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Australia the lucky country

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posted on Sep, 5 2024 @ 04:20 PM
So, after reading in another thread Andrew’s comment about China taking over Australia (I was already of the long held belief that had already occurred anyway and am fine with it as Chinese drown often on our beaches, so at least those will be left to us 😂) I thought I’d have a look-see and work out the current state of the nation.

I just finished watching Matt Barrie lay it on the table about the Australian situation.

This country has potential that is being ignored to follow an agenda that is not organically ours, with ensuing and obviously disastrous consequences.

I’ve always been able to live frugally and am insulated (nowadays) from the wider ramifications of the policies and practices adopted nationwide.

Potential is always secondary to effort, or as brethren communicate it, the heart may conceive and the head devise in vain if the hand be not prompt to execute the design.

Misanthrope that I am, I still find it alarming how ass about the national administrative landscape is.

The mention of Canadians thinking Matts’ comments on twitter are about Canada is quite telling 😂

What do you think ATS? Is this a policy problem or is it a setup for a sellout?

posted on Sep, 5 2024 @ 04:35 PM
As a post script. When you Americans are done trying to kill or jail Trump can we borrow him for a few years? You can keep whichever one of ours is currently living it up as an ambassador 👍

Would it help sweeten the deal if I threw in some of 👯‍♀️ 👯‍♀️👯‍♀️ 👯‍♀️
a reply to: Dalamax

edit on 5-9-2024 by Dalamax because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2024 @ 04:46 PM
a reply to: Dalamax

Australia, the lucky country is no more.

Living in Victoria it’s funked. Hearing the news that the state is truly bankrupt.

Look at our hospital system needing a bailout If almost a half billion dollars, the metro tunnel has run out if money, it isn’t going to be complete for another 8 or so months.

Look at the reserve bank governor saying people should sell their homes, if they can’t afford mortgage Payments, good luck then trying to find a rental that is affordable.

Australia should technically be in recession, though the powers that be won’t state this.

The debt alone Victoria owes is embarrassing, 180 billion, this is a multi multi generational debt that will never be paid off.

Australia has become a crap hole, the influx if crap overseas cars from China, we have no real big employers manufacturing, we are loosing skills.

Though try to get a tradie or mechanic to do an hours work, minimum 90 dollars an hour.

Don’t tell me it’s for their skill. Me after seeing a job done it was a shiit job, I then had to pay a better Tessie to rectify the work, as the first one refused to come back.

Australia is rooted.

posted on Sep, 5 2024 @ 05:03 PM
a reply to: Dalamax

You want Trump ?

Imma need some prawns, Crystal crabs and Margot Robbie.

posted on Sep, 5 2024 @ 05:06 PM

Who said the art of the deal was outdated 👍

a reply to: DAVID64

posted on Sep, 5 2024 @ 05:15 PM
I’m hearing you Nick and read your posts when I find them. For such a resource rich country to have no infrastructure to refine or manufacture things is truly a designed and orchestrated travesty.

I read yesterday how Sydney is building a 24 hour airport without 24 hour access to public transport. Who builds a hub without the associated infrastructure?

I feel like sending the video in the OP to friendly jordie for some dissection and commentary. Would hopefully shake him out of his fast food expose extravaganza.

Jordan, if your reading, hop to it. Make Newtown proud!

a reply to: Cavemannick

posted on Sep, 5 2024 @ 06:10 PM

originally posted by: Dalamax

Who said the art of the deal was outdated 👍

a reply to: DAVID64

Not so fast! My shares in Trump are NOT for sale! Go get your own Trump wannabe.

posted on Sep, 5 2024 @ 06:14 PM
Bummer. Would you consider an exchange? You can have gena rhinehart and everything that comes with her dossier.

a reply to: nugget1

posted on Sep, 5 2024 @ 06:16 PM

originally posted by: DAVID64
a reply to: Dalamax

You want Trump ?

Imma need some prawns, Crystal crabs and Margot Robbie.

I want Margot Robbie withOUT the crabs and excited!! on my FACE!!!

Edit...after thinking...well, maybe I don't.
edit on 9/5/2024 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2024 @ 06:53 PM

originally posted by: Dalamax
Bummer. Would you consider an exchange? You can have gena rhinehart and everything that comes with her dossier.

a reply to: nugget1

Uh...she's not my type, so that's a hard no.

posted on Sep, 5 2024 @ 07:04 PM
How about a packer or a crowe?

a reply to: nugget1

To FCD and David.

You can have Robbie but only if you take Clover moore as well, you can park her in ‘cisco and won’t even know the difference.

posted on Sep, 5 2024 @ 08:06 PM
a reply to: Dalamax

How about a packer or a crowe?

I don't know who they are, so again NO.

I don't need money, fame, fans or friends. I have everything I need, so my shares of Trump ( llikke the man hinself) are not for sale.

posted on Sep, 6 2024 @ 01:39 AM
I received this in email form from an Australian friend today... Looks like the Australians are following many other western countries into the land of insanity.
[exSubject: Fwd: Are we fools?? When will we wake up?

