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What's on your mind today?

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posted on Sep, 8 2024 @ 02:45 PM
Some things i am thinking about today, what are you guys thinking about?

What was so bad about Dodi Al-Fayed? Is it true that the Royal Family didn't like him or didn't want an Egyptian stepfather for the Princes? Why would that be? Also i remember a different paparazzi person being named as the suspected driver of the Fiat Uno. I can't recall the name, but I know it wasn't the one that recently came out a few years ago, it was something like phillip adamson or similar, Amundson i don't know however he was suspected because he was in France, drove a white fiat uno that had damage on it when the police interviewed him, was a royal watcher paparazzo and had taken a flight to Corsica at like 3AM the morning after the accident, that is what i remember. Now when i try and search it only pulls up this stuff about Le Van Tranh which is definitely not the name i remember being reported in the early 2000s or the circumstances i remember.

Spontaneous Human Combustion, I just saw an episode of Xtreme Mysteries which is a show from 2004 and it was about SHC. It had a story of a man who survived being Spontaneously Combusted and it said he was a traveling salesman who traveled in an RV, but he went to get a hotel room this night and couldn't so he stayed in his RV in the parking lot of the hotel, he awoke 4 days later with his arm extensively burned, his chest burned and all the way down one leg burned. The burns were bad enough he ended up having to have his arm amputated, but at the time he said it didn't hurt at all and investigators found no sign when they tore down the RV looking for evidence, they found no sign whatsoever of what caused his burns. Another woman, yes was smoking a cigarette at the time, but she burned up to a pile of ash very very quickly her grand-daughter was alerted to smoke by a neighbor and called the fire department, the fire department arrived only 6 minutes later and the lady was already just a pile of ash with intact legs only. The grand-daughter had just a few minutes prior brought the grand-mother a pack of cigarettes and she was not on fire at that point. Nothing else in the room or house was damaged aside from the spot on the sofa she was sitting.

SHC is weird, wild stuff. I feel like the reason nobody really knows what it is because i don't buy any of the mainstream "science" theories about it, i think it is a weapon the government randomly has tested. Some kind of microwave weapon or laser who knows. We don't know what the government and military have. They have been experimenting with different electromagnetic frequencies for decades so i am sure they have a weapon that can do this damage, where people are very quickly reduced to a pile of ash. But most people investigating it seem to be focused on this being a function of the human body in some capacity, so i don't know.

Lost continent of Mu? Another episode of Xtreme Mysteries was talking about how perhaps Easter Island is really just a volcanic peak along with several other islands, and that originally it was a whole continent but now it is all submerged so all we see from our perspective is islands, but it's really all a part of one big landmass. What do you guys think about that is this like Atlantis or is this just a made up thing.

The judge in Richard Allen's case recently not only ruled that he can't use Odinism and this vast Viking/Cult conspiracy as his defense at trial for the murder of Abby Williams and Libby German but also that all 61 confessions he has made while behind bars, to members of his family, law enforcement and other inmates which include details of the murders that only the killer would know are admissible. Many of these confessions were done on recorded lines of communication. I mean, I have strong opinions about this case and this person, Richard Allen. They are not nice opinions so I don't want to say them. But I am looking forward to the trial starting in October. I hope there are no more delays and when he is found guilty we will probably all be saying "Today is the day".

How credible or accurate is Fritz Springmeier? I was just wondering because i was looking for information ok guys this might be woo woo but have you guys heard about the IBM2020 Neural Implant? Apparently it was written about in the oct/nov 1996 issue of Nexus magazine which unfortunately i have been unable to find. I did find this article on bibliotecapeyedes or however you spell it, here it is

continued in comment because the rest is too long for one post.

posted on Sep, 8 2024 @ 02:45 PM

But, in view of the early work of Dr. Delgado for the CIA, the question remains,

what else might these electronic implants be capable of doing?

Some idea might be gained from excerpts of a confidential memo covertly obtained in October 1995 from: INTELLI-CONNECTION, A Security Division of IBM, 1200 Progress Way, Armonk, New York 11204:


Federal regulations do not yet permit testing of implants on prisoners, but we have entered into contractual testing of our product.

We have also had major successes in privately owned sanitariums with implant technology...

