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Something weird happening in Italy

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+2 more 
posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 11:51 PM
Actually something might be happening all over, we seem to be getting a lot of volcanoes going off and there is a whole lot of shaking going on in many' places. Tourists going fpr a swim notice sulphur bubbles coming up from beneath them, and the hotel seems to vibrate and shake, Scientist are making remarks about unusual activity. It as got so bad that Redacted has got in on the act , as it appears that major volcanic basins have come back to life after a long hiatus. In Rome the comments section tells of extreme heat and a very high amount of static build up where you can zap each other.Bot much being said on the mainstream as I guess it might effect tourist traffic, but things from Yellowstone to Iceland to Italy are definitely acting up.

edit on pm820248America/Chicago831543124 by annonentity because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2024 @ 12:58 AM
a reply to: annonentity

I noticed that the Pacific "Ring of Fire" has been quite active over the last week, as well.

Except for California.

Which is odd.

posted on Aug, 27 2024 @ 01:51 AM
a reply to: Mantiss2021

Mt Shasta is a bomb just waiting to go off. While overlooked a lot, it is the most likely to blow.

posted on Aug, 27 2024 @ 02:40 AM
a reply to: annonentity

Even Mother Earth is tired of these "New Humans With More Money Than Sense".

How much you wanna bet they're profiting off human misery and nonrenewable resources and limited housing markets?

Influencers maybe?

Be one the lookout for selfiesticks and surgically implanted duck lips and giant rear ends!

Poor Day to be a Tourist or inthe Tourism Industry!

edit on 8/27/24 by GENERAL EYES because: (no reason given)

+2 more 
posted on Aug, 27 2024 @ 03:36 AM
It's caused by the Sun. When the sun does a blast towards earth, those electromagnetic waves heat up the inner earth, and it takes a while for that heat to radiate outward towards the crust. Remember all those world wide Aurora's? Yeah? Now it's heat release time, via volcano's.

That's what I think anyways.
edit on 27/8/2024 by DaRAGE because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2024 @ 04:41 AM
a reply to: DaRAGE

Yes something like the central core, processing the electromagnetic energy into heat, and then the heat causing the magma to bubble a bit more, which vents the volcanoes as a heat release valve, and where they cant take it it rips the crust somewhere else. In Britain if you aimed a compass at a point on your wall seven years ago , now it would be eleven degrees away from that spot, which means that whatever is causing the magnetic poles has moved somewhere deep down to a significant level. Which most probably will effect the weather to some degree as well water is paramagnetic, the gas giants lining up all very well could stress the rocky mantle. It is little wonder that our history is brief.

posted on Aug, 27 2024 @ 04:42 AM
a reply to: annonentity


Over here in UK we have just had a Sulphur cloud pass over from Iceland, stretching all the way over the UK... that's gotta be a little dangerous to our health...

posted on Aug, 27 2024 @ 05:05 AM
a reply to: annonentity

Yeah i remember ben from suspicious observers saying that when the sun does those blasts towards earth it heats up the oceans and we get a ton of hurricanes etc forming that week.

But yeah, supposedly it heats up the earths core, which ends up radiating outwards, which causes the weakest links aka volcanoes to go off. Considering the world wide auroras i think we are in for a surprise.

posted on Aug, 27 2024 @ 05:52 AM
I started looking into this concept last year:

It makes sense. I was actually doing research for a new novel I'm working on and that's what led to this train of thought. Basically, the various EM pulses that are hitting the Earth are being transformed into mechanical energy when they interact with piezoelectric crystals in the crust. Quartz makes up 20% of the crust and 12% of the land surface:

So I figure that's a major cause of earthquakes. With all the recent solar activity, that explains the increase in volcanic activity and earthquakes as well.

But wait, there's more...

On April 21, 2021, a solar flare 100 times as powerful as any observed from our sun was emitted from Proxima Centauri. That star is 4.2 light years away. If that flare is headed our way it should get here around the middle of next year. I imagine a solar flare that large hitting the Earth could trigger some pretty extreme reactions if the piezoelectric effect theory is true.

But luckily I'm not a geologist or astronomer, so we probably don't have anything to worry about. I'm just a silly sci-fi writer, and those folks have never predicted anything correctly. Welp, have a wonderful day everyone

posted on Aug, 27 2024 @ 07:53 AM
I believe you’re right. The Sun and its planets is an energy transfer system. The energy that is moved from the sun to the earth must dissipate somehow.

Entropy vs enthalpy and all that jazz.
a reply to: DaRAGE

posted on Aug, 27 2024 @ 07:54 AM
a reply to: annonentity

Clayton mentions the Billy Mier prophesies-I know he is a controversial figure who many think is a fake-But I found this from his "Hentoch Prophesies" which were supposedly channeled by an extraterrestrial-

Therefore, she(Russia) will also invade the Balkans and conquer these countries there in enormous battles, causing ruthless and devastating destruction with many deaths.
This will be at the time that tremendous natural disasters will hit Italy and its people, causing severe hardship. But this will also be at the time when Vesuvius could become active again and could spread tremendous havoc. At the same time, a war will shake Italy and claim many human lives as well as cause great destruction.

Not sure when this was written-but the latest translation I could find was from 2019

I mentioned in another thread that if this volcano goes off-it could cause the kind of numbers of deaths predicted in the population forecasts.
Of course,TPTB would deny being able to predict volcanic activity-buts lets be honest-they lie consistently,and if they could predict earth changing events-does anyone really believe they would warn us in advance?

