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Jon Bon Jovi saves woman on Nashville bridge

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posted on Sep, 12 2024 @ 11:29 AM
Bon Jovi was on the bridge to film a music video when his assistant noticed a women standing on the wrong side of the safety railings , she and Jon walked over to her while others walked on by as Jon leant on the rail beside her and convinced her to come back to safety then spent some time talking to her as they walked her to safety , Jon Bon Jovi and his assistant saved a life on Tuesday.

Security footage of the incident.

Never been a fan of Jon but happy to give him credit where credit's due , right man in the right place at the right time.

Well done Sir.

posted on Sep, 12 2024 @ 12:53 PM
a reply to: gortex

Well done, Jon!

I guess this old Bon Jovi song turned out to be prophetic...

posted on Sep, 12 2024 @ 01:59 PM
never really heard bad things about him, mostly amazed he didn't occupy the spotlight in his personal life. But this was a peak into his human side, and I was not offended. (Maggot brain reference)

posted on Sep, 12 2024 @ 04:18 PM
Noble of him if it’s true but this could also be a publicity stunt. They blur her face when you couldn’t even make his face out, but I guess it could just be a downgraded version we are seeing.

Maybe not, but the photographer took advantage and snapped a few pictures as they hugged.
And what’s up with the empty white bag she drops as he approaches? Was that to signal someone? “I’ll be holding a white bag.”

I really hope it’s not a way for him to make headlines to promote this up coming video. He may not be capable of doing such a thing but the producer might be.

If this is real I’m disappointed in everyone else who just walked by and didn’t even take notice of someone clearly on the wrong side of the railing.

posted on Sep, 12 2024 @ 06:27 PM
Staged AF

posted on Sep, 13 2024 @ 01:50 PM

originally posted by: 5thHead
Staged AF

I don’t think it’s staged. I can’t see him risking his reputation to do something like that. It wouldn’t make for a good headline for him.

posted on Sep, 13 2024 @ 02:38 PM

originally posted by: gortex
Bon Jovi was on the bridge to film a music video ...

Bon Jovi is still making music?
That's a long career.
Most bands don't last that long.
Good for them.

posted on Sep, 13 2024 @ 11:32 PM
a reply to: KrustyKrab

True, but it’s didn’t have to be Jovi that staged it.
His manager, and or the video producer could have staged it. Some people will do anything to get the media’s attention, especially free airtime to advertise an upcoming music video.
Again the white bag that appears to be empty is odd to me. Possibly used as a signal.

posted on Sep, 14 2024 @ 01:34 AM
a reply to: gortex

Contrast this with that effete cretin John Legend who lectured his hometown of Springfield Ohio about tolerance as they struggle with dealing with 20,000 haitians who have made life beyond chaotic. While he sits in a beverly hills mansion in his bathrobe.

posted on Sep, 14 2024 @ 02:32 AM
I think I'm skeptical of this one...after watching the video.

I agree, the bag drop does look suspicious, and the whole interaction and people positions seems odd.

Bon Jovi, to his credit, is typically not a media whore, but it still looks strange.

Two strange things happen in the video. One, a videographer with Bon Jovi sets his rig down, but (two) there's another photographer who pretty much circles the whole event at a distance (this is the guy in the black jacket). He almost looks like a body guard / photographer, like maybe a body guard who doubles as a PR guy (?). Dunno, but it's weird.

The calmness of the whole thing seems odd too. Now, maybe Bon Jovi is just that cool of a cat (not the eating kind, mind you), but it just seems too, I don't know, "easy" (best way I can describe).

I guess my question is...what's the Title of the music video, and I wonder if this footage will show up in it???

If so, then it will be pretty proof positive it was staged. If not, well, then maybe it's real.

I guess we'll see.

edit - the video says "police video footage" or some such, but zooming in on it, it looks remarkably clear, almost HD quality. This would be rare for a stationary municipal camera which had been in place for any length of time. Dome would likely be water-spotted and grimy, but this one is crystal clear. That's definitely odd. Plus, the angle is kind of "sexy" (in videographer slang) maybe the camera wasn't really a "police video" camera, but rather a camera filming a Bon Jovi music video (???). Dunno, but I'm skeptical.
edit on 9/14/2024 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2024 @ 04:32 AM
I don't think we would know about the incident if the Nashville PD hadn't released the video to thank Bon Jovi for what he and his team did that day , the woman's motive may have been a cry for help or she may have intended to jump I guess we will never know but given Jon's status in the music world faking something like this would destroy what he spent his life building.

