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What if the devil is misleading the wicked?

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posted on Sep, 4 2024 @ 09:27 AM
He is the accuser.

The adversary to Jesus Christ.

He has been called a ruler of this world.

But is he the bad guy!?

He's a trickster.

He's a liar.

He tempts the wicked into dark paths.

The righteous are immuned to his whims.

So then, would his purpose be towards others?

If he reveals himself to be an angel of light in disguise, where then would his followers go?

Having exposed themselves as agents of wickedness, they can no longer keep the guise.

Whom then would they follow if their dark Lord has been shown to be an agent of the Light?

His method is not that of Christ.

They are opposing parties of the same group.

Much like the American two-party system.

Just a thought...


posted on Sep, 4 2024 @ 09:33 AM
A bit of an off analogy no?

Wouldn’t it be god being the secret trickster to promote evil under the guise of good, if we are really comparing it to American two party political system.

For whom then would they follow if their lord of light was shown to have been an agent of the dark?

I think is much more fitting for politics.
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

edit on 4-9-2024 by Athetos because: Fixed most of the retarded grammer

posted on Sep, 4 2024 @ 10:05 AM
a reply to: Athetos

Either way, light or dark, two sides of a coin.

posted on Sep, 4 2024 @ 10:10 AM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

We are all God.

Why do people need a god to follow?

Someone else's words?

This i could never fathom.

We are amazing, we are gods.

Your brain is a universe, use it. Become one with it. At least love it. Yourself.

Trust yourself to lead yourself.

We are all made of stardust.

posted on Sep, 4 2024 @ 10:29 AM
Of course, the deceiver will be deceiving his victims. Some of them are all in on Satanism and don't need to be fooled because they want all the orgies and blood. They are into power apparently and need victims to be under their thumbs.

posted on Sep, 4 2024 @ 10:36 AM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

Someone is transcending dualism... For me that probably was the hardest concept to unlearn but also the most rewarding ...

posted on Sep, 4 2024 @ 10:55 AM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

The righteous are immuned to his whims.

There are no Righteous humans . No one is immune to the Darkness and to think so is pure hubris and vanity.

We are all Light and Dark . The Darkness comes from within us each and everyday Evil prospers across the world because of Wicked Humans .

Jesus needed Judas Iscariot .

God's Light Needs the Contrast of the Dark for without it there would be no Balance , There would be no Free will , There would be no point.

posted on Sep, 4 2024 @ 11:07 AM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

I am generally suspicious of any party/side who tells everyone they are good then continue to slander the other side, whilst forbidding any opposing opinions. Threatening with made up scary punishments if not obeyed.

Surely if this god is so powerful and good, he'd welcome answering difficult questions which totally expose contradoctions and insane ideas. But if you do, they tell you that you go straight to hell, a place where according to the "good" guys I will burn and be in pain forever for being a logical human.

It's like the woke, the left and the US democrats all in one.

Instead though I cast my interest into the underdog and only find rhings that appeal to my senses of what it means to be actually a decent being.

Your god killed over 3 million humans, babies as well, cats dogs and animals too, because he was "angry" with humans.
My own parents were much nicer and loved me unconditionally and never, ever got so amgry with me that they wanted me to suffer.

Satan killed but not for sure about 3 people and I guess they really deserved it.

He is the kind ng of beasts, kind of like I feel too. Animals are decent dudes and none of them need a god authority.

I believe in the wisdom of Nature and animals more rhan dumb ape humans.

In Revelation it is god who gets a bit tyrannical by ordering humans to stop music, commerce, meeting and just be grovelling fools. It is the Serpent (animal of knowledge and wisdom all around the world) who wants to liberate humans.

All in all it's too much like pilitics and the loudest, most fascist and most human like creature wants to stay in power.

Either it's because humans made this god up or he ain't the wise omniscient being everyone thinks.