I do not.

posted on Aug, 27 2024 @ 05:14 PM
a reply to: onestonemonkey

There is also Padre Pio who speaks of three days of darkness.

posted on Aug, 27 2024 @ 08:08 PM
a reply to: annonentity

Here is a good update on the volcanic system causing the problem. Along with the time frames of alignments which seem to mirror the activity. There seems to be a cap formed from the old eruption which will have to be breached before a new one gets going.

posted on Aug, 27 2024 @ 09:34 PM

originally posted by: annonentity
Actually something might be happening all over, we seem to be getting a lot of volcanoes going off and there is a whole lot of shaking going on in many' places. Tourists going fpr a swim notice sulphur bubbles coming up from beneath them, and the hotel seems to vibrate and shake, Scientist are making remarks about unusual activity. It as got so bad that Redacted has got in on the act , as it appears that major volcanic basins have come back to life after a long hiatus. In Rome the comments section tells of extreme heat and a very high amount of static build up where you can zap each other.Bot much being said on the mainstream as I guess it might effect tourist traffic, but things from Yellowstone to Iceland to Italy are definitely acting up.

It's a worldwide event. We get them every 6k (usually moderate bad) and 12k years (usually scary bad, like an almost ELE) apparently. Just remember when the sun goes dark due to accreted material from the local current sheet/nebula, you have 3 days or less to make your peace and get your sh!t together. When the accreted shell blows off 360 degrees in a micro-nova, it will appear as if the stars are falling, because of the congealed CME materials, they'll probably come down like meteors and asteroids. Let's hope our eyes aren't open and looking skyward ;-)

The energy blast from the micro-nova will likely decouple the lithosphere from the mantle, eg. it will "melt" the congealed layer that keeps the crust in place and of course, newtonian physics will take over, meaning centrifugal force will cause the continents to move around based on weight. That will cause more earthquakes, rifts opening up, volcanic activity, etc. Once the decoupling has occurred and the crust starts moving it will likely take about 45 minutes to get to maximum speed (1037mph) and that will occur around the + and - 90 degree mark from the prime meridian. The entire crustal displacement should last 6-12 hours and the tidal wave events and subsequent splash-back from oceans, who knows, maybe 7 days. In the end, the new equator will be the old anti/prime-meridian or fairly close.

It's going to be a helluva ride !

Oh...... did I mention that it has been predicted that the last time this happened about 15,000 people survived worldwide. If I were to be anywhere when it occurs, it would not be middle (or anywhere) in America. The most survivable location looks like the eastern region of Cameroon, any high ground that way as the foci should be close to the equator and prime/anti-meridian.

Cheers - Dave
edit on b2024b48_000000Tue, 27 Aug 2024 21:35:48 -050000000082024-08-27T21:35:48-05:00 by bobs_uruncle because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2024 @ 03:17 AM
a reply to: onestonemonkey

. . . predict volcanic activity . . .

David Alan Ritchie said the people who built the ancient stone structures on Orkney could predict major volcanic activity by understanding 'the song of the Earth'. When they knew life in that area was about to become near impossible they built hundreds of skin boats and migrated. Neatsfoot oil was used to treat the leather boats.

Neatsfoot oil is a yellow oil rendered and purified from the shin bones and feet (but not the hooves) of cattle.

When Card and his colleagues excavated down to the pavement level around Structure 10, they were stunned to recover the shinbones of hundreds of cattle — enough to have fed thousands of people.

Carbon dating of the bones has revealed that this huge feast took place around 2300 B.C. — approximately the same time as the very large eruption of an Icelandic volcano called Hekla, which may have had cataclysmic climate consequences across northern Europe.

In ancient Egyptian history, the Old Kingdom is the period spanning c. 2700–2200 BC. It is also known as the "Age of the Pyramids" or the "Age of the Pyramid Builders", as it encompasses the reigns of the great pyramid-builders

The timelines add up. These same people may have been the pyramid builders.

The ability to predict major eruptions is not new.

posted on Aug, 28 2024 @ 05:59 AM
a reply to: DaRAGE
I've always thought that the sun is responsible for many environmental problems we have

posted on Aug, 28 2024 @ 07:26 AM

originally posted by: xWorldxGonexMadx
a reply to: annonentity


Over here in UK we have just had a Sulphur cloud pass over from Iceland, stretching all the way over the UK... that's gotta be a little dangerous to our health...

Well I live in the UK so can you tell me when this sulphur cloud comes.

posted on Aug, 28 2024 @ 08:25 AM
I seem to recall a prophecy about the destruction of Rome and here's what I found...

St. Malachy's prophecy of the Popes says this:

"Peter the Roman, who will pasture his sheep in many tribulations, and when these things are finished, the city of seven hills [i.e. Rome] will be destroyed, and the dreadful judge[a] will judge his people".

Interesting that many people believe that Pope Francis is Peter the Roman.

Anyway, this will be something to keep an eye on.

posted on Aug, 28 2024 @ 08:54 AM

originally posted by: crayzeed

originally posted by: xWorldxGonexMadx
a reply to: annonentity


Over here in UK we have just had a Sulphur cloud pass over from Iceland, stretching all the way over the UK... that's gotta be a little dangerous to our health...

Well I live in the UK so can you tell me when this sulphur cloud comes.

It happened last night, or the night before, heard it on late night radio...apparently really high up, so it was more of a bull# clickbait headline, than 'scary news'🤣

posted on Aug, 28 2024 @ 09:25 PM
decided to look up the closest volcano in my state... turns out we have 40, luckily 38 are on the other side of the state to me (Alaska is 1.72 million sq kilometers).

So I guess we have that going for us lol.

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