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All is not lost

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posted on Sep, 16 2024 @ 09:13 PM
My Wife and I were sitting out on the front porch about half hour before dark. Not doing anything special, just sitting in the swing and enjoying the breeze, when a car pulled in my driveway. I'm thinking who is this because I don't recognize the car or the kid driving and the first thought I had was somebody trying to sell something to support the local sports teams. They're big around here and sell stuff all the time to finance new uniforms or something and I was willing to give the kid a few bucks, but I wasn't even close.

There are 4 steps that lead up to my porch and this kid stopped at the bottom, took off his hat and said "Sir, my name is....... can I ask you a favor ? "

I just said Sure bud, what can I do for you ?

Well, it turns out it was because of our roses. Between the front walk and the house, my Wife planted roses and other flowers and they're putting on a show this year. I guess it's kinda their last hoorah before cold weather.

Anyway, from the time he first spoke till he started explaining why he had stopped, he held eye contact with me. I like that in a person and it's rare in young people. He spoke to my Wife when he came up on the porch, said "Hello Ma'm how are you? and then talked to me. At that point, he got a abashed and dropped his eyes while he was explaining. I could see him turning a little red in the face, so I thought "This is gonna be good"

This all came out in a bit of a rush while staring at his toes and blushing, but the story goes : He lives down the road and comes by here all the time and noticed we had nice flowers. There's a girl that he's been talking to and wants to ask her to go to a Halloween Dance coming up and he thought it'd be nice to take her some flowers when he asked and he had called the local flower shop but he doesn't have enough for a nice bouquet so can he pick some flowers, please ?

Call me a hopeless romantic, but folks, at that point I was ready to grab a shovel and give him the whole damn bush, but, my Wife went and got her pruning shears and cut 2 from each color, [ giving him 8 ] and arranged them for him with a sprig of baby's breath in the middle. He thanked us and went to his car looking like he just won the lottery.

Normally I see the ill mannered little sh**s in Wal Mart and think we're doomed if that's how their parents raised them, but this kid ?

Maybe all is not lost.

posted on Sep, 16 2024 @ 09:18 PM
a reply to: DAVID64

LOVE this story! Thank you for sharing; it's so refreshing to hear about 'kids gone right'!

posted on Sep, 16 2024 @ 09:54 PM
Thats a good story, there are good kids all over they get drowned out by the squealers and screamers on social media

posted on Sep, 16 2024 @ 09:55 PM
Now that's a story that warms my heart!

Thank you for sharing!

"There is some good left in this world, Mr. Frodo..."

posted on Sep, 16 2024 @ 10:24 PM
a reply to: DAVID64

The majority of people are good. I see it all day every day, working at a college.

Those that are most vocal tend to be the ones that gain traction in today's world.
I'm sure I have expressed frustration at this, here, in the past.

But you are correct. Things are far from lost.
Thanks for the anecdote.

posted on Sep, 16 2024 @ 10:30 PM
That story just warmed my heart. Thank you and your wife for being kind to the lad and granting his request. My dad always said, it's a humbling thing to ask for help, and he was because he couldn't afford the bouquet from the shop. And it's true when you ask another man for help, they are usually more than willing to where they can. It's built into our DNA to help though who ask it of us. It's part of the divine in us. And it brings joy to all involved.

posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 03:32 AM
a reply to: DAVID64

Lol... kid got the rizz... Know your opponent and play them accordingly... I hope your flowers get him that first kiss...

posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 06:11 AM
a reply to: DAVID64

That's a touching story, DAVID64. Good to see that romance is not dead...

I'm glad your wife and you were able to help him out so generously. He's got his bouquet, now he just needs to lasso the moon for his love.

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