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2024 Election - Americans Will Choose either 2018 Republicans -or- 2022 Democrats.

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posted on Sep, 12 2024 @ 11:32 PM
Thursday, September 12, 2024

A new Administration's policies generally start affecting Americans after that President has been in office for one year.

This November (and earlier for mail-in/drop-box votes), Americans will reflect back on the last 8 years and choose if they want to return to 2018 when Trump-Pence polices were taking hold. Or return to 2022, when Biden-Harris policies policies were taking hold.

---From 2018 thru 2020, with Donald Trump as President, here is a small slice of what America was like...

In 2018, Trump signed the groundbreaking First Step Act, a criminal justice reform bill that enacted reforms that made our justice system fairer and helps former inmates return to society.

The lowest-paid 25% of Americans had a 4.5% income boost in November 2019, which outpaces a 2.9% gain in earnings for the country’s highest-paid workers.

The U.S. surpassed Russia and Saudi Arabia to become the world’s largest producer of crude oil.

The average nationwide gasoline price in 2019 was $2.43 a gallon.

The U.S. approved up to $12 billion in aid for farmers affected by unfair trade retaliation, and announced a total of $28 billion in aid for farmers in 2018 and 2019.

Other accomplishments include a dozen hostages freed, moving the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, initiating historic tax cut legislation for Opportunity Zones, and fulfilling his campaign promise to improve the Veterans Administration, just to name a few.
More at:

---From 2022 thru 2024 with Joe Biden as President, here is a sample of what America was/is like...

More than 1,100,000 Americans died of Covid-19

Gasoline over $5.00 @ gallon.

Chaotic/Deadly withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Record number of people crossing into America illegally.

Food Costs 20% More on Average.

VP Kamala Harris says one of her goals is to make everyone a "Woke" liberal.

FBI Targets Parents who Advocate for their own Children in school.
Source 1:
Harris Wants Everyone "Woke":
FBI Targets Parents:


Because most adult Americans can easily remember the last 8 years of their life, it should be easy to make this decision...

VOTE to return to 2017 thru 2020 REPUBLICAN.
VOTE to keep 2021 thru 2024 DEMOCRAT.

++A reminder: Today, candidate/VP Kamala Harris says she played a role in crafting everything Americans experienced from the Biden-Harris administration. If you vote for Kamala Harris, you are voting to keep your life just as it has been over the past 3.5 years.


-WeMustCare 😎

posted on Sep, 12 2024 @ 11:36 PM
Every administration just blames a failing economy on Russia or China or Trump or a Pandemic or....pick your flavor, and people fall for it every time.

edit on 1/1/1908 by nugget1 because: sp

posted on Sep, 13 2024 @ 12:11 AM

originally posted by: nugget1
Every administration just blames a failing economy on Russia or China or Trump or a Pandemic or....pick your flavor, and people fall for it every time.

Voters will hopefully choose which Administration was BEST FOR THEM when it's time to cast the ballot.

posted on Sep, 13 2024 @ 09:15 AM
Trump is right about everything getting worse if Democrats get any more control.

Even with some slight (very slight) relief happening lately, the inflation and price increasing is all compounding but just a little slower, but NOT giving any ways to recover the general losses people have been pounded with starting in 2021. Democrats make a big deal out of claiming Trump caused all of it, but they are quick to take credit for these recent very slight slow downs (that they can actually control!). ☠️

posted on Sep, 13 2024 @ 09:31 AM
This is the future with Kamala as president,

posted on Sep, 13 2024 @ 12:51 PM
I'm not voting for either candidate....I'm voting against Project 2025!!
edit on 13-9-2024 by lilzazz because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 13 2024 @ 03:00 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
Trump is right about everything getting worse if Democrats get any more control.

Even with some slight (very slight) relief happening lately, the inflation and price increasing is all compounding but just a little slower, but NOT giving any ways to recover the general losses people have been pounded with starting in 2021. Democrats make a big deal out of claiming Trump caused all of it, but they are quick to take credit for these recent very slight slow downs (that they can actually control!). ☠️

And just as importantly, every day in America, there is a funeral for a U.S. citizen (someone's Father, Son, Daughter, Brother, Sister, Mom...) who was KILLED by a person Democrats invited..INVITED into this country illegally, or with no vetting!

A sample of these beautiful Americans:

Biden-Harris LIED when they put their hand on the Bible and swore to protect us! 😡

posted on Sep, 13 2024 @ 06:55 PM

The MAGA-MAHA people:

Accompanying Video Clip:

posted on Sep, 13 2024 @ 08:04 PM
Friday, September 13, 2024

Today, VP Kamala Harris sat for only her second interview since kicking President Biden to the curb on July 21st.

She says Biden-Harris admin policies are not fit for the 21st century:

Maybe Kamala has changed her values? Nah. She repeatedly says they haven't changed.


posted on Sep, 13 2024 @ 08:11 PM
a reply to: WeMustCare

The strategy seems to be not planning anything that will boost the majority of Americans! All double talk and tangents. This is going to be good if she gets in, especially if they place her as President before the election! ☠️✈️

posted on Sep, 13 2024 @ 09:42 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
a reply to: WeMustCare

The strategy seems to be not planning anything that will boost the majority of Americans! All double talk and tangents. This is going to be good if she gets in, especially if they place her as President before the election! ☠️✈️

The Trump campaign has gone relatively easy on Kamala and Joe. But now that Joe is wearing MAGA-TRUMP hats, he might be removed for what Democrats see as INSANITY.