I'll go and support the wiser and friendlier side which is underdog Satan. Don't think he's real but he is the one who makes more sense.

posted on Sep, 4 2024 @ 11:19 AM
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

Well, we will appear righteous by accepting the Christ is God's son sent to teach us to love one another and God is all we have to do to make things right. If we love our neighbors we do things that are the works of God.

posted on Sep, 4 2024 @ 12:33 PM
In the bible Satan bets with god and tempts people into going against god. Satan does not have the authority to kill, but he deceives people who become wicked and kill others to get their way. Only god has the authority to directly kill someone. But I suppose Satan, who is actually an angel according to the bible, is just one who delivers the test of our righteousness

Sort of like Lord Sanat kumara...and with another shuffle of letters...Santa Clause

All three Satan, Sanat, and santa seem to be dealing with testing of good and bad.

So, if you fail the test you could become property of the Devil and Demons...which Devil is a mind link to others of a kind...I that point you are evil yourself. Don't have a clue what demons actually are, could be evil souls that weren't allowed to join the good collective consciousness so they banded together in a a chaotic collective consciousness they call hell. Through the link with Hell/devil mind, you connect with others of a kind...other evil leaning people.

I spent quite a bit of time researching this stuff and trying to evaluate it....I haven't a clue if my conclusions are correct or not...just a theory I am considering might have something to it. There is one thing I must stress, the reality we live in does not have to be real, a powerful and advanced being could have created everything in our reality, it could have been created by it's mind or by technology it possesses. From within this reality we would not be able to tell the reality is not real, .

My interpretation of this from reading lots of stuff about religion is that Satan is testing us with god's blessing. I am not going to pass myself, but maybe I will be able to get a job with the local collective consciousness...I will have old friends there...but since our knowledge gets left in this world of those who remember you or is stored in crystals, you will not carry any knowledge into that being that is the collective consciousness of the earth itself
edit on 4-9-2024 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2024 @ 02:06 PM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

What is unfortunate, at least in my theory I could be way off base here, but I dont think the devil is trying to mislead the wicked. He's trying to mislead the righteous.

For example

Think about how much a full minute super bowl ad costs and remember that next time you're donating to your church. This is satanic propaganda for the masses.

posted on Sep, 4 2024 @ 03:39 PM

originally posted by: SecretKnowledge2
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

We are all God.

Why do people need a god to follow?

Someone else's words?

This i could never fathom.

We are amazing, we are gods.

Your brain is a universe, use it. Become one with it. At least love it. Yourself.

Trust yourself to lead yourself.

We are all made of stardust.

We are of God, but we are not Gods. You’re welcome to prove me wrong by not dying or creating a world outside of a video game.

posted on Sep, 4 2024 @ 04:38 PM
Most people who encounter the devil decide to be good. So in this sense, it does more for goodness than bad. Though I’m sure ‘he’ would be happy to have you (are you already there? People would be surprised.).

posted on Sep, 4 2024 @ 04:42 PM
a reply to: Hecate666

Don’t let Christians or anyone decide who Christ and the Creator is for you. Christ is pure goodness and without it we would be unable to ascend beyond distortion back to the beingness of our Creator. Darkness might seem like a good option compared to Christian love but very few actually will do well on that path and something tells me you’re not one of them.

posted on Sep, 4 2024 @ 06:32 PM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

Eyes closed, in meditation : there is the battle for good vs not-good.

Love vs not-Love.

Irrespective of beliefs, stories, or other human creations.

In every second, every moment, every now.

We are all there is, ever has been, and all there ever will be. - Davy Icky

posted on Sep, 4 2024 @ 09:16 PM

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

The righteous are immuned to his whims.

There are no Righteous humans . No one is immune to the Darkness and to think so is pure hubris and vanity.

We are all Light and Dark . The Darkness comes from within us each and everyday Evil prospers across the world because of Wicked Humans .

Jesus needed Judas Iscariot .

God's Light Needs the Contrast of the Dark for without it there would be no Balance , There would be no Free will , There would be no point.

