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Florida makes it illegal to pick saw palmetto berries

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posted on Sep, 8 2024 @ 09:42 PM

Picking the fruit on county-owned land is illegal, but did you know you could be arrested for picking them on your own property too?

Florida law requires residents to have a permit to harvest saw palmetto berries on privately-owned land, including your own.

Protecting wild plants on public lands … that’s debatable. But making it illegal to pick berries you grow on your own land without a permit from the state is just going too authoritarian.

Authoritarian on both sides of the isle. Republicans just as bad as Dems when they get in control. Not sure which side passed this originally but Florida is Republican controlled now. They have done a lot of good, but there are many things they are doing way too authoritarian for my tastes also.

So my first thought is where is the money flowing? Follow the money and it seems to go back to the pharmaceutical companies as some nature loving types are suggesting in comments on this that it helps prostate health. I don’t know - and get medical advice from medically qualified people.

But that big pharma tries to stop cheap treatments is nothing new.. look no further than ivermectin. Universally hailed as a wonder drug until it got in the way of big pharma profits.

posted on Sep, 8 2024 @ 09:48 PM

originally posted by: pianopraze

Picking the fruit on county-owned land is illegal, but did you know you could be arrested for picking them on your own property too?

Florida law requires residents to have a permit to harvest saw palmetto berries on privately-owned land, including your own.

Protecting wild plants on public lands … that’s debatable. But making it illegal to pick berries you grow on your own land without a permit from the state is just going too authoritarian.

Authoritarian on both sides of the isle. Republicans just as bad as Dems when they get in control. Not sure which side passed this originally but Florida is Republican controlled now. They have done a lot of good, but there are many things they are doing way too authoritarian for my tastes also.

So my first thought is where is the money flowing? Follow the money and it seems to go back to the pharmaceutical companies as some nature loving types are suggesting in comments on this that it helps prostate health. I don’t know - and get medical advice from medically qualified people.

But that big pharma tries to stop cheap treatments is nothing new.. look no further than ivermectin. Universally hailed as a wonder drug until it got in the way of big pharma profits.

They are requiring a permit if you are selling it.

So people that are picking clover don't resell it as palmetto.

posted on Sep, 8 2024 @ 09:55 PM
a reply to: pianopraze

it seems that saw palmetto not only keeps your prostrate from swelling up like a grape fruit, it's also good for those that suffer from onion head / chrome dome.

and also may used in place of boner pills. that right there is probably the reason why.
but can cause soft wood.

edit on 8-9-2024 by BernnieJGato because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2024 @ 10:05 PM

originally posted by: Lumenari

originally posted by: pianopraze

Picking the fruit on county-owned land is illegal, but did you know you could be arrested for picking them on your own property too?

Florida law requires residents to have a permit to harvest saw palmetto berries on privately-owned land, including your own.

Protecting wild plants on public lands … that’s debatable. But making it illegal to pick berries you grow on your own land without a permit from the state is just going too authoritarian.

Authoritarian on both sides of the isle. Republicans just as bad as Dems when they get in control. Not sure which side passed this originally but Florida is Republican controlled now. They have done a lot of good, but there are many things they are doing way too authoritarian for my tastes also.

So my first thought is where is the money flowing? Follow the money and it seems to go back to the pharmaceutical companies as some nature loving types are suggesting in comments on this that it helps prostate health. I don’t know - and get medical advice from medically qualified people.

But that big pharma tries to stop cheap treatments is nothing new.. look no further than ivermectin. Universally hailed as a wonder drug until it got in the way of big pharma profits.

They are requiring a permit if you are selling it.

So people that are picking clover don't resell it as palmetto.

They are requiring permit to pick it on your own land:

did you know you could be arrested for picking them on your own property too?

They state it twice.

Florida law requires residents to have a permit to harvest saw palmetto berries on privately-owned land, including your own.


posted on Sep, 8 2024 @ 10:17 PM
a reply to: pianopraze

My apologies... I conflated that with the Huckleberry thing we have going on up here.

