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Saw something funny! Two things actually.

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posted on Sep, 11 2024 @ 02:12 PM
I have to admit, when Trump launched into his eating dogs and cats thing in the debate, that kind of hit my funny bone and I chuckled inside. If it wouldn't have been such a serious debate, it would have been funnier, but it was still pretty funny.

Today, I'm reading through some news story about a Baltimore Ravens player who is upset because he thinks he got treated badly during a game in KC as a result of his being from Baltimore. I scroll down to the comments section as I often do, and I see this comment...


I busted out laughing! LOL!!

edit on 9/11/2024 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2024 @ 02:39 PM
That's all we can do at this Point is try to make light of the whole situation .

Last night was ridiculous. Harris did nothing but attack him and Trump fell for it hook line and sinker , He literally cannot go before his EGO and that is classic Narcissistic Personality disorder . He cannot handle being personally attacked , he cannot rise above it and remain calm and Articulate the issues .

And She played him , The Moderators played him , ABC Played him like a damn fiddle . The LEFT has Psychoanalyzed Trump to a T and he still does not understand that .

I was listening to Coast to Coast AM about a week ago . It was back in time during the Clinton Administration . A caller was talking to George about how America could not take another 4 years of Clinton " The country will collapse , We are all going to die , Russia is coming" blah blah blah the caller was in hysterics " .

But the country didn't collapse and here we are.

if she wins it will not be the end of America no matter how much it scares me . I do not understand people voting for the LEFT and I never will but none the less most of the bull# we here day in day out is just Scare Tactics.
edit on 11-9-2024 by asabuvsobelow because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2024 @ 04:02 PM
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

I do not understand people voting for the LEFT and I never will

You and me both. The thing is, if Harris gets elected and things get worse, they'll look for a scapegoat. I mean, it can't be their fault for electing her, right ?

But then again, it's what they do. Create a problem and then point fingers at everyone else.

posted on Sep, 11 2024 @ 04:26 PM
You guys are screwed 👍

a reply to: asabuvsobelow

posted on Sep, 11 2024 @ 05:29 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

You wanna see funny?

Someone handed Biden a Trump 2024 hat and he put it on.

It seems even Biden knows who should win this election.

The media is saying Joe was just promoting "unity" but I'm pretty sure they are misspelling "senility".
edit on 11-9-2024 by TheLieWeLive because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2024 @ 06:07 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk


My youngesst son is a cat-loving chef. One day we were discussing how some people just hate cats, and he said "Anybody who hates cats just hasn't found the right recipe".

Every now and again that memory resurfaces and I'll bust out laughing, which can seem highly inapropriate if I'm in a public place.

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