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RIP James Earl Jones 93

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posted on Sep, 10 2024 @ 09:30 AM
a reply to: FullHeathen

"Contemplate this on the tree of woe. Crucify him!"

He gave us so many great lines over the years. His reprisal of Darth Vader made Obi Wan (Disney+) worth watching.

He will be missed.

posted on Sep, 10 2024 @ 12:26 PM
Come on no 90's kids in here? Mufasa?

JEJ was a big part of my childhood. Mufasa, The Sandlot, Darth Vader.

Loved him in Dr. Strangelove even if he didn't have many lines. Big actors in small parts.

He was also in Roots as Alex Haley.

posted on Sep, 10 2024 @ 02:20 PM
He was really something, and he was really something in everything he did. Have you ever encountered James Earl Jones reading the Holy Bible? I came across it once while looking for books on tape. There was a time when I had environmental remediation jobs across great distances, and I drove a lot. At that time, late at night across Nevada was either Rush Limbaugh, or Hellfire-and-damnation radio. While Rush was quite often entertaining, he didn't always keep my mine awake. Now you might think that James Earl Jones reading the Holy Bible would be as exciting as listening to paint dry, his diction and emphasis kept it interesting, in the same way as that ONE singular history teacher you once had delivered history as a story and made the characters come alive, and in doing so, made you love it.

There was a playfulness that was apparent in nearly every character that James Earl Jones took on, such as that found in Field of Dreams, Coming to America, and even -- dare I say it -- I DO -- The Touched By an Angel series. Who could forget his hilarious contribution in Dr. Strangelove?

He was an amazing narrator, rivaled only in some small way perhaps by Mr. Morgan Freeman. Recipient of numerous honours and awards. Amazing that he once had an ill-repressed stutter, which he seemingly overcame with sheer force of presence.

He was a great icon in our lives, those of us who are the purveyors and absorbers of entertainment, and he will be greatly missed. You always knew that if he was part of a production, no matter how strange or unusual, it would be worth your time.

Bless Mr. James.

posted on Sep, 10 2024 @ 03:06 PM
One of the best of the best. A truly excellent actor that could take on any role.
His voice was iconic and if you heard just a few words, you could tell who it was immediately.
He also had a great sense of humor.

He will be missed greatly.

His part in "Field of Dreams" was mostly responsible for the films popularity, IMO.

God Speed James Earl Jones.

posted on Sep, 11 2024 @ 12:21 PM
a reply to: wAnchorofCarp
Met him before at a gala and shook his hand. He had huge hands. The most meomrable line I remember from him was in "Coming to America" when he said "My son works??!!" in reference to his son, Prince Akeem, who travelled all the way to America to "sow his royal oats" but had instead been blindsided by a beautiful NY woman.

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