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Order is Very Important...

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posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 09:21 AM

Order is Very Important

Horologium stood in The Tower of Winds and stared intently into his lecanomantic bowl. He smoothed out his robe absentmindedly as he waited for the perfect moment. It had to happen at the last sunset, for there was more than one, but only the last one mattered.

The last sunset was at the exact moment when the golden rays of the sun disappeared behind the horizon for the 16th time. It was the perfect time. The only time that mattered.

Now, humans believe that the 16th sunset is the same sunset each day but, this is not true. Had it been that easy, Horologium would not have been given this task.

The truth is that the 16th sunset changes every day. Not only in time but in order...Order is very important. A single second can affect the order of things. A single moment can change the order of the sunsets.

Why, there have been events that were so pivotal to the world's future that the sunset was delayed until that event was completed. And there have been moments that were so beautiful that they were allowed to be completed before the sun fell below the horizon.

So, the 16th sunset is not always the same one and Horologium does not always record the day’s events at the exact same time.

Then, you have to consider the Golden Hour (the hour before each sunset and sunrise). Because of Free Will and Chaos (Horologium never liked these two fellas.), that hour has to be monitored to ensure that nothing pivotal is taking place that would change the order of things. And he has to observe the golden hour of each of the 16 sunsets. Lucky for him time is irrelevant and only moments matter.

This is a task he does every day, in the same order. Order is very important. If Horologium completes these tasks on the wrong sunset, then much of the days recorded events would he gone. And imagine what the world would be like if we didn't record the moments?

The time had come and Horologium sits down at the lecanomantic bowl. The waters gently flow back and forth like a wave hitting the shoreline. The lapping of the water against the bowl puts him into a trance like state.

Within the bowl images start to take form. A young man tugs at his sweetheart’s hand as they run for cover during a rainstorm, an old woman says her last goodbyes as she falls into an eternal sleep, a small orphan boy asks a gentleman for food on a dirty street.

Horologium waits until the very last moment has played. Then he takes the lecanomantic bowl and dumps the water into the Eternal Sea on his left.

The most beautiful moments of the day displayed themselves as comets racing through in the universe, swiftly making their way to the Creator for him to view. The dullest moments gently faded into the distance, becoming feint stars in the night sky to view later.

Quickly Horologium turns to his right and scoops out a new bowl of water, placing it back onto the pedestal and starting the whole process again, making sure to do it in the proper order. Order is very important....


edit on 9 18 2024 by blend because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 09:41 AM
a reply to: blend

Lovely, a fabulous tale, Blend!

At first I wasn’t sure where the story was taking me, but now it all makes sense. I love the idea that memories never die and are preserved in the very fabric of the Cosmos; even in chaos, there is order.

posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 10:15 AM
a reply to: blend

In a flight of fantasy, I imagined someone writing this out on stolen ancient papyri, then slipping it into the collection of Nag Hamadi library. (borrowing from the plot of Irving Wallace, The Word)

For hundreds of years the Gnostic scholars then analyze and debate this cosmology.

posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 10:44 AM
a reply to: blend

For all the most beautiful sunsets in the universe, it was the most amazing one ever! Thank you!

Sometimes the sun can’t shine all the time, or can it?

The sun can shine on a rainy day you might say,🌓

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