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Kamala Harris is NOT U.S. President Material Say Those Who Have Worked With and For Her.

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posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 12:20 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

Not really.

The game is rigged unless there's a write in confirmation.

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 12:30 PM

originally posted by: nugget1
a reply to: WeMustCare

The Democrats I come across are more open-minded.

That may be true for some right-leaning Democrats but I'm seeing the majority are convinced of the talking points the TV gives them, which are:

Trump is dangerous; he will destroy the country because he has no experience and doesn't understand what he's doing.

If re-elected he'll not only destroy America, but become a dictator.

He destroyed the economy and it was even worse than liberal politicians realized. Biden has done a wonderful job of 'fixing' the economy, but they must have another four years to finish the job and bring back prosperity.

Trump will deport all immigrants back to the dangerous, poverty-stricken countries these poor souls managed to escape from.

Trump will jail every person that ever offended him.

Trump will target the LGPTQWERTY community and do gawd knows what to them. Definitely take away their DEI priority above all other citizens and demote them to having to live on a merit syatem.

Trump will enslave black people because he's racist!

Trump hates children and will deny them much-needed medical treatment, like free puberty blockers and lopping off body parts.

Trump mishandled Covid, which wouldn't have killed Grandma or been nearly as deadly if a real politician had been in office.

Trump WILL start WWIII

Trump is a dictator who will never leave office again if re-elected.

Trump will make the working class bear the majority tax burden while easing taxes for his rich friends.

Trump wants to outlaw full-term abortion permanently. No more delivering a full-term healthy baby and allowing/assisting it to die. (Oh, the horror!)

There are more MSM and campaign talking points that keep ramping up the fear for what center and far left liberals believe because they have fallen for:

Alternative news channels spread lies and disinformation.

Conservative leaning forums and websites are full of lies and disinformation. Podcasts are even worse!

The mental programming for a large (major) part of society is now MSM. Anybody who doesn't follow MSM for their information has been brainwashed to the point of being mentally ill for believing anything not sanctioned by official (liberal MSM) news sources or government statements.

I hope you're right, Care-and that it's different in bigger cities. People who live in California and my friends and family that live in Oregon and Washington State lead me to believe you may be wrong on this one, though.

I'll be so glad when November gets here and we can plan accordingly. Or maybe December....who knows how long it will take to count the 'needed' votes this time?

And if Trump wins, which is likely, the Audits and Investigations brought to these "enemies of the people" (85% of the MSM and other VIP liars), by Trump's DOJ, DOL, FCC, IRS, will bring them to their knees faster than Kamala used to drop to hers'.

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 01:40 PM
a reply to: WeMustCare

And if Trump wins, which is likely,

Have you not been following the blue states changes to voter laws allowing anyone with a drivers license to vote, regardless of citizenship? Or the many, many credible reports of people getting up to six mail-in ballots at their address? Votes being accepted after the cut-off time?

We're watching The Steal on steroids this time. Everbody knowsTrump will get the majority of votes but Dominion will have the final say.

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 01:43 PM
When you have no achievements that matter, YOU ATTACK.

Kamala's Sept 10th debate "strategy":

She couldn't get the open microphone deal, so she's going to try and make DJT mad by attacking..."You're an orange felon!"

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 06:54 PM
a reply to: WeMustCare

Astute observation.

Those who don't know the horrors of war always are the most eager to start a frickin' fight.

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 09:48 PM

originally posted by: GENERAL EYES
a reply to: WeMustCare

Astute observation.

Those who don't know the horrors of war always are the most eager to start a frickin' fight.

Also, she (Kamala) is back to her chameleon routines when speaking. She has no "foundation".

Yesterday, Kamala was an African American who cleaned "Collard Greens" in her bathtub. (LIE)

The day before, she told service workers that she once worked at McDonalds. (LIE)

This afternoon, she used her "Foghorn Leghorn" accent when talking to union workers.

Foghorn Leghorn Harris:

Those who have worked for and with Kamala Harris are right on target with their "She's not Presidential Material" statements.

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 10:04 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


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