But WE KNOW THE TRUTH. Joe Biden will turn them all over to Trump's DOJ/Military for JUSTICE!

posted on Sep, 13 2024 @ 09:49 PM
Those "on the fence" out of concern that former President Trump may be running the country from prison, can be less concerned as the weeks go by.

The Criminal Counts against Donald Trump by deep-state criminals in the DOJ have been whittled down from 91 charges, to only 12, as of 9.13.2024.


I hope irrational Trump "haters" take this really hard, when they see the news and comprehend what it means!

posted on Sep, 13 2024 @ 09:55 PM
Now that Trump has shown his ignorance and inability to coherently state his policies.
Now that his family has forsaken him, and he has taken up with the like of Loomer.
How do you think he will construct a graceful bow-out.
How do you think he can save face, and just quietly leave the race , and perhaps just drop his quest to stay out of jail (become president).

The entire world world has just seen that he is irrational, out of the loop, and unable to carry a conversation.
That he has no idea what going on around him, and he can’t elucidate a plan for anything.

Will will the poor old grifter do now?
Golf? Eat roasted chicken and tapioca?
What will his life be like this time next year?
Spoonfuls are of applesauce?

posted on Sep, 13 2024 @ 11:47 PM

As grieving relatives tell Congress how illegal aliens Biden-Harris allowed into this country, killed a loved one. Fathers, Mothers, Children.. killed by non-Americans who shouldn't have been here!

Callous Democrat Leaders:

Hey Democrat Voters: Your Leaders Love Your Votes, But Don't Give a Damn About You or Your Family. 😟

posted on Sep, 14 2024 @ 02:45 PM
Parts of America will be "Liberated", says djt
edit on 1492024 by WeMustCare because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2024 @ 03:08 PM

originally posted by: WeMustCare

As grieving relatives tell Congress how illegal aliens Biden-Harris allowed into this country, killed a loved one. Fathers, Mothers, Children.. killed by non-Americans who shouldn't have been here!

Callous Democrat Leaders:

Hey Democrat Voters: Your Leaders Love Your Votes, But Don't Give a Damn About You or Your Family. 😟

Funny but not funny.
It appears the last hope of Maga, is to pull the illegal Immigrant card.
There was a bi partisan bill, and Don said to kill it.
So they killed the bill, and now Donnie is whining about this topic.
He said kill the immigration bill, the bi partisan bill. He kept the problem going.
Hard to grasp?

I will give credit though, for not using the word “ caravan “ too much.

The illegal issue is a smoke screen to hide the fact that Maga has nothing to run on.
It’s a smoke screen. To keep people from understanding how much they suck at literally everything .
Everything. It’s a caravan of conmen, and women. The magavan of clowns.

posted on Sep, 14 2024 @ 05:11 PM

originally posted by: spacedoubt

originally posted by: WeMustCare

As grieving relatives tell Congress how illegal aliens Biden-Harris allowed into this country, killed a loved one. Fathers, Mothers, Children.. killed by non-Americans who shouldn't have been here!

Callous Democrat Leaders:

Hey Democrat Voters: Your Leaders Love Your Votes, But Don't Give a Damn About You or Your Family. 😟

Funny but not funny.
It appears the last hope of Maga, is to pull the illegal Immigrant card.
There was a bi partisan bill, and Don said to kill it.
So they killed the bill, and now Donnie is whining about this topic.
He said kill the immigration bill, the bi partisan bill. He kept the problem going.
Hard to grasp?

I will give credit though, for not using the word “ caravan “ too much.

The illegal issue is a smoke screen to hide the fact that Maga has nothing to run on.
It’s a smoke screen. To keep people from understanding how much they suck at literally everything .
Everything. It’s a caravan of conmen, and women. The magavan of clowns.

Did you read that bill? 5000 illegals a day could enter and get the free ride. After that, somehow, with some magic I can only assume, the border will be closed until the next time it's open. And the bill didn't provide any mechanisms to close the border. That's something the executive branch can do quickly, legislative not so much.

posted on Sep, 15 2024 @ 02:46 PM

Another Wise Democrat Defector...

Gloria Romero KNOWS THE REAL KAMALA from living in the same state together. That is one reason why...

'True-blue' California Democrat ditches party and backs Trump: This was the 'final straw'
Gloria Romero says Trump and the GOP offer 'an agenda for an America that we all want to see for ourselves and our children'

It's difficult for any Democrat with Integrity to continue supporting a party that throws its own U.S. President under the bus, the way Kamala, Obama, Pelosi, Nadler and Schiff did President Joe Biden on July 21st.

Democrats Need to Dissolve and Rebuild, from the TOP DOWN and from the BOTTOM UP, simultaneously.


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