In California, several prisoners were identified as members of a security threat group, EME, or Mexican Mafia. They were brought to the health services unit at Pelican Bay and tranquilized with advanced sedatives developed by our Cambridge, Massachusetts laboratories.

"The implant procedure takes about 60-90 minutes depending on the experience of the technician. We are working on a device that will reduce that time by as much as 60%.

The results of implants on 8 prisoners yielded the following:

"Implants served as surveillance monitoring devices for threat group activity. Implants disabled two subjects during an assault on correctional staff.

Universal side effects in all 8 test subjects revealed that when the implant was set to 116 Mhz all subjects became lethargic and slept an average of 18-22 hours per day.

All subjects refused recreation periods for 14 days during the 116 Mhz test evaluation...

"Each subject was monitored for aggressive activity during the test period and the findings are conclusive that 7 out of the 8 test subjects exhibited no aggression, even when provoked. Each subject experienced only minor bleeding from the nose and ears 48 hours after the implant due to initial adjustment.

Each subject had no knowledge of the implant for the test period and each implant was retrieved under the guise of medical treatment. The security windfall from the brief test period was tremendous.

Security officials now know several strategies employed by the EME that facilitate the transmission of illegal drugs and weapons into their correctional facilities... in Massachusetts, the Department of Corrections has already entered into high level discussions about releasing certain offenders to the community with the 2020 neural chip implants..."

Now what they're talking about is Jose Delgado who apparently was doing experiments with implants for the CIA and here is what he said about it

In a speech recorded in the February 24,1974 edition of the Congressional Record No. 26., Vol. 118., Dr. Delgado had this to say:

"We need a program of psychosurgery for political control of our society. The purpose is physical control of the mind. Everyone who deviates from the given norm can be surgically mutilated.

"The Individual may think that the most important reality is his own existence, but this is only his personal point of view. This lacks historical perspective.

"Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electrically control the brain.

Someday, armies and generals will be controlled by electric stimulation of the brain."

The uninformed may think this sounds like science fiction but in the May 17, 1965 issue of the New York Times, Dr. Delgado had reportedly successfully connected electronic implants to the motor nervous system of a bull and could stop the charging bull in its tracks by radio control.

In another report Dr. Delgado had surgically implanted a cat with an electronic implant which could transmit everything the cat was seeing and hearing to a nearby T.V. monitor.

Who would ever suspect the cat was a "surveillance bug"?

Well, considering the tremendous advances in large scale integrated circuits, electronic implants have come a long way since the sixties.
Some electronic implants are smaller than a grain of rice and can be injected into the subject via a hypodermic needle.

A recent law was passed in Los Angeles that any lost pets picked up by the pound had to be injected with a telemetry implant before being released.

These telemetry implants are electromagnetically connected to the Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) system so that if the pet is ever lost again they can be immediately located by GPS monitors.

Similar implants are now placed into newborn children at many hospitals. The selling point to the parents is that the children can be easily located if they ever become lost.

Ronald Kane, Vice President of CUBIC Corp., a major manufacturer of implantable chips, while remarking on the chips profitability, has said,

"If we had our way, we'd implant a chip behind everyone's ear in the maternity ward."

Similarly, the Desert Storm troops were implanted with telemetry chips so that their positions could be located on the field of battle to assist in rescue operations and minimize "friendly fire" casualties.

That was a lot for me to digest because i had no idea first of all that they were implanting newborn babies with tracking chips this is INSANE! And i also had no idea they implanted the Gulf War soldiers with chips as well. The source of this article on the bibliotecapleyades website is the Phoenix Project Volume 17 number 7 from July 8, 1997 so they've been implanting people with chips for quite some time evidently.

Well anyways that led me to search more on mind control and then i found on the internet archive a 640 page archive of Fritz Springmeier's writings and the first part here is about mind control and the supposed illuminati and i was just wondering your guys' opinions on him and whether he is credible i know him and his wife i guess had a lot of legal problems and are like sovereign citizens or freemen or whatever off the grid people, but i just want to know if his information is accurate or not and does anyone have any better sources for these neural implants they were talking about back in the 70s-90s? I'm not talking about whatever Elon Musk is trying to do. It seems it's already been done, bigger and better by the government and/or military.

posted on Sep, 8 2024 @ 03:12 PM
a reply to: Shoshanna

On SHC and lasers I have, for a time now, suspected that crop circles are from some microwave technology, perhaps from government satellites. Even now after the Maui fires that suspicion has ramped up.

posted on Sep, 8 2024 @ 03:17 PM

That's a lot to unpack!!