God is light.
Darkness is an absence of light.

posted on Sep, 4 2024 @ 09:51 PM
Satan is "Reason"

To hold something up against all probability

To accuse of all possibility

The adversary of all consideration

Satan is asking yourself "Am I good person?" and being truthfully and brutally shown all your own shortcomings

People mistake this function of conscience, for being something named, rooted outside of themselves

But it is you. You are it

It is the necessary reflection of perception (Persephone) ... Without which, there could be no distinction between what is right, and what is wrong

Kore (Core) needed to be taken by Hades (Radius), to return as perception (Persephone)

The balance that brings the seasons. The leaves fall, so more can sprout

The day end, so another can begin

Within Illumination we say "Without having tasted lemon, could you still say sugar sweet?"

The point being, that without pain, there could no comparable height to love. Thus there could be no loss, and there could be no joy

Lucifer is the "sun/son of the morning", because without comparative darkness it breaks through, the light itself could not shine

So many people want to explore their own goodness, but so few are willing to meet the depths of their own darkness to do it

Lucifer and Jesus Christ are the same person. Two sides of the same coin. Which you receive, depends on how you live, treat life and the world around you, and the manner of pain/regret, fear and impurities you allow to exist within your own form ...

Or, that you choose to repress and/or ignore

Within initiation, we are confronted by all manner of the darkest entities and experiences. The most horrific and terrifying things that can be imagined

In my experiences, a goat-headed Baphomet, asian Baphomet sitting on a throne made of human bodies, Ishtar and her "pets" (two barking owls) that followed me everywhere watching me in the real world

Within the experiencing and comprehension of the concept people often refer to as "evil", there exists the choice to submit, or hold yourself before the wrath of pain

To become equal to, and exceed its measure

This is the essence of what is referred to as Illumination

It is no different to light overcoming planetary atmosphere

You either submit to be absorbed within the light

Or you exceed the resistance to burn as the light itself

These "evils" have nothing they can use against, which you do not submit to within your judgement of self

If you see yourself as inherently flawed and incapable, so shall you be

Again, it is your own pains/regrets, fears/inadequacies, impurities/blockages, being used against you

If you remove these things, they cannot hurt you

More so, you can look right into the eyes of the most terrifying entities you can imagine, with a soul burning with the righteousness of creation itself

It is like delivering fire through your eyes, into the soul of the eyes you look into. Hard to explain, until you have experienced it personally

Things will come to look you in the eyes to scare, or judge you, and instead a fire from within you ends up burning directly through the centre of their soul

One thing I can tell you from all my experiences with this ...

Is that none of these terrifying and horrific entities I have encountered are actually "evil" once you look deep into the centre of what they are, in this way

There is no hate. There is no rage. There is no evil

There is only pain. Or the absence of love

Most of my experiences with entities who have come to "judge me" in such a way, have ended with a mutual feeling of sated peace

And trust me, there have been many. A virtual checklist of boxes that needed to be met, to satisfy every different type of belief system

It always ends with a feeling like they came looking to target darkness within me, but they instead left, with no contest

Like they were testing to see if there was any darkness or parts within me that need be dominated and subjegated, for my own good, to teach me a lesson

But what they found instead was fire, equal to their cause. Which leaves us in a type of respectful stalemate

They know that they no more need to hurt me for my darkness, than I would them for theirs

There is no need to judge or hurt those, who would already judge and punish themselves just as harshly

The fire that pours through you in these experiences, feels like the fire of creation itself

My point is, that in many years and experiences seeking out entities and dimensions darker that most people will ever know exist, let alone experience ...

