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UAP Research and Field Study off New York’s Long Island Coast

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posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 09:34 AM
The Angry Astronaut from Youtube recently released the below video detailing a research project by Havard University's Galileo project-which is attempting to find evidence of extraterrestrial craft/intelligence visiting Earth.

Over 10 months a team of scientists have been scanning an area known for orb/light type UAPs-off the coast of Long Island.
They used various cameras including infra red,and LIDAR range finder equipment and X-band radar to look for anomalous lights-and they found quite a few.

They detected and filmed orbs of infra red light(invisible to our eyes)between 1.5-3metres in diameter moving up and down and hovering near the water.
These orbs would increase or decrease in luminosity-and when they reached a certain brightness they would emit light which can be seen by human eyes.
According to the video-the orbs showed signs of intelligent control or attempts to communicate of some kind although no more detail is given.

NOTE:The video is for the first part using other footage from someone called "Jenined"which I don't know anything about-but the actual Long Island footage starts at 9:28

And here is the research paper link,and a snippet:

Since July of 2022, we observed a light phenomenon that most often presented itself as a spheroid under a luminous state, while under decreased luminosity, it seemed to display a polyhedral appearance morphologically. Fewer sightings appeared as ovaloid and cylindroid. The spheroids have been consistent and present from July 7, 2022, to March 30, 2023.
These observations displayed unusual flight characteristics, extreme velocities, and long periods of inactivity, appearing stationary.
These objects also displayed unusual physical characteristics: fluctuating states of albedo, glinting, rotation, variations in spectral range, and change of state from luminous to illuminous (Teachoo, 2023) [7].
This light phenomenon, at times, demonstrated swarm-like behavior that did not fit a pattern of regular air traffic and could not be verified by Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) data

I thought this was pretty wild-these things are most likely just everywhere but no one can see them without special tech-unless they catch a sighting when they pop into our visual spectrum..

Its creeping me out a bit TBF-you know sometimes when you get a feeling you are being watched-but you look around and find no one is there?
Maybe its our Infra Red friends watching?

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 11:25 PM
a reply to: onestonemonkey

Similar to what I saw in Daytona beach a few weeks ago.

posted on Sep, 3 2024 @ 04:46 AM
a reply to: onestonemonkey
Angry Astronaut sounds ridiculous when he says the reason we need to spend more money on this inconclusive research project is because maybe a UAP downed TWA flight 800, even though he also says that was determined to be most likely caused by a fuel tank explosion resulting from an electrical short and had nothing to do with UAPs. In another part of the video he talks about how unreliable eyewitness observations are, but that doesn't stop him from talking about eyewitness misperceptions regarding what happened with TWA flight 800. So I'm not impressed with the youtube channel.

I'm even less impressed with the Havard University's Galileo project, founded by the scientist who is under observation for being a potential crackpot for claiming the interstellar rock oumuamua might actually be an interstellar space ship, which wouldn't be so bad if he was just listing possibilities, but the problem is he criticizes other more likely possible explanations for Oumuamua's behavior like hydrogen ice or nitrogen ice content.

That scientist is named Avi Loeb, and he has other issues besides proposing that what other scientists think is likely a hydrogen or nitrogen laden ice laden object as an alien space ship. Another scientist made a video about him and posted it to youtube, and it posits the question if Avi Loeb is actually a crackpot or not. It doesn't have a conclusive answer to that, but it does highlight some very noteworthy behaviors of Avi Loeb which leads the author to suggest the jury is still out on that question.

Harvard and aliens and crackpots, a disambiguation of Avi Loeb

One example she gives is Avi Loeb disrespecting another scientist, Jill Tartar, who spent most of her career hunting for aliens, when he acts like no other scientists ever considered the idea except him. This video also goes over the very short and seemingly worthless "papers" Avi Loeb cranks out on a variety of topics that don't seem to add anything of value to the scientific literature and seem like brain farts he jotted down that cover a range of topics that someone else may actually want to research.

Regarding "the actual Long Island footage starts at 9:28", did you see anything that looked impressive? Because I didn't. I didn't see a link to any paper on this project's results, and I don't see how they would have determined the 1.5-3m size you mentioned here: "They detected and filmed orbs of infra red light(invisible to our eyes)between 1.5-3metres in diameter moving up and down and hovering near the water. " What I can tell you about infrared observation is that it can massively distort the apparent size, shape and appearance of an object compared to how it would be seen in visible light, especially if there's an engine exhaust involved. For example, look at these F-15s, which are unrecognizable from their infrared signatures, until you zoom in further:

They just look like orbs, don't they? You can't tell they are F-15's from that infrared image, but they are F-15s. So you can see why using infrared observations can be problematic for trying to identify UFOs.

What I can tell you is that in light fog, infrared light travels further than visible light, so if you have an object off shore emitting both visible and infrared light and you're seeing it through light fog, the light fog can make the visible light not visible (through scattering), while the longer wavelength infrared is not scattered as much so you can still see the object in infrared. It would be incorrect to conclude suchan object does not emit visible light, just because you can't see the visible light. This phenomenon is sort of optics 101 and is explained in more detail here:

Can Thermal Imaging See Through Fog and Rain?

All detection ranges for IR are significantly better than the visual for Cat I fog. For Cat II fog, the result is four times better with a thermal imaging camera equipped with a LWIR detector compared to visual...

...the thermal IR band offers better range performance compared to the visual band in Cat I and Cat II fog. As such, thermal IR cameras are well suited to help users see through these types of fog.

So you can see infrared though light fog better than you can see visible light, using infrared capable equipment of course. I would say they are drawing a potentially false conclusion to think that because they can't see the visible light, that the object doesn't emit visible light.

The light fog is categories I and II as described here:

Category I: visual range 1220 meters
Category II: visual range 610 meters
Category IIIa: visual range 305 meters
Category IIIc: visual range 92 meters

For heavier fog where the visual range is 305 meters or less, so much light is scatered that you don't get the same advantage with infrared that you get in lighter fog like category I and II.


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