in control of media and the permanent government workers that this is no longer possible.

They are becoming too bold and too consistent in their corruption to vote for until this trend is rectified.

posted on Sep, 19 2024 @ 07:30 PM
This is even more proof of that stupid ass Democrat Border Bill was all BS and it contained lots of poison pill flop house red herrings. 🐱

posted on Sep, 19 2024 @ 07:34 PM
It's clear The Cartels have big money influences over the current Administration especially the Majorkas DHS. ☠️🚬

posted on Sep, 19 2024 @ 07:57 PM
If Border Patrol was having such problems for the last 4 years, we only have Donald Trump and Congressional republicans to blame for rejecting the Democrat board bill two months ago. It's all their fault.

posted on Sep, 19 2024 @ 08:14 PM

originally posted by: Dandandat3
If Border Patrol was having such problems for the last 4 years, we only have Donald Trump and Congressional republicans to blame for rejecting the Democrat board bill two months ago. It's all their fault.

I wish you would study the facts and inform yourself a little bit better. Do you realize that the bill you're talking about would have allowed up to 5000 illegal immigrants a day to come into America before the border could be closed, which would have kept all of them out? Do the math yourself, please. 5000 illegal immigrants per day equals 1,825,000 illegal immigrants to invade our nation per year. Let me repeat that so maybe it will sink in to you. That bill you're talking about, which the Republicans killed, would have allowed almost 2 million more illegal immigrants into our country each year. How is that going to solve the problem? THAT IS THE PROBLEM! I'm glad the Republicans killed the bill. And you should be glad, too, if you really care about the United States of America.

You do care about this country, riiiiight?

posted on Sep, 19 2024 @ 08:25 PM
a reply to: Station27

Unfortunately the Democrats cannot be troubled enough to read a bill beforehand.

Just like those who stop reading at the news headline and need a reporter to tell them what to think and feel.

"We have to pass the bill before you can see what's in it" - Nancy Pelosi

edit on 19-9-2024 by TheLieWeLive because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2024 @ 08:30 PM
I've been puzziling over the immigration problem for some time, and it has always seemed to me that it's just a symptom of a much deeper issue than just workers, voters, people fleeing oppressive regimes, etc.

I think I may have touched on a reason why our government has done nothing to find a real solution.

In the 1970's we began seeing technology eliminate the jobs that people once filled; a machine could do the work on ten people. It's only ramped up trough the years.

Those displaced people often found their manual labor skills were no longer needed. Homelessness began to slowly rear its ugly head, and it's only increased as the replacement of people by machines also increased.

How can you hide the fact that fewer and fewer people are needed in the work force? I'll tell you how; you flood the country with enough drugs to placate them. Then you blame the homeless problem on drug use!

The time came when even the highly educated, who paid triple digits for their degree couldn't find work in their speciality field.
You flood the country with imigrants because they'll do the work Americans won't lower themselves to do, no matter how hungry their families are....and you keep those drugs flowing.

The homeless problem is now blamed on drug abuse; not the fact that the job market is imploding, or the fact that the migrant popluation is overwhelming the system and exacerbating the root of the problem.

Fortunes are being made by all the new organizations designed to deal with the problems homelessness and illegal immigration are causing, when the root cause of the issue just may be that modernization has eliminated the need for so many people. The blame is successfully transfered to the people, and not those responsible for creating the mass implosion of the workforce.

The steady supply of drugs into our country is not accidental; it's medicating the populous and designed to draw attention away from the cause.
The mass illegal immigration is part of the plan to to hide the cause of our rapidly growing homeless population, of which over 60% are senior citizens who have been priced out of housing because of the runaway inflation......but in the end our politicians will place the blame on not being able to assimilate such a rpiidly growing imigrant population.

Politicians will use it as campaign fodder to stump on, offering solutions that are nothing more than bandaides for a controlled demolition of life as we know it.

*I have some extra tinfoil hats if anyone wants one.


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