I'm still trying to drill into Delgado. For the record, his name was Jose' Manuel Rodriguez Delgado. (reason for mentioning this is because there's a whole LOT of Jose' Delgado's in history) And the Congressional record of these statements appears to be Record 26, Volume 118, 1974...which I am having a difficult time locating. There seems to be some conjecture about what he really said, and I've seen your quote of his words in a couple other places with some fairly stiff opposition alleging he never said that, but again I can't seem to locate the actual record to verify it myself. There also seems to be some debate on his title and employment at Yale. Definitely a trippy dude though.

Edit - There doesn't seem to be any record of him working with the CIA. And, I'm kind of surprised Gottlieb's name didn't show up as he was the 'Dr. Mengele' du jour around this same time.

edit on 9/8/2024 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2024 @ 03:25 PM
a reply to: Shoshanna

Sleep is the main thing on my mind today...currently on hour 15 with at least 2 or 3 more hours to go. I guess it's better than load in last year for this show...that was 21hrs straight with exactly 8hrs between that 21hr and a 16hr the next day. Take out 45min drive time both ways and 15-20min to get ready...oh and the 2hrs it took to get to sleep because I hit my second wind just before I left...maybe 4 or 5hrs sleep.

Glad its not that bad this year...but the money sure is nice!

posted on Sep, 8 2024 @ 03:41 PM
I’ll be 42 in a couple days. So of course I think of A Hitchhiker’s Guide and the words “Don’t Panic”!

42 being the answer to everything in the universe.


Also I’m grateful to have discovered Tom Robbins at an early age. Truly. Such a great author.

And maybe the movie “What the Bleep Do We Know” and the thought experiments with water.

SHC certainly is a strange topic. Not sure I have a stance there. But certainly suggests the world we know and inhabit isn’t what it always seems or is reported to be.

Thanks for sharing Sho.

edit on 8-9-2024 by SteamyAmerican because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2024 @ 04:32 PM

originally posted by: RickyD
a reply to: Shoshanna

Sleep is the main thing on my mind today...currently on hour 15 with at least 2 or 3 more hours to go. I guess it's better than load in last year for this show...that was 21hrs straight with exactly 8hrs between that 21hr and a 16hr the next day. Take out 45min drive time both ways and 15-20min to get ready...oh and the 2hrs it took to get to sleep because I hit my second wind just before I left...maybe 4 or 5hrs sleep.

Glad its not that bad this year...but the money sure is nice!

Brother, I feel your pain. Freshman orientation was last week, 3- 16 hour commute is 2 hours.

What show are you working?

On top of the college, I do IA calls. 3 shed shows this week.

1 more week straight, and then 1 day off.

You know, I am glad I love what I do, or else it would suck.

posted on Sep, 8 2024 @ 04:39 PM
a reply to: theatreboy

Big ol' corporate gig for Oracle here in Vegas. Its like a typical 2-3 day load in done in 32hrs. I am the master electrician for the massive LED build and me the fiber tech and our production rigger are the only part of the crew without a rotation shift...even the head engineer has a backup...however they tend to stay just as long as we do.

The first year I did this show we literally had 0 local labor show up for load in and we did it all ourselves for the first 16ish hours. Me and one other guy installed 80% 12,000ft of socapex in the catwalk before we got any stagehands to help. For perspective for those not in the field...its 1/2lb per a literal 2 tons. They also don't have an elevator to the catwalk so I had to ferry it up 500' at a time in a boom lift...cause 525' overloaded the basket...

posted on Sep, 8 2024 @ 04:39 PM
a reply to: theatreboy Good luck this semester! Thats a helluva commute.

What shows are you helping in? What’s your expertise with regards to stage arts?

