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Summer COVID surge shows we may have to return to 2020 pandemic measures

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posted on Aug, 29 2024 @ 07:20 PM

originally posted by: confuzedcitizen
a reply to: pianopraze

back to wearing masks and 6 feet apart so,....

forcing people to either shout for the bleachers or

this was the whole point. keeping whispers about
bidens son and fathers corrupt dealings quiet..

we are gonna require the strictest lockdown,
and absolutely no talking to anyone outside your family

We have zoom and tiktok reaction videos. That's enough to keep the dialogue alive and strong.

edit on 29-8-2024 by TzarChasm because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2024 @ 07:35 PM
a reply to: pianopraze

They can kiss my ass as much as they could in 2020.

posted on Aug, 29 2024 @ 07:45 PM
I work with a lot of lefties, and they were all faithfully jabbed and jabbed, and quite proud of it. They believe they are part of the "good" team! And government is honest and always has their backs. Just a couple days ago a gal there was sick with some flu like bug and mentioned to me not bothering to take a Covid test. I responded "I'm glad I didn't bother to get any of those jabs".
She said, "I got it and it never hurt me!" Look at this response, it means "I'm okay so I don't care if they caused harm to others".
Or it might mean, "Since it didn't harm me, it just isn't true that others suffered ill effects".

The gaslighting the Biden admin did on these true believers is one thing, but also look at the lack of empathy displayed by government and their Borg like acolytes when people started getting heart attacks and Bells Palsy, and enlarged hearts, pericarditis etc. This is self righteousness on display in spades. The MSM offenders must be punished and punished severely.

It's these very kinds of people right now scheming to subvert another election using these tactics, and further subjugate and destroy American freedom.

We can't let them do it again under any circumstances.

posted on Aug, 29 2024 @ 07:59 PM

originally posted by: CriticalStinker
a reply to: pianopraze

Opened the link and saw this was an opinion piece from the hill.

Opinion pieces are just new nomenclature for click bait.

Opinion pieces are how we got where we are. They shouldn't be considered mere clickbait.

Respectfully, I think you're simply unaware of how egregious it was and how it was mainly the press that made it possible.

Having been the signatory to federal public health emergency planning grants, I was required to maintain a full suite of documents that were ready to go for any number of potential events. These plans were reviewed by the state, then accepted by whoever in DHS reviews the grants. Most of the plans are direct from CDC templates with customization only for concerns specific to the region or municipality in which they were maintained. The larger the jurisdiction, as a rule, the more detailed and complicated these plans were.

Masking mandates, lockdowns, school closures, vaccinating when there is a preponderance of latent infection in the community, quarantining those that aren't ill, and social distancing, were not ever part of any plan for a novel coronavirus with a low infection fatality rate. COVID also had clear demographically distinct risk categories, mostly people over the average life expectancy and people with significant comorbidities. The vast majority of these policies weren't part of the plans because they were known to either not work or even be harmful. Look up PHEPR docs prior to 2019 if you'd care to see. Most have probably been scrubbed, but FOIA should apply.

There's a whole subset of egregious violations of convention when it comes to the messaging that "officials" used. These opinion pieces aren't organic. Hundreds of millions, likely many billions globally, was spent on funding these opinions. It was known for a long time that deception, conjecture, and alarmism, all have significant impacts on public trust and perception. They violated their own rules, all while knowing that it would result in diminished public trust and pushback from experts who placed their ethics above their paychecks. It was clear just in the first few weeks, for anybody trained as a public information officer, that this loss of trust was going to happen. If not for the lies, censorship, and outright admissions of guilt, this could be maybe written off as gross incompetence. Even if it was gross incompetence it becomes a crime when attempts to cover it up include the government violating the constitution using tech proxies, eliminating dissent through professional associations with conflicts of interest stripping credentials, an illegal lack of transparency that eliminates any possibility of informed consent, and various other blatant displays of criminality.

The press routinely reported preposterous things that simply weren't true. Children were never at any significant risk of serious illness, nor were the vast majority of people under 60. Prior to the vaccine rollout there were less than 1,000 children that had died from COVID complications, overwhelmingly they had serious comorbities like autoimmune disorders. Under 30 it was around 10k. Thats less than 1,000 18 and unders out of 75 million, while COVID was being found through serotesting to have already spread to over 70% of the population quite early on. Even if the vaccines prevented illness and transmission, healthy children would not have a risk/benefit profile that supports recommendation of this therapy with just the known adverse event data. That's without even knowing how much has been intentionally obfuscated by federal agencies or the emerging long term harms.

