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KAMALA HARRIS Told Reporters Homes of Gun Owners Will Be Searched to Ensure Compliance.

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posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 07:24 PM
Most county Sherriff's would never agree to enforce an illegal scheme like this in the first place, so there is that, plus a lot of people would not submit to any illegal searches like this either, and there would be dead people happening because of it.

That's what Biden/Harris are good at producing a lot of, and that is a lot of dead people, grieving families, and destroyed dreams.

Law abiding People are going to need a lot of guns if Harris wins because she will import tens of thousands of Palestinian terrorist's called refugees and it will really amp up their plans to destroy American dreams. (On top of the already millions of other human scum they bribed into America to help their illegal voting program).
edit on 18-9-2024 by NoCorruptionAllowed because: edit

posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 08:32 PM

originally posted by: TheLieWeLive

“We’re going to require responsible behaviors among everybody in the community, and just because you legally possess a gun in the sanctity of your locked home doesn’t mean that we’re not going to walk into that home and check to see if you’re being responsible and safe in the way you conduct your affairs,” Kamala Harris told reporters.

Allow me to decipher this for any low information voters in our community.

You are GUILTY until proven innocent . You are not safe in the sanctity of your own home from government over reach.

What's even more scary is this was Kamala Harris describing how liberal Californians aren't trusted by California officials.

Imagine what this woman would do to RED states if she is successfully cheated into the Presidency, like Biden was in 2020.

posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 09:18 PM
The government has a right to defend its self, as the mantra goes. Also heads up on your phone blowing up in your face for any wrong think.

posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 09:20 PM

originally posted by: burntheships
I'll be waiting to see someone try and defend
this. Or maybe no one will...because they have
reached the point where they can be open about
it saying "this is the new way forward".

People are already voting, there are more
unearthed videos to drop though.

In a real election it wouldn't even be
close, Trump in a landslide. But there
are multiple methods and levels of
compromising the votes.

Be ready, the next four months its
going to get thick.

Ironically, in urban areas, LIBERALS own more guns per household. In fact, Hunter Biden told the court that his dad (Joe) kept 5 guns in his Delaware home.

posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 10:37 PM
a reply to: WeMustCare

that is some crazy ross for boss bullsh@@ right there.

edit on 18-9-2024 by BernnieJGato because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2024 @ 03:58 AM
a reply to: NoCorruptionAllowed


In other words.

Most county sheriffs ain’t trying to end up wounded in someone’s front yard or worse for just “upholding the law” or whatever it is our VP is trying to argue, just because the neighbor likes to field-dress bucks on their property.

edit on 19-9-2024 by SteamyAmerican because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-9-2024 by SteamyAmerican because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2024 @ 04:01 AM

originally posted by: kwaka
The government has a right to defend its self, as the mantra goes. Also heads up on your phone blowing up in your face for any wrong think.

But here in the states us Yanks tend to think it’s if the people, by the people, for the people.

No more. No less.

At least we did at one time.

posted on Sep, 19 2024 @ 04:02 AM

originally posted by: WeMustCare

originally posted by: burntheships
I'll be waiting to see someone try and defend
this. Or maybe no one will...because they have
reached the point where they can be open about
it saying "this is the new way forward".

People are already voting, there are more
unearthed videos to drop though.

In a real election it wouldn't even be
close, Trump in a landslide. But there
are multiple methods and levels of
compromising the votes.

Be ready, the next four months its
going to get thick.

Ironically, in urban areas, LIBERALS own more guns per household. In fact, Hunter Biden told the court that his dad (Joe) kept 5 guns in his Delaware home.
5 guns he KNEW of maybe.

And why can’t our prez, senile or not, hold down a small arsenal like your everyday American?

edit on 19-9-2024 by SteamyAmerican because: (no reason given)

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