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Harris economic plans all seem to involve giving money away

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posted on Sep, 6 2024 @ 12:27 PM
A video with a Harris surrogate in which he claims that Harris wants to give 50K$ away to jump start small businesses. Sounds great, but as I have asked many times, where does that money come from? Her plan to give 25K$ to first time home buyers, again, sounds great, but where does that $ come from?

It's as if she isn't aware of why the inflation rate skyrocketed. Too much money, chasing too few goods. Which has brought us to a recession. I am aware that low info folks claim we had a "soft landing" but that's what they were told to say, it has no bearing on reality. So I'd like to hear from those who understand global economics. I know several members here have displayed a level of knowledge on that topic that is superior to most I have heard, so I'd like to hear it from them. Would giving more money away and taking that money from the federal government help or hurt our current inflation situation?

Thanks in advance for reading and commenting.

posted on Sep, 6 2024 @ 12:45 PM
a reply to: network dude

The only way they know how to win..

posted on Sep, 6 2024 @ 12:50 PM
a reply to: network dude

Anyone who even tries to argue that increasing government spending is a good thing in any way shape or form is beyond low-info. They're either paid shills or total idiots. Maybe both

posted on Sep, 6 2024 @ 12:50 PM
That should add a nice bump to the deficit. My questions are twofold:

1. How many of these handouts will wind up being fake (businesses) to get the comrade bucks?
2. How long until some of that them comrade bucks will be handed out to households (who will, of course, find out it'll be taxable income)?

I predict hilarity will ensue.
edit on b52FridayFridayxpm09 by billxam1 because: i can't spell.

posted on Sep, 6 2024 @ 12:53 PM
a reply to: network dude

It is mass bribery. 'Vote for us and we will give you stuff.'

Neither side of the bribery really thinks of the true costs of it. Only those outside this deal see that part.

posted on Sep, 6 2024 @ 12:56 PM
a reply to: network dude

I can't claim to be one of the intellectuals that understand economics but limiting money for first time homeowners to illegal immigrants doesn't seem like much of a way to help American citizens.
With such high mortgage rates how will these illegals be able to afford the monthly payments?
It sounds like building a housing bubble to me, but again I'm no expert.

Businesses that have been around for decades have gone bankrupt or closed due to not making enough profit to support their continuance, so what's going to happen when a novice get's their hands on a free 50 grand? Will the government be a permanat co-owner of said business? Will those funds also be limited to illegal immigrants?

It seems like a way to incentivise illegals to cheat; vote and vote often.
Almost everybody in todays world wants something for nothing with a mistaken notion that free means no strings attached and no possible negative repercushions.

posted on Sep, 6 2024 @ 01:04 PM
a reply to: network dude

More than 90 company executives, including the chief executives of Yelp and Chobani as well as the former CEOs of PepsiCo, Ford Motor Co and Yahoo!, endorsed U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris for the presidency in a letter released on Friday.

Separately, more than 100 current and retired law enforcement officials also backed Harris in her contest against Republican former President Donald Trump ahead of the Nov. 5 presidential election. They cited her experience as a prosecutor and her commitment to curb gun violence.

The company executives, which include the heads of top sports and investment companies, said they were confident that the Democrat would continue to bolster the economy and preserve American democracy.

"Harris has a strong record of advancing actions to spur business investment in the United States and ensure American businesses can compete and win in the global market," they wrote.

"She will continue to advance fair and predictable policies that support the rule of law, stability, and a sound business environment, and she will strive to give every American the opportunity to pursue the American dream," the group added.

Among those backing the vice president were billionaire Mark Cuban, former 21st Century Fox CEO James Murdoch and Earvin "Magic" Johnson, according to the letter obtained by Reuters and first reported by CNBC.

Laurene Powell Jobs, head of the Emerson Collective and widow of former Apple CEO Steve Jobs, also endorsed Harris, as did the former chief executives of Merck, Aetna, GoDaddy, Blackstone and Starbucks, among others.

100 current and former law enforcement officials i suppose is meant to be a gotcha, like "look cops love kamala!!" 100 is NOTHING! so we can just throw that in the garbage as just a piece of propaganda I mean how many thousands or tens of thousands of law enforcement both current and retired exist in America? And 100 of them endorse Kamala. Ok.

My opinion is all these endorsements from big business mean that they know "fair and predictable" policies relating to business as they said in the article, fair and predictable means the same thing we've been seeing for decades which is all our jobs, good manufacturing jobs, phone or computer based customer service, tech jobs, basically anything that CAN be outsourced WILL be outsourced. This is "fair and predictable" to these multibillion dollar corporations, not the American people. Kamala's role as supposed "border czar" the only help she gave was getting more companies to outsource jobs to South America because she said that will help them. Yeah I guess it does help them, cant tell because we are still seeing so many coming across the border, but who it helps more is these corporations.

