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Trump considers Elon for role in auditing US agencies

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posted on Sep, 3 2024 @ 03:23 PM
a reply to: pianopraze
Isn't that a dangerous task to deal wih , does the guy even have time for a position like that?

Although I think agencies are a very important part in society, the power it retains shouldn't be more powerful as the government itself, but then again I can't imagine how the internal structures of agencies work at all if I take movies as an example?

posted on Sep, 3 2024 @ 03:36 PM
a reply to: 0bserver1

Don't take movies as an example. I work in a state agency and I can tell you that if the federal government operates even half as bad as the state agency I work for does, it is absolutely no surprise that we're $30T+ in debt. I have no doubt that federal agencies are exponentially worse than the state agency I work for, and that is absolutely horrifying because this agency wastes money like it's going out of style. We don't have words in English to describe how inefficient and wasteful it is. And the legislature actually legislates it so that the agency has to be even more wasteful than it already is.

I've been saying it since I started that this is the first and last government job I ever work.

posted on Sep, 3 2024 @ 03:37 PM

originally posted by: pianopraze

originally posted by: Kurokage
a reply to: pianopraze

Might I suggest starting with all 3 letter agencies?

I'm sure there are plenty of other countries out there who'd welcome those recently fired individuals with open arms.

Be careful what you wish for.....

I wish for a tiny federal government with very little influence in our life.

Not the bloated nanny socialist authoritarian monstrosity it’s become.

And it’s only in it’s early adolescence, wait to see the hormones really start taking control if callous harris gets her mouth around it.

posted on Sep, 3 2024 @ 03:54 PM

originally posted by: 0bserver1
a reply to: pianopraze
Isn't that a dangerous task to deal wih , does the guy even have time for a position like that?

Although I think agencies are a very important part in society, the power it retains shouldn't be more powerful as the government itself, but then again I can't imagine how the internal structures of agencies work at all if I take movies as an example?

And government shouldn’t have more power than the people. A properly educated, rational population. One that can do mathematics and tell the time on an analogue wall clock. What a pipe dream.

posted on Sep, 3 2024 @ 07:10 PM

originally posted by: Dalamax

originally posted by: 0bserver1
a reply to: pianopraze
Isn't that a dangerous task to deal wih , does the guy even have time for a position like that?

Although I think agencies are a very important part in society, the power it retains shouldn't be more powerful as the government itself, but then again I can't imagine how the internal structures of agencies work at all if I take movies as an example?

And government shouldn’t have more power than the people. A properly educated, rational population. One that can do mathematics and tell the time on an analogue wall clock. What a pipe dream.


There is a reason homeschooling has exploded exponentially the last few years.

posted on Sep, 4 2024 @ 12:48 AM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

It's a matter of equal rights, or don't you think children have the right to an education?

Not the # the government is forcing schools to teach right now. You knw damn well they're teaching sex to kids from preschool on; how to masterbate, how to change your gender to whatever you want to pretend you are along with 'helping' them transition without parental knowledge.

If you think the way our country is heading perhaps you'd be happier living in China or Afghanistan or Venezuela.

posted on Sep, 4 2024 @ 01:47 AM
a reply to: pianopraze

Wasn't he going to Mars?

How much in monthy political donations and sychophancy does a cabinet position cost?

45 million a month to get to be the administration lapdog that harasses The FBI because Trump is a fullbred Gold Coast jackass and made them WANT to throw him in jail.

I wish Musk would stick to his exploding cars, echo chamber, and rockets. Love how bootlickers with large bank rolls for donation are getting considered for administrative roles.

Guess he learned his lesson about choosing people with independent thought.
edit on 4-9-2024 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2024 @ 06:23 AM
a reply to: Degradation33

He fully intends to goto mars. He’s going to moon soon.

I’m really tired of both the left and right (example catturd with Rittenhouse) going extreemist for their side.

Your characterization of Elon is example for left.

Elon is a lifelong leftist/centrist that the left has gone insanely far left and now labels him as right. He said publicly he had only voted Democrat all his life.

Trump, Kennedy, Vivek, Gabbard… all democrats. Clinton era democrats… now they are "far right".

More like left has gone insane and so far left. Then they eat their own anytime they don’t 100% walk in lock step.

Maga like catturd are similarly going insane.

All us middle of the road folk are like… you all done lost your mind. You’re destroying our country with your damn hyper polarization.

Now a bunch of Democrats are trying to stop the insanity of the left, who control almost all the media and most of the permanent government positions, from destroying our country… while pretending to be Republicans.

posted on Sep, 5 2024 @ 01:21 PM
September 5, 2024

Prior/Next President Trump says Elon Musk has AGREED to head up the effort to make government more efficient, if he wins the November election.


Ironically, the business owners of NEW YORK invited Donald Trump to speak to them today, where he revealed new economic goals. The same state whose Legal and Judicial officials want to destroy Donald Trump. (They will pay for this. Guaranteed.)

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