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O’Keefe Exposes Google’s Search Engine Manipulation for Kamala Harris Campaign

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posted on Sep, 9 2024 @ 10:11 PM

BREAKING: Google Growth Strategist Exposes Google’s Search Engine Manipulation for Kamala Harris Campaign, Revenue-Driven Political Bias

"Google was essentially promoting through its ads rhetoric that was very pro-Kamala,” admits Dakota Leazer ( @dakotaleazer ), a Growth Strategist at @Google , during an undercover date with an OMG American Swiper journalist. Leazer reveals that Google has been actively coordinating with the Kamala Harris campaign, manipulating its search engine advertisements to favor her in the 2024 election. He explains, “It seemed to link out to legitimate news publication sites. So, it seemed like it was an ad from PBS, but it was really an ad for the Kamala campaign,” making users believe they were reading unbiased reports from reputable sources.

Leazer also confesses that Google’s primary objective is to generate ad revenue through fear-based content, explaining, “I think whatever demographic is most fearful is going to be most profitable.” According to Leazer, the left currently represents the most fearful demographic, which is why Google has been pushing pro-Kamala narratives for profit, explaining “I think right now the left is more fearful than the right is.”

He further states, “It's all about the share of the stock price,” revealing that Google’s liberal bias is not just political, but tied to financial gain. He adds, “I think Google has a belief that one side will allow them to make more money,” revealing Google’s profit motives through driving political manipulation.

Leazer’s admission mirrors past media motives, including CNN Technical Director Charlie Chester’s claim that “fear sells,” reinforcing the role of big tech and media in shaping public perception through fear and bias.

Video on Twitter/X

No surprise to ATS, but O’Keefe continues to expose the absolute one sided control of the left.

Shoutout to Crowder, but other than O’Keefe, very few are doing hard hitting journalism anymore. Most media is just mouthing the talking points of one party or the other.

I hope O’Keefe stays safe and continues to expose corruption for years to come.

edit on 9-9-2024 by pianopraze because: Added pic

posted on Sep, 9 2024 @ 11:13 PM
Google and the owner sold out long ago, I find them in no way a credible search engine when you have to sift through page after page of biased BS to find your topic, if you do.

posted on Sep, 9 2024 @ 11:14 PM
I think the reson most big businesses favor liberal policies is because that's the party that's willing to look the other way on corruption.

There are plenty of Republicn politicians willing to do so also, but none of them are running for POTUS.

Sadly, much of the population has no idea what's really at stake.

posted on Sep, 9 2024 @ 11:16 PM
a reply to: nugget1

Sadly, much of the population has no idea what's really at stake.

Completely clueless comes to mind.

posted on Sep, 9 2024 @ 11:24 PM
a reply to: pianopraze

According to GOOGLE, every Democrat wants to kill an unborn child, and will stop at nothing to ensure that capability remains legal, and is once again made legal in all 57 states.

posted on Sep, 9 2024 @ 11:30 PM
a reply to: pianopraze

If America elects Donald Trump President again, we'll see these hidden camera exposures, and testimonies from "Whistle Blowers" on more and more Mainstream Media newscasts. (His FCC, IRS, DOL, DOJ will bring hell to media outlets that hide information that's beneficial for Americans to know.) MAGA-AF (AF = Americans FIRST.)

posted on Sep, 10 2024 @ 05:44 PM
a reply to: WeMustCare

Let the Great Purge commence!

posted on Sep, 11 2024 @ 11:29 AM
a reply to: pianopraze

The MSM is 90% biased against trump. I heard a report of the debate on KYW 1060 and it was all anti Trump.
I also read a very interesting report online about Kamala's earrings . They certainly did look like the Nova H1 audio earrings that have been around a few years. Now I know how Kamala managed to not look like a fool with her rambling. She said the lies they fed her and in all likelihood knew the questions beforehand.

posted on Sep, 11 2024 @ 04:39 PM
fyi: 9.11.2024

Google is run by a guy of Indian descent, like Kamala Devi Harris.

Sundar Pachai:

Sundar will pay for manipulating America's election to help Kamala, after Americans choose Donald Trump as our President.

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