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UK Channel 4 programme The Trump Heist

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posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 05:04 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: xuenchen

Why assume that without watching it?

It's got Trump insiders talking.

I'm trying to verify the "Insiders" are real. We've seen fake "Insider" crap before.

Can anybody list the "Insiders" in this show?

posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 05:05 PM
a reply to: Degradation33

Oh my God! They killed Kenny!

posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 05:06 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

Watch it?

posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 05:10 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: xuenchen

Watch it?

It's asking for a "sign in" !!!!

WTF? 🤣🤣🤣

I'll take time later if I see somebody here show it's legit.

posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 05:11 PM
Everything on 4Chan is 100% real.

Sure. Uh huh...

posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 05:34 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

I don't want to share my email address with them. Can you help me out with a link or just the names of the "insiders"..

I'm open to listening to decide if it is real or just more of the NBC channel 4 BS I already know is total bullocks from diving into the matter and giving their "facts" a chance to hold water.

posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 06:14 PM
a reply to: Justoneman

I think I found a summation of it here:

Being a Channel 4 production that made Giuliani look like a moron and the phalanx of Trump lawyers seem like a gang of bullies and cranks, the programme was, the Maga-minded might say, somewhat biased. But there was balance.

Because speaking up for Trump’s side of things was the “QAnon Shaman” — that horned lunatic from the Capitol Hill riot. And there were a couple of other conspiracy theorists, saying such things as: “Big business, big tech, big media all colluded to keep Trump from being re-elected — it’s that simple.” I’d like to hear that unpacked, because it doesn’t sound simple.

posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 06:29 PM

originally posted by: burntheships
a reply to: Justoneman

I think I found a summation of it here:

Being a Channel 4 production that made Giuliani look like a moron and the phalanx of Trump lawyers seem like a gang of bullies and cranks, the programme was, the Maga-minded might say, somewhat biased. But there was balance.

Because speaking up for Trump’s side of things was the “QAnon Shaman” — that horned lunatic from the Capitol Hill riot. And there were a couple of other conspiracy theorists, saying such things as: “Big business, big tech, big media all colluded to keep Trump from being re-elected — it’s that simple.” I’d like to hear that unpacked, because it doesn’t sound simple.

The insider was the Shaman?

Speaking for Trump, really?

Oh, the mental gymnastics trying to make us believe the swamp drainer was the problem and not the swamp critters.

posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 08:12 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: burntheships
a reply to: Justoneman

I think I found a summation of it here:

Being a Channel 4 production that made Giuliani look like a moron and the phalanx of Trump lawyers seem like a gang of bullies and cranks, the programme was, the Maga-minded might say, somewhat biased. But there was balance.

Because speaking up for Trump’s side of things was the “QAnon Shaman” — that horned lunatic from the Capitol Hill riot. And there were a couple of other conspiracy theorists, saying such things as: “Big business, big tech, big media all colluded to keep Trump from being re-elected — it’s that simple.” I’d like to hear that unpacked, because it doesn’t sound simple.

The insider was the Shaman?

Speaking for Trump, really?

Oh, the mental gymnastics trying to make us believe the swamp drainer was the problem and not the swamp critters.

Yeah, i dont get british humor, either.


posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 08:25 PM
This is a really long video- 3 hours but if you want to know why neither political party or western world governments can't and won't allow Trumpn to take office ever again it will answer your questions. It's a real eye-opener and even the most close-minded b,,tards will have a hard time remaing ignorant after watching.

posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 08:49 PM
a reply to: nugget1

Thanks I heard about that video and will watch it with Mrs. NorthOS tonight.

Maybe it will explain why these people, who for the most part, had no issue with Trump, and even liked him, prior to him running for POTUS hate his guts now.

What enraged or frightened them so much that they all went on a hate fest?

edit on 17-9-2024 by NorthOS because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 10:27 PM

originally posted by: NorthOS
a reply to: nugget1

Thanks I heard about that video and will watch it with Mrs. NorthOS tonight.

Maybe it will explain why these people, who for the most part, had no issue with Trump, and even liked him, prior to him running for POTUS hate his guts now.

What enraged or frightened them so much that they all went on a hate fest?

It will definitely expain all of that and so much more! I've struggled for so many years to make sense out of all the corrupt things that go on in governments around the world and everything fell into place in words even a political polarized person filled with loathing for 'the other party' can understand.....or not. Ignorance seems to be a choice for heavily biased people.

I've struggled with the two-prty system when it's painfully obvious they're basically a uniparty. The guy cleared that up for me right at the start.

posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 12:06 AM

originally posted by: Justoneman

The insider was the Shaman?

Speaking for Trump, really?

Oh, the mental gymnastics trying to make us believe the swamp drainer was the problem and not the swamp critters.

I guess so.

He certainly dressed for the part.

Made for great pics right?

posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 05:04 AM
a reply to: burntheships

It's the UK Channel 4, not 4Chan.

posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 06:12 AM
a reply to: Justoneman


Former Trump supporters including his Attorney General, Vice President Mike Pence's Chief of Staff and the White House Head of Communications.

Among others.

posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 06:15 AM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: Justoneman


Former Trump supporters including his Attorney General, Vice President Mike Pence's Chief of Staff and the White House Head of Communications.

Among others.

I watched it - it os one sided drivel and a hit piece that is entirely useless as an analysis of what happened in 2020.
It's entertainment porn for 'Orange Man Bad'.

edit on 18/9/2024 by UKTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 06:16 AM
a reply to: UKTruth

If you say so.

posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 06:17 AM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: UKTruth

If you say so.

I do.

posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 02:21 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: Justoneman


Former Trump supporters including his Attorney General, Vice President Mike Pence's Chief of Staff and the White House Head of Communications.

Among others.

You seem like a good man for a lefty. I know you don't think you are, but you keep buying what they sold you.

This is way deeper than you are viewing with the data you have.

The thing I think you don't want to accept is this whole thing is a long game exposure of the deep state so when they hang them until they are dead or behead them, folks will understand it was what they had coming. Beheading was exposed as something some folks think the Gov is planning on doing here to us because they found a bunch of Guillotines at on of the "Refugee Camp" locations set aside for emergencies.

posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 02:24 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: UKTruth

If you say so.

I do too, UKTruth is spot on Old carpy. And I think you have a chance to grasp this if you will drop the TDS stuff. I had it in 2015 and I am over it now.

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