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2 Samuel - The Story of King David

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posted on Sep, 11 2024 @ 12:54 PM
In 1 Samuel we read about the last of the days of the Judges of Israel, the life of the prophet Samuel, the rejection of the people of Jehovah as king over Israel, and the anointing of both Saul, and later after Jehovah rejects him, of the young David to be future king.

The original scroll had 1 and 2 Samuel combined. In this part of Samuel the prophets Gad and Nathan write candidly about the reign of King David between 1077-1040 B. C. E. It relates both his faithfulness to Jehovah, his conquests in battle as the king sitting on Jehovah's throne, and also his short-comings, such as his sin of adultery with Bathsheba, and later having her husband Uriah put to death. This shows the candor and honesty with which the Bible canon relates to us the faults of the kings of Israel. And shows us how while we reap what we sow, as God foretold calamity to befall David's house because of his sins, Jehovah also forgives repentant sinners. We see Jehovah make an everlasting-lasting covenant with King David who acknowledges that it was the true God Jehovah himself who spoke through him:

"The spirit of Jehovah spoke through me;
His word was on my tongue.
- 2 Samuel 23:2.

We find many of the prophetic songs and words of David found in the book of the Psalms later on in the Bible. Those deal with many of the things he faced as a human just like us. Both his fears and anxieties as he was on the run from envious king Saul who wanted to put him to death, to his heartbreak and guilt when he committed those great sins mentioned above. They relate his humble and repentant heart and how Jehovah is very ready to forgive and merciful to truly repentant ones. And they relate his joys and his triumphs as he always put his enduring faith in Jehovah "the living God."

Come join as the Bible account brings this stirring and action-packed history to life!

posted on Sep, 11 2024 @ 10:36 PM
Part 2:


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