A shout out to @jonbonjovi & his team for helping a woman on the Seigenthaler Ped Bridge Tue night. Bon Jovi helped persuade her to come off the ledge over the Cumberland River to safety. "It takes all of us to help keep each other safe,"--Chief John Drake

Jon Bon Jovi is the 2024 MusiCares Person Of The Year. Here's a quick breakdown of the GRAMMY winner's philanthropic work, in and outside of his own foundation.

Security footage from the bridge taken at night of an incident a couple of years ago.

I understand the scepticism but personally I think it was a thing that happened , the negatives outweigh the positives if this was faked both in terms of Bon Jovi's reputation and resulting police action for the stunt.

posted on Sep, 14 2024 @ 07:28 AM
a reply to: gortex

Yes, that was my take on this incident.

Unfortunately, we've become so distrustful of everything that bonafide acts of kindness are questioned.

I'm the first to be sceptical and look for the angles, but sometimes, it is what it is.

If we lose hope in humanity then there's nothing left.

posted on Sep, 14 2024 @ 08:50 AM
a reply to: Encia22

Unfortunately, we've become so distrustful of everything that bonafide acts of kindness are questioned.

Sadly I think that's true mate , there's always got to be an angle these days rather than a cigar just being a cigar.

posted on Sep, 14 2024 @ 09:04 AM
a reply to: gortex

You may well be correct.

I guess time will tell.

If true, well, kudos to Bon Jovi. He does seem like a decent enough guy.

posted on Sep, 14 2024 @ 11:46 PM
From what I've heard Jon Bon Jovi is a stand up guy, he is said to be very loving and charitable. I wasn't questioning his motives like I was those around him.

Knowing that he would drop what he was doing and go help this lady could have been the entire reason to set this up. Again the video producer could benefit from setting this up fully knowing that Bon Jovi would jump into action. It is free advertising and a great way to make people aware of their upcoming video they produced. I'm sorry that I question the white bag, and maybe she had something in it she previously dropped off the bridge, but it's just a weird gesture to have and then drop as they approach.

We most likely will never know who this lady is due to anonymity unless she comes forward. Someone setting this up would also be aware of that and as long as she doesn't let the cat out of bag it will always just seem like Jon saved the day...and maybe he did, because again I hear he is that guy.

It is beyond disappointing to watch how many people minded their own business even as they helped her back over the railing. If this is true, which of course it very well could be, she is so lucky he was there because no one else seemed to care or even aware that she was ready to plunge to her death.

posted on Sep, 14 2024 @ 11:56 PM

edit on 15-9-2024 by TheLieWeLive because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2024 @ 12:05 AM

originally posted by: Encia22
a reply to: gortex

Yes, that was my take on this incident.

Unfortunately, we've become so distrustful of everything that bonafide acts of kindness are questioned.

I'm the first to be sceptical and look for the angles, but sometimes, it is what it is.

If we lose hope in humanity then there's nothing left.

'Bon"afide act of kindness could be the name to Bon Jovi's next album.

I will always be a sceptical of humanity until it gives me a reason not to be. I haven't lost hope in humanity, but I'm certainly aware of how many pieces of sh@t there are walking around pretending they deserve to be called human.

Just because one person is saint like doesn't mean everyone around that person is. That said there are many people who are wholesomely real and that is who I surround myself with, but of course they don't immediately earn my trust and that is how I keep from being burned.
I'll admit that I have trust issues and that is from living in todays society. Fool me once, but you don't get that second chance.

posted on Sep, 15 2024 @ 06:18 AM

originally posted by: TheLieWeLive

originally posted by: Encia22
a reply to: gortex

Yes, that was my take on this incident.

Unfortunately, we've become so distrustful of everything that bonafide acts of kindness are questioned.

I'm the first to be sceptical and look for the angles, but sometimes, it is what it is.

If we lose hope in humanity then there's nothing left.

'Bon"afide act of kindness could be the name to Bon Jovi's next album.

Yes, I chose the word carefully because of the name connection, but I didn't go as far as to think it an album title... Brilliant!

For the rest, I agree.

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