a reply to:
Oh Turkey has their gangsters occupying a nice chunk of North Syria actually. Much of the Idlib province still under their charge. They also happen to
poke across Iraq's border from time to time.
I think this belief that Sunni and Shiite hate each other the way some describe are an outdated caracature and over simplification. The established,
generations old propaganda model wants us to believe they hate each other to death the way the Irish Catholics and Protestants did to the point of
open war within the same nation. But how can that be true when every member of Islamic sects are typically represented in each country anyways, and
they arent bombing each other to # outside of the states occupied by North American and European military powers?? Just like there are majority
Catholic countries, majority Eastern Orthodox, Coptic, Protestant, Baptist etc.. etc.. there just happen to be Sunni and Shiite majorities as well.
I don't read stories of rampaging Sunnis attacking Shiite neighborhoods anywhere. Its the same type of propaganda that says
everyone in the Middle
East has been fighting forever, they will never stop , but then they have no proper answer when forced to acknowledge this has been the case
literally everywhere on Earth since before Abraham blessed the world with his leftover stories from Sumer and him and his kids created the trinity of
Was Genghis Khan Muslim or originating out of the Middle East? What about Attila the Hun, or the Native Americans of the Western Hemisphere?? All been
fighting since before they were made aware there was a Middle East. Recognizing the stereotype for the brainwashing propaganda it is would be a step
in the right direction of bridging cultural divides and actually understanding other human beings, and maybe lead to stop underestimating ones
enemies. Of course that requires the abandonment of a supremacist mindset, and the older generation has no intent on admitting any fallacies, let
alone ever accepting the possibility they could be mislead by deceitful marketing.
Turkey's Erdogan has been a very vocal activist for the multi-polar world order and he has clout where NATO may not. I recommend stop mocking and
ridiculing our enemies and take them seriously. Six years went by with this being not taken seriously, and now not only are there calls for an
official (
non US/Brit/Israeli funded and supported) Islamic Alliance (caliphate) and willing parties to support just that.
It feels to me like my American and European fellow taxpayers are just sticking their heads in the sand and pretending nothing can touch us, all the
while there is clearly a global conspiracy to take control of the USA and/or devastate it financially and socially in the same time span traditional
European states are having a demographic shift through orchestrated mass migration which can alter their nations histories permanently much as the
attempts here in the states.
But this call for a new alliance is just what, hot air? I cannot imagine how making such an assumption is any good for operational readiness in the
event of a surprise alliance against Israel with a NATO member state at its center, and verhy likely going to team up with Iran, not the Sauds.