Goodbye beautiful Australia- how can they let this happen??!!

Muslim family has eleven children (Australia)
Breadwinner is the Fertile daughter
This story is from a doctor in Melbourne...
So, where do you think it will all end, OR, when do you think our governments will wake up !!!???
The new breadwinners in Australia:
Here is how a doctor explains it:
A woman in her late 20's came to the hospital today with her 8th pregnancy.
She said to me "My mum told me that I am the breadwinner for the family."
I asked her to explain.
She said that she can make babies and babies get money from the Government for the family.
It goes like this:
The Grandma calls the Department of child services and Centrelink, and states that the unemployed daughter is not
capable of caring for all of her kids.
They agree, then tell her the children will need to go into foster care.
The Grandma then volunteers to be the foster parent, and
receives a cheque for $400 per child each month..
Total yearly income $72,000 and soon to be more when
the 8th one is born, tax-free and nobody has to go to work!
In fact, they get more if there is no husband/father/man in the home! The brother does not count.
Not to mention free dental treatment, free housing,
free school dinners, free tuition fees at college or Uni, free eye care and glasses, free prescriptions and various other benefits...
Total value of all benefits combined probably approaching $120,000 per annum.
That's about my salary as a senior consultant with years of
experience and surgical skills in a Melbourne teaching hospital.
Indeed, Grandma was correct that her fertile daughter is the "breadwinner" for the family
This is how the politicians spend our taxes.
When this generous programme was invented in the '60s, the Great Society architects forgot to craft an end date, and now we are hopelessly over run with people who vote only for those who will continue to keep them on the dole.....
No wonder our country is broke!
Worse, our Muslim brothers have been paying attention, and by mandating that each Muslim family have eleven children.
They will soon replace the voting bloc above and can be running this country in around 12 years.
Are we alarmed yet, is anybody listening?

Please know I am not racist nor am I against Immigration, I
just worry where this uncontrolled sort of immigration is going to take this wonderful country.
There must be limits and controls in place or in around 12 years or less we will be going to midday prayers at the local mosque.
That's a simple fact of life my friends. They clearly intend to force that upon us.
Sebastian J. Ciancino - Obstetrician,
Melbourne Vic

Don't forget to pay your taxes!!
There are a lot of “breadwinners” depending on you!]

posted on Sep, 6 2024 @ 03:22 AM

originally posted by: 727Sky
I received this in email form from an Australian friend today... Looks like the Australians are following many other western countries into the land of insanity.
[exSubject: Fwd: Are we fools?? When will we wake up?

Goodbye beautiful Australia- how can they let this happen??!!

Muslim family has eleven children (Australia)
Breadwinner is the Fertile daughter
This story is from a doctor in Melbourne...
So, where do you think it will all end, OR, when do you think our governments will wake up !!!???
The new breadwinners in Australia:
Here is how a doctor explains it:
A woman in her late 20's came to the hospital today with her 8th pregnancy.
She said to me "My mum told me that I am the breadwinner for the family."
I asked her to explain.
She said that she can make babies and babies get money from the Government for the family.
It goes like this:
The Grandma calls the Department of child services and Centrelink, and states that the unemployed daughter is not
capable of caring for all of her kids.

edit on 391amFridayFriday240001 by bally001 because: (no reason given)

edit on 392amFridayFriday240001 by bally001 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2024 @ 03:26 AM
a reply to: bally001

Sorry. Don't know what happened there. Here is my reply,

"Well my youngest daughter here down under is into her 2nd pregnancy. She is expected to work until she can't otherwise she'll find it difficult to get any benefits.

I don't get it.

I thought we were all Australian.

Kind regards,


posted on Sep, 6 2024 @ 04:05 AM
Worse than that 727. The muslim man has three wives who are not recognised by Australia (polygamy is illegal) each of his wives counts as a single mother.

He takes their three single mother pensions and buys some property and has a relative (or one of the wives) open a daycare centre where all his children attend.

He goes about his day telling Aussies their dumb for not being in on the rort.

Ah good times. Can’t wait for the muslims to run the country it’s going to be hilarious when they have to work 😂🤣

a reply to: 727Sky

posted on Sep, 6 2024 @ 06:46 AM

originally posted by: DAVID64
a reply to: Dalamax

You want Trump ?

No… just no.

posted on Sep, 6 2024 @ 07:01 AM
ah yes Sebastian J. Ciancino, a great old Australian name there.
don't forget, after it was 'discovered' you've become a country of immigrants.

posted on Sep, 6 2024 @ 07:26 AM
a reply to: Dalamax

You can have Boris Johnson?

On a free transfer?

posted on Sep, 6 2024 @ 08:19 AM

originally posted by: JadedGhost

originally posted by: DAVID64
a reply to: Dalamax

You want Trump ?

No… just no.

Aww cmon.

You want to keep him now?

To Nugget, how about we take Trump and any of you Americans who want to live under his leadership?

Perhaps we could organise an exchange of some kind?
edit on 6-9-2024 by Dalamax because: Words words words

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