Ford Motors endorses Kamala? Of course they do, what do they LOVE doing? Building cars in Mexico for cheap and marking them up to 40k to sell to us Americans. I'm sure despite what people may think of Henry Ford, he's rolling in his grave. Didnt he say he wanted his employees to be able to afford his cars?

Most importantly, Harris spearheaded a public-private partnership that, as of March 2024, had secured commitments from major U.S. and multi-national companies to invest more than $5 billion in the region. The Vice President "put her name on the line with very serious senior CEOs and kind of created a brand appeal for Central America that didn't exist," says Ricardo Zúniga, who until recently served as the U.S. special envoy to Central America.

What I'm tired of is these Richie rich mfs thinking we are stupid. What benefits corporations does not benefit we the people. If profit and money is the only motivation and pleasing shareholders, every job will be moved to some 3rd world country where they can abuse people like basically slave labor, expose them to dangerous conditions and pay them a dollar a day to make 1000 widgets. Then ship the widgets to America and sell for 100 each. Off 1 dollar of slave labor. Sickening. Sickening that they think we are so stupid.

Sorry I got on a tangent. Im sure the money will come just like the rainbows do, straight outta Obamala's butt.

posted on Sep, 6 2024 @ 01:08 PM
a reply to: network dude

It reminds me of the elementary school "Class President" elections:

"I promise free candy in the cafeteria and Coke in the drinking fountains"

posted on Sep, 6 2024 @ 01:15 PM
It is called:

Buying Votes

posted on Sep, 6 2024 @ 01:27 PM
a reply to: network dude

And then BAM!

Home prices will suddenly increase by $25k.

Not to mention, in order to pay for these bribes more money will need to be printed, which in turn adds to inflation.

posted on Sep, 6 2024 @ 01:32 PM
a reply to: Moon68

Inflation is a myth made up by the MAGA crowd

posted on Sep, 6 2024 @ 02:04 PM
DNC Leadership - Vote for us for free stuff.
DNC Congress - Let's pass a bill for alll that free stuff
DNC Donors - We will help spend that money to create free stuff.....

3 years goes by and nothing payers are screwed, nothing gets fixed and pockets are lined

The cycle starts again.....

posted on Sep, 6 2024 @ 02:31 PM
a reply to: network dude

Republicans give money away to the rich.

Democrats give money away to the poor.

I'd prefer that money going to the poor.

posted on Sep, 6 2024 @ 02:36 PM

originally posted by: grey580
a reply to: network dude

Republicans give money away to the rich.

Democrats give money away to the poor.

I'd prefer that money going to the poor.

can you give an example of Republican's giving government money to the rich please.

posted on Sep, 6 2024 @ 02:38 PM

originally posted by: matafuchs
DNC Leadership - Vote for us for free stuff.
DNC Congress - Let's pass a bill for alll that free stuff
DNC Donors - We will help spend that money to create free stuff.....

3 years goes by and nothing payers are screwed, nothing gets fixed and pockets are lined

The cycle starts again.....

nothing gets fixed

that's the key to all of this. Again, Trump isn't DC savvy enough to grasp the rules. He is just dumb enough to actually think fixing things is the right way. Silly Trump, if he only knew that not fixing things, and perpetuating the problem only to give government money away to family businesses for them to "work on fixing things" is how the system works.

posted on Sep, 6 2024 @ 03:04 PM
I don't want "free" money. I know better.
I wouldn't qualify for most of her BS anyway.

I would love to just KEEP more of the money I earn.

You know, cause I have a job, am not here illegally and already (almost) own my home. And am on the down hill track to retirement.

Who can help me with that?

Not giggles, that's for sure.
edit on 6-9-2024 by chiefsmom because: addition

posted on Sep, 6 2024 @ 03:17 PM

originally posted by: grey580
a reply to: network dude

Republicans give money away to the rich.

Democrats give money away to the poor.

I'd prefer that money going to the poor.

Most uninformed post ever.

posted on Sep, 6 2024 @ 03:48 PM

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: grey580
a reply to: network dude

Republicans give money away to the rich.

Democrats give money away to the poor.

I'd prefer that money going to the poor.

can you give an example of Republican's giving government money to the rich please.

"Democrats give money away to the poor" LOL.

There was that time when Obama gave $535 million to the bigwigs at Solyndra which vanished. Or when his General Motors bailout cost the gov't $11.2 billion.

The poor?
They got Obama phones yippeee!

posted on Sep, 6 2024 @ 05:49 PM
a reply to: network dude

Due to so much HIDING and SILENCE from Kamala and Timmy, her economic plans are not being mentioned by most of the mainstream media. They'll be exposed for what they are during the Trump-Harris debate this coming Tuesday.

posted on Sep, 6 2024 @ 06:20 PM
I Would Prefer that People Work for it.

originally posted by: grey580
a reply to: network dude

Republicans give money away to the rich.

Democrats give money away to the poor.

I'd prefer that money going to the poor.

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