The reasons why we don't (or didn't before clown worrkd) vaccinate into a population with widespread latent infection is known and some of the consequences are visible in the public health data since the rollout. Vaccination during latent infection can cause two different conditions that were never addressed or even considered by the FDA and Pfizer, though both were notified of the risk. Those conditions are inflammatory COVID syndrome and fulminating COVID. The clinical presentation of these two things are, not coincidentally, the same clinical presentations as "long COVID" and myocarditis.

I have the emails where the advisory committee was made aware of this well known hazard when vaccinating populations with latent infection. They provided no evidence it was actually considered and declared it wasn't a risk. It's also likely that this practice is what caused the proliferation of however many strains that emerged over just two years. It's not normal. It takes a long time for zooneses to move to humans and they don't just start evolving like we're in a new Cambrian explosion when they do. It's absurd that these well known issues, that we can observe in data, remain "dangerous conspiracy theories".

They are currently recommending children in the US take a gene therapy product every year, with the highest risk profile of any approved "vaccine" in history, without any risk/benefit analysis and with an active government directed effort to eliminate any chance the parents might even accidentally be exposed to the information that would constitute informed consent.

It's a literal crime against humanity to irresponsibly develop pathogens, fraudulently declare emergencies based on lies, wage war against effective early treatments, and knowlingly give a dangerous EUA product -a gene therapy platform so dangerous that during a decade of animal testing it was never deemed safe enough for large human trials- to people at no real risk of serious illness. Just the attempts to mandate it are, at a minimum and irrespective of the rest, a crime against humanity. The recommendation that children take it, which is contrary to the rules governing how these recommendations are made, is a transparent use of federal agencies to allow corporations to profit on the death of innocent people without liability.

These people are no different than Nazi sympathizers who, in the wake of WWII, lamented that Hitler was stopped before he could finish the job. Any person ignorant enough, or greedy enough, to suggest this again should be considered no less dangerous than somebody that suggests we reopen concentration camps. They're actually more dangerous in the short term as we now have precedent and widespread regime support for perpetual use of emergency declarations.

I'm pretty much done with discussion of this topic as we're now entering an era where knowledge is a crime. Aside from pointing out lies from regime mouthpieces and authoritarian sycophants on this site, this is quite possibly the last time I post about it. People that are emotional slaves of popular culture, breathtakingly ignorant, of diminished intellectual capacity, unethical, or ideologically blind, are the bulk of those that are still getting these vaccines.

The people most tied up in "safe and effective" are overwhelmingly fans of a global NGO that has an overt mission of employing socioeconomic eugenics to reduce the population of useless eaters. The "life-saving" Science™ of Anthony Fauci, ironically and sadly, will end up being a lesson in Darwinism to future generations.

posted on Aug, 29 2024 @ 08:00 PM
The best way to counter this, is to open carry in states where it is allowed on the public right of ways in front of the buildings where this drivel is written up. If it comes from a specific department of health, open carry in a menacing way days and days in a row , maybe weeks at a time with several others.
Same goes for retarded media companies or websites. Find their offices, and if allowed, openly carry with protest signs in front of them. Academic institutions, and so on. BANKS!

They will cry about harassment for a bit, threaten some litigation, but nobody is breaking the law. When the news hits they cannot really sue, they may just STFU and crawl back into the holes they came out of.

posted on Aug, 29 2024 @ 08:23 PM
The mandates and restrictions will return as a panic method if Trump gets elected again. Patterns 😬

posted on Aug, 29 2024 @ 09:35 PM
Covid? Hardly anyone at work seems to care. It’s like saying I have a little cold. No one wants to catch it but there isn’t a lot of worrying going on. I think I had it. No one told me I had to go get officially tested so I didn’t. I did get to work from home one day. My boss wanted me back next day. I did take some cold medicine. The heat index that week at work was 109 degrees in our shop and there was no way I wanted to make a fuss and possibly get told to wear a face mask in 109 degree heat. I get no sick days.

