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Talking head conspiracists fade, 9/11 victims still remembered

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posted on Sep, 11 2024 @ 05:16 PM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: Lazy88

Cry me a river...
Do you need a napkin?

By actually listing people that died on 9/11 from jihad.

You are a sad individual.

edit on 11-9-2024 by Lazy88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2024 @ 05:19 PM

NEW YORK -- Wednesday marks 23 years since the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks that forever changed New York City and the nation.

Nearly 3,000 people were killed when al Qaeda hijackers crashed four jetliners into the twin towers, the Pentagon and a field in southwest Pennsylvania.

On this day each year, families who lost loved ones in the worst terror attack on American soil make the solemn trek to observe the six moments of silence, hear the reading of the names, and fulfill a sacred promise to never forget.

posted on Sep, 11 2024 @ 05:26 PM
Here’s the incredible story about the actor James Woods and his encounter with the hijacker’s one month before September 11, 2001.

posted on Sep, 12 2024 @ 02:47 AM
a reply to: Lazy88

There were other Jewish responders at the WTC that day


Belson, member of Ladder 24, was on light duty and acting as driver and aide to Battalion Chief Orio J Palmer

On that day was last heard climbing the stairway of the South Tower to join up with his chief

The radio transcript recorded that day show Belson, call sign BAT 7 AIDE or BAT 7 ALPHA making his way up the stairway


Perlman, at 18 , was one of the youngest victims on 911

He was a member of the Forest Hills (Queens) Ambulance Squad , He was at Police Plaza running errand for a law firm
when call came for anybody who knew first aid to respond to the WTC. He traveled to the WTC scene in a police cruiser.
Perlman was photographed in special issue of TIME magazine with NYPD officer Moira Smith evacuating people from the South Tower


Winnick was a lawyer at Holland and Knight law firm up the street from WTC He was an EMT and member of the Jericho
(Long Island) Fire Department He responded to the scene to assist and was killed in collapse of South Tower His body
was recovered in February 2022 and was identified by a Rolex watch, a gift from his brother His law firm sponsored a 57 foot bronze relief of the WTC scene which is mounted on the wall of the TEN HOUSE , quarters of FDNY LADDER 10/ENGINR 10

posted on Sep, 12 2024 @ 12:01 PM
To the 9/11 fallen,

It was a day that changed the world. Your sacrifice has been burnt into the history books. As a state sanctioned action it has helped brother get bigger. Without a new Pearl Harbor, the government would not have the mandate to do what it has done.

I don't know where your spirit is these days, moved on back to source or still hanging around with a grudge, That day Hillary fell at one memorial indicates something is still lingering on. It has taken me time to comprehended the spiritual war engulfing this planet.

This next USA election is looking like a train wreak coming up as all the lies and deception has disengaged from the reality anchor. America looks stuffed either way at tis time, Trump holds more integrity if this train can stay on it rails. I don't know what he can do as he had to change his tune a few days after the event. At least he was not in on the plan with his candid comments as it went down.

Rest in peace or fight like hell.

In God we trust.

posted on Sep, 12 2024 @ 12:17 PM
a reply to: kwaka

You’re another one that can’t help themselves either.

posted on Sep, 12 2024 @ 12:20 PM

‘It’s tough every day’: Firefighter at Brockport vigil remembers friends lost on 9/11

The pain still runs deep for Jessie, who has since retired. He says there were 343 firefighters who lost their lives on 9/11, and the number of firefighters who died of illness as a result of recovery and rescue has surpassed that number. Jessie lost 12 of his firefighter buddies

posted on Sep, 12 2024 @ 12:21 PM
a reply to: kwaka

The only ones that need to be listed in this thread are those that died on 9/11. And those who remember the names of the fallen.

posted on Sep, 12 2024 @ 12:31 PM
a reply to: Lazy88

You’re another one that can’t help themselves either.

No I cannot. Would you rest well if your murderers just walk away? I know you buy the official story, not all do. You want to make a remembrance thread, This is how I remember and come to terms with it. You want to deny that, your call.

posted on Sep, 12 2024 @ 01:27 PM

originally posted by: kwaka
a reply to: Lazy88

You’re another one that can’t help themselves either.

No I cannot. Would you rest well if your murderers just walk away? I know you buy the official story, not all do. You want to make a remembrance thread, This is how I remember and come to terms with it. You want to deny that, your call.

The murders were 19 men on airplanes backed by Middle Eastern interests set on jihad. That is the conspiracy. No nukes under the WTC. No holograms with missiles. The same spirit of jihad ongoing today. Coupled with government incompetence and complacency.

So take your peddling of conspiracy that exploits the murdered of 9/11 to the appropriate thread. You do nothing to honour the dead of 9/11.

posted on Sep, 12 2024 @ 01:27 PM
Double post
edit on 12-9-2024 by Lazy88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2024 @ 01:28 PM
Double post.

posted on Sep, 12 2024 @ 02:47 PM
a reply to: Lazy88

The murders were 19 men on airplanes backed by Middle Eastern interests set on jihad.

Go vote Kamala with those IQ points. She will help destroy America for you without guilt.

You ain't adding it by now? The good lords numbers will make sense in time. May god bless you, cause I am struggling with it.

I am sure it is going to be a sorrow tale to hear your your side of it it.

posted on Sep, 12 2024 @ 04:53 PM

originally posted by: ColeYounger2
a reply to: Lazy88

The first responders were heroes in every sense of the word. Noble, selfless heroes.

YES! 1000 times YES!!

posted on Sep, 13 2024 @ 05:18 AM

originally posted by: kwaka
a reply to: Lazy88

The murders were 19 men on airplanes backed by Middle Eastern interests set on jihad.

Go vote Kamala with those IQ points. She will help destroy America for you without guilt.

You ain't adding it by now? The good lords numbers will make sense in time. May god bless you, cause I am struggling with it.

I am sure it is going to be a sorrow tale to hear your your side of it it.

Are you really this sad of an individual to detail a thread concerning remembering the fallen on 9/11.

You’re like the Westboro Baptist Church showing up to military funerals.

By the way. Worry about the plank in your own eye.

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