I have still yet to find anything even close to true "evil"

I've met the entities people call Devil and Demon (as well as God, Jesus, Mary and Angel) and all I found when I looked into their eyes, was the deepest pain I've ever experienced

A pain which felt like falling into an unfathomably deep hole

And behind it, at the bottom, was one of the most beautiful souls and lights I've ever encountered. Broken and pained

One prepared to take on all the pain and darkness of the world, and let the world despise and hate them, so that the world can know peace, safety and love

A soul buried under the crushing weight of all the darkness and pain it was willing to endure, so that others did not need to carry that weight

Weight that lazy people are all too willing to blame and dump on someone else, rather than take personal responsibility

Though they may appear "evil" upon the surface of all fear and pain, under the darkness, they are as far from evil as any I've ever encountered

They are by far the most beautiful soul I've ever looked into

To me, it would actually seem ...

That the truest form of "devil" or "evil" the actually exists in this world, is not within the temptation and selfish opportunities that are offered to people ...

Nor is it even within those that submit to such things

Rather, it is within those who would see their own darkness named and blamed upon something other than themselves, in order to liberate themselves from any form of self-responsibility and the cost they may need to pay for the choices they made in this world

The Devil as a concept, is little more than a scapegoat
edit on 4 9 24 by Compendium because: Added something and made corrections

posted on Sep, 5 2024 @ 12:03 AM
a reply to: Compendium

Thank-you for your thoughtful post, and for continuing to share your wisdom with us here.

posted on Sep, 5 2024 @ 12:43 AM

originally posted by: AcrobaticDreams1
a reply to: Hecate666

Don’t let Christians or anyone decide who Christ and the Creator is for you. Christ is pure goodness and without it we would be unable to ascend beyond distortion back to the beingness of our Creator. Darkness might seem like a good option compared to Christian love but very few actually will do well on that path and something tells me you’re not one of them.

This is a problem with people mistaking the founding concept of God within the creation of all life and all things, with their interpretation of that concept as "their God"

The two are very, very different things

The moment we need define a distinction of "our God", or that God needs be chosen or sworn to, it ceases to be of the true source of all creation. Merely an interpretation of aspects within such

And as such, personal belief built upon it, can often come up amount to little more than a type of spiritual narcissism

Especially when pushed upon those who do not need religion to understand their inherent connection to the source of creation instinctively

It is the equivalent of telling them that their feelings are not real

That they do not yet know what love is. What pain is

It ends with the rejection of not only "that persons God", but of the greater concept itself

It is actually a crime in my eyes

Those that see their own personal belief as absolute and infallible, leave no room for the right of others to their own beliefs

And deny them the beauty of possibility, within the consideration of such things

To me, this is one of the most disgusting things you can ever do to others in this world

posted on Sep, 5 2024 @ 01:26 AM
a reply to: KnowItAllKnowNothin

No problem

When the man in that video talks about Revelation and "12" for things like months and the sympathetic nervous system, he is very close to a deeper understanding on certain things than he realises

"12" is the number of base tonal frequencies within the octave of any given spectrum. As in the picture below

Within Revelation, the full "tones" (7) are described as "7 seals"

In the verse where it talks about the "7 Kings ... 5 fallen ... One who was, and is yet to come", they are describing the tonal octave in that picture

7 white keys (Kings)
5 black sharp/flat keys (5 fallen)

1 who was, and is yet to come, is the root note of the octave

Though an octave is said to have 8 notes, it actually only has 7. Because the last (8th) note is the same as the first (1st)

It is merely a cycle (Christ) upwards, or downwards

This structure is the same for all matter and reality as it is in music. Within all waveforms, which is all creation

"The two witnesses" are harmonic frequency
"The two witnesses killed and raised" are major (raised) and minor (killed) harmonic frequency

The mark of the beast, is frequency. Like 440hz for "A"
Beast out of the earth, is timing. Like 4 beats per bar in music. Or 12 hours in a day

Combine these two and you have things like time and all physical reality

The resonant cycle (Jesus Christ), that comes and goes, like the setting day that returns and "rises again"

It is all frequency and cycle

Many Christians are threatened by the deeper esoteric meanings. But they don't need to be

It is good to see a preacher who is open to deeper possibility

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