Back during Covid scare mongering days, I went to visit a relative at hospital, not Covid related. I was told I must work from home for a whole week due to visiting a hospital where there were Covid patients. I did not visit anyone with Covid. I actually liked working from home. I remember an old message on an answering machine that stated the governor of the state has closed down all schools after 5 Covid cases were confirmed in the state. Yes something like 5 cases in the entire state.
edit on 29-8-2024 by orionthehunter because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2024 @ 10:16 PM

originally posted by: ksihkahe

originally posted by: CriticalStinker
a reply to: pianopraze

Opened the link and saw this was an opinion piece from the hill.

Opinion pieces are just new nomenclature for click bait.

Opinion pieces are how we got where we are. They shouldn't be considered mere clickbait.

Respectfully, I think you're simply unaware of how egregious it was and how it was mainly the press that made it possible.

Having been the signatory to federal public health emergency planning grants, I was required to maintain a full suite of documents that were ready to go for any number of potential events. These plans were reviewed by the state, then accepted by whoever in DHS reviews the grants. Most of the plans are direct from CDC templates with customization only for concerns specific to the region or municipality in which they were maintained. The larger the jurisdiction, as a rule, the more detailed and complicated these plans were.

Masking mandates, lockdowns, school closures, vaccinating when there is a preponderance of latent infection in the community, quarantining those that aren't ill, and social distancing, were not ever part of any plan for a novel coronavirus with a low infection fatality rate. COVID also had clear demographically distinct risk categories, mostly people over the average life expectancy and people with significant comorbidities. The vast majority of these policies weren't part of the plans because they were known to either not work or even be harmful. Look up PHEPR docs prior to 2019 if you'd care to see. Most have probably been scrubbed, but FOIA should apply.

There's a whole subset of egregious violations of convention when it comes to the messaging that "officials" used. These opinion pieces aren't organic. Hundreds of millions, likely many billions globally, was spent on funding these opinions. It was known for a long time that deception, conjecture, and alarmism, all have significant impacts on public trust and perception. They violated their own rules, all while knowing that it would result in diminished public trust and pushback from experts who placed their ethics above their paychecks. It was clear just in the first few weeks, for anybody trained as a public information officer, that this loss of trust was going to happen. If not for the lies, censorship, and outright admissions of guilt, this could be maybe written off as gross incompetence. Even if it was gross incompetence it becomes a crime when attempts to cover it up include the government violating the constitution using tech proxies, eliminating dissent through professional associations with conflicts of interest stripping credentials, an illegal lack of transparency that eliminates any possibility of informed consent, and various other blatant displays of criminality.

The press routinely reported preposterous things that simply weren't true. Children were never at any significant risk of serious illness, nor were the vast majority of people under 60. Prior to the vaccine rollout there were less than 1,000 children that had died from COVID complications, overwhelmingly they had serious comorbities like autoimmune disorders. Under 30 it was around 10k. Thats less than 1,000 18 and unders out of 75 million, while COVID was being found through serotesting to have already spread to over 70% of the population quite early on. Even if the vaccines prevented illness and transmission, healthy children would not have a risk/benefit profile that supports recommendation of this therapy with just the known adverse event data. That's without even knowing how much has been intentionally obfuscated by federal agencies or the emerging long term harms.

The reasons why we don't (or didn't before clown worrkd) vaccinate into a population with widespread latent infection is known and some of the consequences are visible in the public health data since the rollout. Vaccination during latent infection can cause two different conditions that were never addressed or even considered by the FDA and Pfizer, though both were notified of the risk. Those conditions are inflammatory COVID syndrome and fulminating COVID. The clinical presentation of these two things are, not coincidentally, the same clinical presentations as "long COVID" and myocarditis.

I have the emails where the advisory committee was made aware of this well known hazard when vaccinating populations with latent infection. They provided no evidence it was actually considered and declared it wasn't a risk. It's also likely that this practice is what caused the proliferation of however many strains that emerged over just two years. It's not normal. It takes a long time for zooneses to move to humans and they don't just start evolving like we're in a new Cambrian explosion when they do. It's absurd that these well known issues, that we can observe in data, remain "dangerous conspiracy theories".

They are currently recommending children in the US take a gene therapy product every year, with the highest risk profile of any approved "vaccine" in history, without any risk/benefit analysis and with an active government directed effort to eliminate any chance the parents might even accidentally be exposed to the information that would constitute informed consent.