So the permit is because it is an endangered species...

Effective July 2018, the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) requires a permit to harvest and sell saw palmetto berries in Florida. The Endangered Plant Advisory Council unanimously recommended adding saw palmetto to the FDACS commercially exploited plant list.

An entirely unrelated thing.

Except for the selling part.

edit on 100000009America/Chicago9pmSun, 08 Sep 2024 22:18:35 -050018 by Lumenari because: (no reason given)

+3 more 
posted on Sep, 8 2024 @ 10:26 PM
PDF link for permit requirements:

9. Do I have to fill out a Permission Letter for Harvesting if I am harvesting from my own
Yes, if you intend to harvest berries for commercial sale or use outside of your own property, a
permit and written permission is required.

If I read this right you don't need a permit to harvest from your own property unlessyou intend to sell them.

posted on Sep, 8 2024 @ 10:39 PM

originally posted by: nugget1
PDF link for permit requirements:

9. Do I have to fill out a Permission Letter for Harvesting if I am harvesting from my own
Yes, if you intend to harvest berries for commercial sale or use outside of your own property, a
permit and written permission is required.

If I read this right you don't need a permit to harvest from your own property unlessyou intend to sell them.

Yup, sale or use outside of your own property. While I think it’s silly, what’s stated in the OP is not entirely the case.

posted on Sep, 8 2024 @ 10:39 PM

originally posted by: nugget1
PDF link for permit requirements:

9. Do I have to fill out a Permission Letter for Harvesting if I am harvesting from my own
Yes, if you intend to harvest berries for commercial sale or use outside of your own property, a
permit and written permission is required.

If I read this right you don't need a permit to harvest from your own property unlessyou intend to sell them.

Well, that rules out picking up a girl and going to a motel with her after popping a few berries.

posted on Sep, 8 2024 @ 10:42 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse

originally posted by: nugget1
PDF link for permit requirements:

9. Do I have to fill out a Permission Letter for Harvesting if I am harvesting from my own
Yes, if you intend to harvest berries for commercial sale or use outside of your own property, a
permit and written permission is required.

If I read this right you don't need a permit to harvest from your own property unlessyou intend to sell them.

Well, that rules out picking up a girl and going to a motel with her after popping a few berries.

Lol. And knowing politicians this would probably be used in court to say the berry is being used ‘outside’ of the property.

posted on Sep, 8 2024 @ 10:42 PM

originally posted by: Kaiju666

originally posted by: nugget1
PDF link for permit requirements:

9. Do I have to fill out a Permission Letter for Harvesting if I am harvesting from my own
Yes, if you intend to harvest berries for commercial sale or use outside of your own property, a
permit and written permission is required.

If I read this right you don't need a permit to harvest from your own property unlessyou intend to sell them.

Yup, sale or use outside of your own property. While I think it’s silly, what’s stated in the OP is not entirely the case.

So can I rest my case for my original post?


posted on Sep, 8 2024 @ 10:50 PM
a reply to: pianopraze

Can someone please explain to me why our overbearing government are making it illegal to sell something I grew on my property?

posted on Sep, 8 2024 @ 11:01 PM

originally posted by: nugget1
PDF link for permit requirements:

9. Do I have to fill out a Permission Letter for Harvesting if I am harvesting from my own
Yes, if you intend to harvest berries for commercial sale or use outside of your own property, a
permit and written permission is required.

If I read this right you don't need a permit to harvest from your own property unlessyou intend to sell them.

Another site: Link

DON'T PICK THE BERRIES.... Even From Your Own Property!

A native plant harvesting permit is required from the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) prior to the harvest of Saw Palmetto Berries

The unwary berry picker is at risk for arrest and prosecution of a First-Degree Misdemeanor.
* Harvesting saw palmetto berries in Florida requires a permit from the FDACS.
* A permit application must be approved by the FDACS before you can begin harvesting saw palmetto

The statue defines harvest:

c) “Harvest” means to dig up, remove, or cut and remove from the place where grown.