I like plays although I don’t go to many. I don’t wanna say it’s a dying art, but with the advent of AI, human interaction and the arts overall are under assault.

posted on Sep, 8 2024 @ 05:06 PM
a reply to: Shoshanna

Today, well, for several days now my head is swirling around the surety with which both liberal and conservatives comprehend themselves and the other. What I am finding, and of course I could be crazy, is that both consider themselves to be either better or smarter and for the most part both than those on the other side of a vague yet seemingly concrete wall between them. Compounding this conundrum, both perspectives appear to have a comprehensive set of either proofs or at least seemingly rational and complete narratives which justify their own perspectives

I guess that some of these thoughts that I have harken back to having read Alvin Toffler's ''The Third Wave'' in 1980 in which he develops the concept of an ''Info-sphere''. This sphere of information he describes as

What is inescapably clear, whatever we choose to believe, is that we are altering our infosphere fundamentally...we are adding a whole new strata of communication to the social system. The emerging Third Wave infosphere makes that of the Second Wave era - dominated by its mass media, the post office, and the telephone - seem hopelessly primitive by contrast.

The first use of this term is credited to R.Z. Sheppard, who wrote:

In much the way that fish cannot conceptualize water or birds the air, man barely understands his infosphere, that encircling layer of electronic and typographical smog composed of cliches from journalism, entertainment, advertising and government.

As well, on a larger or more esoteric level this info-sphere can be likened to the concept of ''noosphere'' developed and somewhat popularized by biogeochemist Vladimir Vernadsky and philosopher and Jesuit priest Pierre Teilhard de Chardin in the 1920s. They defined this concept as

the planetary "sphere of reason" The noosphere represents the highest stage of biospheric development, that of humankind's rational activities.

Then, compounding this whole concept is this newer philosophy of Memetics popularized by Richard Dawkins in the 1970s

is a theory of the evolution of culture based on Darwinian principles with the meme as the unit of culture. The term "meme" was coined by biologist Richard Dawkins in his 1976 book The Selfish Gene,[1] to illustrate the principle that he later called "Universal Darwinism". All evolutionary processes depend on information being copied, varied, and selected, a process also known as variation with selective retention. The information that is copied is called the replicator, and genes are the replicator for biological evolution. Dawkins proposed that the same process drives cultural evolution, and he called this second replicator the "meme," citing examples such as musical tunes, catchphrases, fashions, and technologies. Like genes, memes are selfish replicators and have causal efficacy; in other words, their properties influence their chances of being copied and passed on. Some succeed because they are valuable or useful to their human hosts while others are more like viruses.

I guess I didn't respond to your thoughts of the morning but you did ask what was on mine...

posted on Sep, 8 2024 @ 05:08 PM
What is on my mind today? Well, I still have some hair covering my brain today, it is white now and much thinner, but it is still there hovering over my brain.

posted on Sep, 8 2024 @ 05:41 PM
a reply to: Shoshanna

WOW,Sho! You're all over the place today!

That was a lot for me to digest

You and me both! I've investigated/read about all of these topics throughout the years except the Delgado one, but I don't have the energy to address them all. Haha

I began thinking how easy it would be to inject an RFID chip in every newborn back in the early 80's, and now it would be so easy to implant tracking chips or run DNA on them or anyone who ever has a blood draw. I guess it boils down to how far one trusts their government....

i just want to know if his information is accurate or not and does anyone have any better sources for these neural implants they were talking about back in the 70s-90s? I'm not talking about whatever Elon Musk is trying to do. It seems it's already been done, bigger and better by the government and/or military.

A few years ago I read extensively on exactly how the government began using universities and research centers to develop technology without any of the scientists/researchers knowing exactly what they were working on...because the gov. would break it down into individual components.
One group would figure out one aspect of what their aim ones, while another worked on a different component.
The government would provide the funding in the form of 'hogher education grants' and retain oversight of the different projects. If on group found the answer they were hoping for, or were getting to close to the truth of what the research was really for they'd pull the plug, saying funding had run out or the research wasn't providing any useful information.

The purpose of contracting out was twofold; 1) far more researchers/scientists than the gov. could conceivably hire and oversee and 2) possibly the most important-plausably deniability.

Looking at the millions the government gives to prestigeous colleges it makes sense, and it puts the college administrators in the gov. pocket; they play along for the money and don't dare expose the underhaded grift that goes on.

I tried a couple of years ago to fing all the articles I'd read on this but the internet has been completely scrubbed-at least for my subpar skills with technology. Often times I don't get answers because I don't phrase my search questions properly, but I keep coming up empty on this topic.

