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New ways of doing everyday things

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posted on Aug, 31 2024 @ 12:54 PM
Not sure if this is the correct forum for this topic; its not exactly about the Technology itself but the use of Technology.

Every generation has their own take on the use of Technology to preform every day tasks. When I was younger the apprent "new" way of doing things were simply "the way"; and I simply didn't pay much thought in older technologies and their uses.

Yes my grandparents had a rotary phone, and I knew how to use it ... but the push button phone was just easier, why wouldn't everyone want to have one.

But now that I am getting older; or more precisely now that my children are becoming independent humans themselves, I am finding it interestingly strange how they are using Technology in ways I would never even think too. I'm not exactly ready to yell at the local kids to get off my lawn, but I still find the "new" ways of doing things to be a bit strange.

As an example that caused my to write this; my daughter was msking plans with her friend yesterday. I heard my daughter talking and then her friend as if they were on the telephone... but after a while I realized their conversation was strange; in that they were each talking in turn for an unusual amount of time. There wasn't that normal quick back and forth you get from a live conversation. They were sending each other video messages back and forth.

Why? A live conversation would have been quicker and allow for greater interaction. And a text message (as my generation likes to do) is simpler and allows for a bit of annanmity (my friends don't need to be all up in my business when I need to tell them something specific).

So what benefits does this "new" video messaging afford people?

What other examples of old and new technologies and their uses amuse you?

posted on Aug, 31 2024 @ 01:05 PM
just out of curiousity how old is your daughter? this may help with a more appropo dissection of your inquiry.

edit on 8/31/24 by GENERAL EYES because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2024 @ 01:15 PM
a reply to: Dandandat3

There's this fun app called "discord" that allows you to video call without needing to record and deliver your conversation in piece meal. Do you know how much memory that kind of thing consumes? People use their phones like they have infinite internal storage and then act surprised when all the junk data, gigabits of miscellaneous media and completely unnecessary "updates" force them to spend hundreds of dollars on a new device each and every year just to get the same features and performance. Good grief. 🙄

edit on 31-8-2024 by TzarChasm because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2024 @ 01:56 PM

originally posted by: GENERAL EYES
just out of curiousity how old is your daughter? this may help with a more appropo dissection of your inquiry.

She is 15

posted on Aug, 31 2024 @ 02:27 PM

originally posted by: Dandandat3

So what benefits does this "new" video messaging afford people?

What other examples of old and new technologies and their uses amuse you?

One thing I like about texting is the chance to say something without being interrupted. I'm not a very talkative person, but many of my friends can be chatterboxes. Sometimes I have a hard time getting a word in edgewise. A conversation is going on, I want to say something, but I don't want to interrupt. By the time the person stops speaking, someone else takes over and I never get to say what I wanted to say. Or I could be speaking, "Well, that's very, uh, what's the word, um, uh ..." and then someone jumps in and the conversation changes.

I imagine the video messaging would have the same advantages of not being interrupted without the drudgery of typing.

One of my favorite uses of new technology is using it to fix old stuff. I'm an old school shade tree mechanic. I love to work on pretty much anything I have that breaks down, although you probably wouldn't guess that by the amount of cussing I do while I'm fixing stuff. I consider cussing to be as much a part of the repair process as the tools.

When I'm, say, trying to do a more complex repair on one of my cars, I don't have to lug out my factory service manual to the car and get it covered with dirt, oil, and grease. I can scan the pages I need and take that out to the car. Or I could put the pages on a tablet and use that. I could watch a YouTube video of someone else doing the job and pick up some tips to make the job easier. I can find specific part numbers I need to get replacements, etc.

posted on Aug, 31 2024 @ 02:46 PM
I travel a lot to some very janky locals and GPS makes it much easier to find..... and leave in a hurry should the need arise.
edit on 31-8-2024 by lilzazz because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2024 @ 03:47 PM
a reply to: Dandandat3

So what benefits does this "new" video messaging afford people?

Used to send voice mails to a friend back-forth. It is good benefit, you can not see each other, but have long deep conversation about topics. You listen to others thoughts and not bring conversation away from the path.

It need more concentration because other can bring out all philosophy in the head. On phone, only reacting each other or try interrupt and say something, add someting. But other can not finish thoughts natural. With voice mail, you can listen twice and then make answer.

More time thinking, less time reacting. Sometime, no time for phoning. TDDA send me ten minute voice mails, I can listen to her like radio and use hands free and do something. Then I turn on recording and talk and can use hands free. Listen to thoughts. I am type who walks when phoning, can not stand still.

Yes, phone call precise but sometime when can both not be close, just voice mail in and when time, listen to it. When time, then answer. Then, when you use reply for voice mail always, you can talk many topics in different voice mail and but keep overlook. And then, is like little present, you see voice mail and can choose moment you listen, with attention.

Is it making sense?

posted on Aug, 31 2024 @ 04:19 PM
a reply to: Naftalin

Yes it does.

But that was not what my daughter was doing. They were having a simple conversation about going to the movies, what time, who's parents would dive and ect.

posted on Sep, 1 2024 @ 05:42 AM
a reply to: Dandandat3

It is practical in way that, time shift between hearing and have to answer. Sometime in busy situation it is good. Not have phone in hand, can work with hands. Listen to thoughts and idea of other person.

When I want fluid conversation, I meet the person. All in between, voice mail is practical, for me. Plus, you can answer in situation where it is silent. Now no one do voice mail with me, but last example:

Get information to me and she say about: "I send one last voice mail before I switch on machine, takes two hours, then can listen again". Then I know, how many time to listen to it, give answer or do if she needed things get done.

What it is what I not understand is the snapchat thing. Why send message only visible for seconds, it is like flashing the ding-dong out in street. Oh why?

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