You must have permission AND a permit. You can give yourself permission on your own land, but still need a permit per everything I’m finding.

You must have permit to pick.

Another source: Link

Saw palmetto berries: Why it's illegal to pick this Florida fruit, even on your own land

…and what's more, picking them on your own private land is illegal under Florida Statute 581.185 (d).

Apparently the law is poorly worded, but enforcement is arresting for picking on your own land unless you have permit.

posted on Sep, 9 2024 @ 08:20 AM
I get the state/county land. Too many people are making medicine irresponsibly harvesting plants.

But on my own land.
Don't tell anyone, and no problem.

Not that hard to grow your own plants.
Otherwise we will lose them with overharvesting.

posted on Sep, 9 2024 @ 08:36 AM
What if somebody wanders onto an area where it's growing and they don't know what it is and they pick it? Who decides what the person was "thinking" "at the time"? 😃

What about chopping it with mowers?

posted on Sep, 9 2024 @ 08:53 AM

originally posted by: xuenchen
What if somebody wanders onto an area where it's growing and they don't know what it is and they pick it? Who decides what the person was "thinking" "at the time"? 😃

What about chopping it with mowers?

Ignorance of the law does not equal innocence. However when it comes to a trial intent becomes a factor in determining guilt vs innocence vs appropriate sentenceing.

posted on Sep, 9 2024 @ 09:17 AM
because idiots are mass picking them which is leading to damage in the environment since palmetto bushes are used as food and shelter by multiple critters in the wild.

Add in mass migration of people to florida, stupid numbers of housing developments going up where they clear everything so people can have a soggy green lawn and you have a situation ripe for more damage to the states environment.

Its not like it was in the 1970s where they were everywhere, last few times I visited my dad in florida I havent seen a single palmetto bush.

posted on Sep, 9 2024 @ 09:25 AM
a reply to: Irishhaf

I plan on putting some in once I can afford too, my backyard butts up to someone's private hunting woods so hopefully they propagate out. I don't see any of that Spanish moss around either not sure if that is a good or a bad thing.

posted on Sep, 9 2024 @ 09:32 AM
a reply to: SomeStupidName

Luckily at my dads place he still has a large number of water oaks, so they have moss for days.

But back when he was building the place they palmetto bushes were considered a pain, so everyone cleared them out.

Once again its probably to little to late, which is par for the course in florida since at least the 1970's.

posted on Sep, 9 2024 @ 09:34 AM
a reply to: ratcals

Dramatic much?

You just need a permit...

Do you want to buy a product that is full of roundup, or worse?

posted on Sep, 9 2024 @ 10:18 AM
This reminds me of Silphium:

Romans Ate This ‘Miracle Plant’ To Extinction 2,000 Years Ago — Now A Scientist Says He’s Rediscovered It
By Katie Serena | Edited By Erik Hawkins
Published August 27, 2022
Updated October 18, 2022
Silphium was incredibly popular as a contraceptive, but it supposedly also helped to prevent disease and make food taste better.
The ancient Romans were ahead of the game on a lot of things, and luckily they passed most of those things down to us: indoor plumbing, the calendar, and bureaucracy, to name a few.

There was one thing, however, that they kept to themselves – and it may have been the world’s most effective contraception: a north African herb known as silphium.

Silphium was used by the Romans as a form of herbal birth control. They used it so often, in fact, that the plant went extinct before the fall of the Roman Empire — or so we thought. As of 2022, a scientist in Turkey claims to have rediscovered the ancient miracle plant.

A Popular And Effective Contraception And Cure For Ailments
Silphium once grew rampant in the Greek city of Cyrene — modern-day Libya — on the northern coast of Africa. Resin from within its stalk had been used for years by locals as a cure-all for various ailments including nausea, fevers, chills, and even corns on the feet.

It was also used as an extremely effective form of contraception.

“Anecdotal and medical evidence from classical antiquity tells us that the drug of choice for contraception was silphium,” said historian and Greek pharmacologist John Riddle in the Washington Post.

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