Anyway, Sho-I enoyed your thread. Actually, I think there's five or six threads here.

posted on Sep, 8 2024 @ 06:17 PM
a reply to: nugget1

A few years ago I read extensively on exactly how the government began using universities and research centers to develop technology without any of the scientists/researchers knowing exactly what they were working on...because the gov. would break it down into individual components.
One group would figure out one aspect of what their aim ones, while another worked on a different component.

Not denying nug but there is also another or additional explanation, that of independent research or conformation. Knowing the entire project could contaminate the individual studies required to substantiate the larger experiment being conducted.
Also, along with government orchestrating these studies throughout the university system, there is also the marriage between the federal government and the business community. Research and development carried out by universities and national laboratories very often leads to patents owned by those corporations. So who knows how much of the original directions come from government or the corporate system that ends up profiting.

posted on Sep, 8 2024 @ 06:36 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse
What is on my mind today? Well, I still have some hair covering my brain today, it is white now and much thinner, but it is still there hovering over my brain.

Keep in mind, you are not losing hair.

You are gaining face.

To the topic, I am playing with some misogynist on ATS for entertainment, I canned 16 pints of tomatoes today and was thinking about putting the snowblower on the tractor for the year.

Some people apparently think a lot more about stuff than I do.

But in my defense, Sunday is my brain's day off.

posted on Sep, 8 2024 @ 08:18 PM
I was wondering, at what age do transwomen go through menopause? As a woman I think I sm on the cusp of peri menopause, I am so looking forward not to bleed every 28 days or so, but not looking forward to my face becoming even more hairy than it is.
edit on 8-9-2024 by Cloudbuster1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2024 @ 08:39 PM

originally posted by: Cloudbuster1
I was wondering, at what age do transwomen go through menopause? As a woman I think I sm on the cusp of peri menopause, I am so looking forward not to bleed every 28 days or so, but not looking forward to my face becoming even more hairy than it is.

I've no real experience in trans women and menopause...


In my case, the cycles started flipping from 1 to three months, sometimes you will bleed out and want to die but you can't, sometimes it was great, tequila became a friend, people stopped coming to my house because I set the thermostat to "morgue", I got three blankets and a body shaped pillow that I could punch in my sleep and I got REALLY good at making queso.

Your ear hairs will actually grow faster than your facial hair so remember that before going out.

I binge watched "House", "Jericho" and "Grey's Anatomy". Fell in love with a few characters and then hated them forever.

Sometimes buying a big box of Bugles and a squirt cheese and eating a Reese's cup between squirting cheese in the Bugle will mean the difference between your neighbors dying from nonspecific knife wounds or not.

Not saying that you don't want too... just that you don't have the energy to so it is a win/win.

And for the love of God the Amazon cart is not your friend.

Just some thoughts.

Experiences will differ.

edit on 100000009America/Chicago9pmSun, 08 Sep 2024 20:42:40 -050042 by Lumenari because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2024 @ 09:04 PM
a reply to: BingoMcGoof

All good points to consider, Bingo. Bottom line, it looks like the vast amount of wealth just flows in a big circle to those at the top with not much trickling down to the little people.

posted on Sep, 8 2024 @ 10:19 PM
I binge watch house, so maybe that means I am definitely in peri menopause
a reply to: Lumenari

posted on Sep, 8 2024 @ 10:24 PM

originally posted by: Cloudbuster1
I binge watch house, so maybe that means I am definitely in peri menopause
a reply to: Lumenari

I'm just going to leave this here...

posted on Sep, 9 2024 @ 05:36 AM

originally posted by: Lumenari

originally posted by: rickymouse
What is on my mind today? Well, I still have some hair covering my brain today, it is white now and much thinner, but it is still there hovering over my brain.

Keep in mind, you are not losing hair.

You are gaining face.

To the topic, I am playing with some misogynist on ATS for entertainment, I canned 16 pints of tomatoes today and was thinking about putting the snowblower on the tractor for the year.

Some people apparently think a lot more about stuff than I do.

But in my defense, Sunday is my brain's day off.

snowblower. That makes me smile. When I moved from Cleveland to NC, I realized nobody had snow shovels. I asked why. After a few winters, I found out. When it snows here, everyone just stops until it melts. It always melts. We don't do "snow removal".

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