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posted on Sep, 7 2024 @ 04:43 PM
After Jehovah freed the Israelites from slavery in the land of Egypt he lead them by way of the wilderness to Mount Sinai where he made a covenant with them and they became his peoples, even though they broke it as soon as they made it. Then they wondered around for 40 years in the wilderness because of their rebelliousness until all of the generation of 20 years old and up had died. Then Joshua lead the younger generation who were just children when they left Egypt into the land of promise and conquered 31 kings. We come in history to the book of Judges.

They have the Law given to Moses and live according to its statues and judicial regulations. At that time the tabernacle, the center for pure worship to Jehovah, was situated in Shiloh. From there Joshua issued his final decrees and blessings and curses on the rebellious people of Israel before he died.
There is no king in Israel yet. It is as it was stated in Judges, "each one was doing what was right in his own eyes:"

In those days, there was no king in Israel. Each one was doing what was right in his own eyes.-Judges 17:6.

This afternoon I have finally been able to make time to read through Judges. I have been meaning to do it for a number of days now on my journey to stream all of the Bible books to YouTube. Join along as we read how the fledgling nation of Israel receives Jehovah's blessings when they do what is right, and how he raises up from among them Judges to save them from the oppressors around them.

posted on Sep, 7 2024 @ 10:51 PM
Part 2 Streaming Live.

posted on Sep, 8 2024 @ 03:17 PM
Check your Hebrew. His Name is YHWH.
Yahweh is probably the closest to utterance.
The Jews did not have a letter 'j' or a pronunciation of anything with 'j' in their lexicon. Anything we read in the bible starting with a 'J' was pronounced with a Y.
GOD's Name was never pronounced with a 'J'. And the Jews would know. After all, they WERE His witnesses, and still are.
They just need to get their heads out of the the Talmud and back into the TaNaKh.
a reply to: randomuser2034

posted on Sep, 9 2024 @ 01:12 PM

originally posted by: LuciusDriftwood
Check your Hebrew. His Name is YHWH.
Yahweh is probably the closest to utterance.
The Jews did not have a letter 'j' or a pronunciation of anything with 'j' in their lexicon. Anything we read in the bible starting with a 'J' was pronounced with a Y.
GOD's Name was never pronounced with a 'J'. And the Jews would know. After all, they WERE His witnesses, and still are.
They just need to get their heads out of the the Talmud and back into the TaNaKh.
a reply to: randomuser2034

I'm reading from an English translation of the Bible. Where names such as Joshua and John and Jesus are translated as such in English.

As for the Jews being God's people please read this thread I made about that subject awhile ago:

I Will Incite them to Jealousy with What Is Not A People

The nation of Israel became Jehovah's people when they came into a covenant relationship with him at the foot of Mount Sinai in the third moth of 1513 B. C. E. As soon as they made that covenant they broke it by performing calf worship while Moses was in the Holy Mountain. It was then that Jehovah had decided to get rid of them as his covenant people and make a new covenant with people of the nations. So from the very start Jehovah had already decided he was going to do away with the Israelites as his covenant people.

They are NOT his people today. When they put his son to death Jehovah did away with them as his covenant people, and now the anointed Christian congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, as well as their companions with an earthly hope are.

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