It's a literal crime against humanity to irresponsibly develop pathogens, fraudulently declare emergencies based on lies, wage war against effective early treatments, and knowlingly give a dangerous EUA product -a gene therapy platform so dangerous that during a decade of animal testing it was never deemed safe enough for large human trials- to people at no real risk of serious illness. Just the attempts to mandate it are, at a minimum and irrespective of the rest, a crime against humanity. The recommendation that children take it, which is contrary to the rules governing how these recommendations are made, is a transparent use of federal agencies to allow corporations to profit on the death of innocent people without liability.

These people are no different than Nazi sympathizers who, in the wake of WWII, lamented that Hitler was stopped before he could finish the job. Any person ignorant enough, or greedy enough, to suggest this again should be considered no less dangerous than somebody that suggests we reopen concentration camps. They're actually more dangerous in the short term as we now have precedent and widespread regime support for perpetual use of emergency declarations.

I'm pretty much done with discussion of this topic as we're now entering an era where knowledge is a crime. Aside from pointing out lies from regime mouthpieces and authoritarian sycophants on this site, this is quite possibly the last time I post about it. People that are emotional slaves of popular culture, breathtakingly ignorant, of diminished intellectual capacity, unethical, or ideologically blind, are the bulk of those that are still getting these vaccines.

The people most tied up in "safe and effective" are overwhelmingly fans of a global NGO that has an overt mission of employing socioeconomic eugenics to reduce the population of useless eaters. The "life-saving" Science™ of Anthony Fauci, ironically and sadly, will end up being a lesson in Darwinism to future generations.

Quoted because everyone should read this.

Everyone in America.


posted on Aug, 29 2024 @ 10:18 PM

originally posted by: AwakeNotWoke
a reply to: pianopraze

I've been putting in overtime correcting headlines the last couple of days. I guess I just as well fix yours, too...

Summer "CONVID" surge shows we may have to return to 2020 pandemic election fraud measures

There, that's a lot clearer.


I agree it’s more accurate.

But I didn’t write the headline, just yelling at the digital cloud that did.

Insert *man shakes fist at cloud* meme

posted on Aug, 29 2024 @ 11:07 PM

originally posted by: chiefsmom
What surge? I haven't heard a peep about it around here.

And, not trying to be mean, but I have old people in here every day, that even last year, would tell me all about so-in-so, that had it!
Not a word.

No thanks, not buying any BS today.

Covid is now endemic. That means that almost everyone in the population has been exposed to either the virus, the vaccine, or most likely both. Those who were going to die from it have died. Those who didn't die have recovered from it and now realize they don't have to be as afraid of it as the once were.

More importantly from a public health standpoint, Covid cases are very very far from overwhelming our public health system. Here's a recent graph showing the fraction of hospital beds in the USA devoted to Covid patients:

As a public health menace, Covid is now about as serious as seasonal flu.

posted on Aug, 29 2024 @ 11:35 PM

originally posted by: pianopraze
The Hill

Helllllllll no.

F no.

Go put your mask up your backside and poop it out your nose you Fing retard.

Keep your blueynonsese unscientific crap to yourselves and go back to your buble suits and leave us the hell alone.

Here you go

Covid surge forces schools to close and bring back pandemic-era measures- and more are at risk as millions head back to class next week - LINK - LINK2

Schools in two states experiencing a rise in Covid cases announced they were closing facilities and switching to remote learning.

And there are fears that more disruption could be in store for students in the coming months — with many schools, in states like New York, New Jersey and Michigan, returning after the Labor Day weekend.

OH OH and I just seen this
CDC on alert as 'Sloth fever' hits the US — a disease spread by travelers from Cuba and South America - LINK
Oropouche virus has reached the US, and Florida has 95% of the cases. What to know - LINK

edit on 29-8-2024 by tarantulabite1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2024 @ 01:56 AM

originally posted by: Boomer1947

originally posted by: chiefsmom
What surge? I haven't heard a peep about it around here.

And, not trying to be mean, but I have old people in here every day, that even last year, would tell me all about so-in-so, that had it!
Not a word.

No thanks, not buying any BS today.

