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The "Hundredth Monkey" Effect and the Modern Western "Agenda"

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posted on Sep, 16 2024 @ 06:50 PM
a reply to: LetsGoViking

It is in the controllers interest to ignore the truth of this effect, because if enough people just want the system to end then it will just like everything else that gone into the dustbin of history. I am sure that's why politicians are essentially front men because if enough people hate them they will sicken and die. Lyall Watson also did a lot of experiments on plants , hating one and loving others the growth factors were emotionally linked. This area has definitely gone feel the vibes brothers and sisters that's what gut instinct is all about.
Fauci is the most hated front man of the rollout , thousands of people are hating him he was a fit jogger but now not so much.But then again that's what he was paid name but one.

edit on pm920249America/Chicago930493024 by annonentity because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 16 2024 @ 06:55 PM
Rupert Sheldrake would describe the 100th monkey as an effect of fields of Morphic Resonance; organizational "fields" or rather habits where a certain trait will become the default result. His work is seriously interesting and opened my world view considerably.

posted on Sep, 16 2024 @ 07:45 PM

posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 05:12 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll

If you want, I will publish a topic in which I will reveal all the genetic and migration origins of all the peoples who conquered the British Isles at one time.

Total history will acknowledge the unavoidable influence of the natural world on human endeavours.

. . . climate change and subsequent famine had much to do with the displacement of the Britons by Anglo-Saxon invaders in the fifth century.

. . . the concept of “total history,” that history was more than politics, war or social relations. You also had to understand the natural world to understand human culture in a particular time.

. . . After the initial success of the fifth-century Anglo-Saxon invasions, there’s a political and military deadlock between the Anglo-Saxons and other peoples in Britain. Then in the mid-sixth century, something happens to allow the Anglo-Saxons to break out and run the table all the way to what will become the Scottish frontier in the north and the Welsh frontier in the west.

A year that sticks out in the ice cores and pollen records and tree ring chronologies is about 540 A.D. Something catastrophically awful happened then.

J. D. Rhanders-Pehrson, in Romans and Barbarians, does say, "Gildas' lurid accounts of death and destruction must be discounted. Archaeologists thus far have never found a fire layer either in the towns or in the outlying villas." Archaeologists also say that the invading Saxons certainly did not sweep across Britain in one wave as Gildas suggests. However, exploding meteors, unlike rampaging barbarians, would not pick out towns and villas for burning. Forests and woods might blaze, creating terror, while buildings fell to shock waves. Why was Gildas so insistent about the fire, which forms such a striking part of his text? Perhaps he preserves a memory of destruction which he assumed was caused by invaders.

For instance the AD 540 event is found in tree-ring chronologies from Siberia through Europe and North and South America.

The environmental conditions around 540 resulted in farmland being abandoned and later taken over by Anglo-Saxons. Drunken boasting around the fire sounded bolder when this was called 'invasion' and 'conquest'.

posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 06:30 AM

originally posted by: Freeborn
Its as if he just can't resist engaging in some sort of political baiting trying to wind people up to get some sort of aggressive response that transgresses site T&C's.

I don't think that's the case. Here's why.
I lost count of how many times I've reported clear, undeniable breach cases of this site's T&C's and yet all of those users that made those breaches are still posting here regularly. These breaches include clear, undeniable calls of genocide, insults, swears, personal attacks, baseless accusations such as me using "sock accounts"... And even those examples are just the tip of that iceberg.
My point being, if it is still not clear, is that it is clear no one, including the moderators(if they exist) cares about T&C.
edit on 17-9-2024 by jofafot because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 07:16 AM
i would suggest that some innovations in the way things are done are beneficial to society, others not so much and only benefit certain individuals and groups.

if you look at it long and hard enough it's not hard to see which ones. no matter how much they try to sugar coat them,or lie about them, and can see why the old males and females for that matter are the ones who hesitate the longest, snorting skeptically, watching the "progress".

and it seems more prevalent in certain countries where the ruling class can order special seasoning added to your breakfast, hold kamikaze from the hundredth floor, swan dive to the street contests. then not much happens in trying to find out, even if the public is raising hell about it.
edit on 17-9-2024 by BernnieJGato because: (no reason given)

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