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What if the devil is misleading the wicked?

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posted on Sep, 5 2024 @ 02:26 AM
a reply to: TheLieWeLive

See, i dont believe in any God.
So i see things differently to believers.

So i can tell myself im a God all i want. I totally believe it too. We are all together, one God. Everyone being a piece of the whole.
Everything on this planet is made of the same stuff. Stardust. Everything from rocks to earth to everything.

If anything is a God Mother Earth, to me, would be. A big heaving alive God.

But for me to say "im a God." Thats totally fine. You have a definition of a God because of what you were told. Other peoples words.
I use my universal brain to teach myself how powerful i can be.

If someone didnt die for eons, does not make them a God. Makes them amazing. You have been taught that through an old book. A book which was not written by any God.
Other peoples words.

I prefer my own, it feels good to be good etc.

We are of stardust. Not any God.

posted on Sep, 5 2024 @ 07:46 AM
Compendium is full of wisdom as always.


Note that I had to dig deep and find the 'devil' within myself first before I could ascend temporarily to meet my maker, so to speak.

It was all me all along...

In a way.

I'm just me.

But 'I' is a whole lot more inclusive than you might think.

posted on Sep, 5 2024 @ 07:49 AM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

He sure is.

Check your pm's mate
edit on 5 9 2024 by SecretKnowledge2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2024 @ 11:43 AM
a reply to: SecretKnowledge2

Haven't gotten a pm since our last chitchat.

So I didn't get it I think?

posted on Sep, 5 2024 @ 12:21 PM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

Sent it again just there, should be there for you.

If not the messaging system is on the blink.

posted on Sep, 12 2024 @ 04:34 PM

originally posted by: Compendium
a reply to: KnowItAllKnowNothin

No problem

When the man in that video talks about Revelation and "12" for things like months and the sympathetic nervous system, he is very close to a deeper understanding on certain things than he realises

"12" is the number of base tonal frequencies within the octave of any given spectrum. As in the picture below

Within Revelation, the full "tones" (7) are described as "7 seals"

In the verse where it talks about the "7 Kings ... 5 fallen ... One who was, and is yet to come", they are describing the tonal octave in that picture

7 white keys (Kings)
5 black sharp/flat keys (5 fallen)

1 who was, and is yet to come, is the root note of the octave

Though an octave is said to have 8 notes, it actually only has 7. Because the last (8th) note is the same as the first (1st)

It is merely a cycle (Christ) upwards, or downwards

This structure is the same for all matter and reality as it is in music. Within all waveforms, which is all creation

"The two witnesses" are harmonic frequency
"The two witnesses killed and raised" are major (raised) and minor (killed) harmonic frequency

The mark of the beast, is frequency. Like 440hz for "A"
Beast out of the earth, is timing. Like 4 beats per bar in music. Or 12 hours in a day

Combine these two and you have things like time and all physical reality

The resonant cycle (Jesus Christ), that comes and goes, like the setting day that returns and "rises again"

It is all frequency and cycle

Many Christians are threatened by the deeper esoteric meanings. But they don't need to be

It is good to see a preacher who is open to deeper possibility

Thanks for your generous post, quoted here for awesomeness.

It was a good idea to use music as a basis of explanation, as many have played a little,
enough to understand, at least a bit.

I have often pondered cycles, and how one can see them almost everywhere in the material world.
Sunny and warm today, but the leaves have started turning nonetheless.
The inevitable procession, or unveiling, of the cycles of Nature.

Funny to contemplate, how one can always advance, but on a certain arc, and always come-back to the beginning.
Like the ouroboros thingy.

The wheels on the bus go round and round.

What about in our consciousness ?
Cycles in the non-material world ?

All the same : I'll take my A's in 432hz SVP, hihihi !!

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