Covid is now endemic. That means that almost everyone in the population has been exposed to either the virus, the vaccine, or most likely both.

Thanks for filling in all us plebs on The Science™. We need the big brains to explain stuff to us.

Perhaps that fact that you're a wanna-be fact-checker that makes up most of what they say to sound smart is why your definition of "endemic'" differs from mine and the rest of the world?

Endemic means a disease that is always present in a population within a geographic area, typically year-round. For example, malaria is an endemic disease in parts of Africa south of the Sahara desert.

super hard to find definition

Those who were going to die from it have died.

I believe endemic disease have been killing millions of new people *checks deep into the global public health data* every year since the term was created. Diseases, like population, are not static. This is a childish oversimplification, because you believe that your audience is mentally inferior to you.


a person who wants to be thought of as having a lot of intelligence and knowledge but who is not really intelligent or knowledgeable

It's amazing to me that you can feel comfortable trying to come off like an intellectual, explaining things, on a topic you're not even competent in. What do you gain from making things up anonymously on a forum where you've repeatedly been shown to make things up? How many times do you want to get caught LARPing on this topic?

posted on Aug, 30 2024 @ 04:38 AM
Anecdotally I believe in Tennessee a couple schools just shut down or were about to right after the school year started because of the cases of Covid they were experiencing.

Alas I can’t find a link to back it.

posted on Aug, 30 2024 @ 04:40 AM
a reply to: Boomer1947

Is that because everyone has natural immunity from exposure like other endemic diseases, or the shots are finally working or have been tweaked as intended?

What’s your expert opinion?

posted on Aug, 30 2024 @ 04:50 AM
a reply to: SteamyAmerican

It would be interesting to know just how long the immune system is impacted from the shots. If the doomsayers are right and they have altered the Gnome to continually produce spike proteins, then we ae in for a long haul. I think the longest blood tests have shown they produce it at least for six months.

posted on Aug, 30 2024 @ 05:47 AM
a reply to: ksihkahe

Thank you for explains the hindsight while keeping the rear view understandable for those of us that were whiplashed and bewildered by such autocratic scare tactics.

Even when deep down we knew them to be so. And saw the authoritarian manipulation of public opinion and the medical industry thrust forth and administered in such a way, it made it sickeningly easy to see how 1930s Germany got to where it did.

posted on Aug, 30 2024 @ 05:50 AM

originally posted by: annonentity
a reply to: SteamyAmerican

It would be interesting to know just how long the immune system is impacted from the shots. If the doomsayers are right and they have altered the Gnome to continually produce spike proteins, then we ae in for a long haul. I think the longest blood tests have shown they produce it at least for six months.

I believe I wrote in another thread about the future being bleak for other reasons.

However. I grasp at nothing as insidious and haunting as a future where all our loved ones and friends that took this aren’t around. That’s something I don’t like thinking about.


What then is the point of life other than to hunt down those that inflicted this scheme on billions?

And the head of Pfizer has the balls to call skeptics and “vaccine deniers” criminals. How he still breathes and enjoys life and sells his poison is beyond me.

Edit: seeing as it’s not a true nor traditional vaccine, imguessing you’re correct, and that the alterations to DNA will proliferate “Covid” amongst a host of other gene related maladies and illnesses.

See: “turbo cancers” like when the hell was that a thing?
edit on 30-8-2024 by SteamyAmerican because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-8-2024 by SteamyAmerican because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2024 @ 05:52 AM
a reply to: Boomer1947

Covid is now about as serious as seasonal flu.
It was always this way, and the sick bastards in charge of the global corporate takeover attempt will hopefully soon be held to account.

posted on Aug, 30 2024 @ 06:52 AM
a reply to: Boomer1947

I'm not sure of your point of your post?

It's just like the flu now? (yep)

We shouldn't be scared of it? (correct, never was)

My post was about not hearing my sweet old customers telling me about that particular aliment, as they do for everything else, meaning it must not be an issue in my area.

posted on Aug, 30 2024 @ 11:11 AM
a reply to: ksihkahe

I see your point on punditry having a real impact on public discourse.

But I’ll bet money there won’t be 2020 like COVID protocols. I am in fact betting seeing as my investment exposure right now is a bullish one. I’d take a temporary hit if it happened.

I’m not adjusting any of my positions because of this article, is essentially my point.

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