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Lefty please explain

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posted on Aug, 29 2024 @ 09:53 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: TheSemiskepticII
a reply to: chr0naut

The Fourth Amendment.
“The right of the people to be secure in their persons...."

Finish the clause. You can't pick out a few words out of a sentence and reinterpret them.

It's no wonder that some Americans believe the stuff they do about themselves if they can't even parse a sentence! But I suppose a right to education is also something absent from their Bill of Rights.


"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

It clearly has nothing to do with a right of medical choice.

SHALL NOT BE VIOLATED is the key phrase. Being secure in our persons is what you need a lesson in young man. I have the right to be secure to not be F'd with in our houses our in our affects does mean more than my watch or my car. You Nazis need to climb under a rock because the hound dogs of hell are coming.

edit on 29000000213120248America/Chicago08pm8 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2024 @ 12:30 AM
a reply to: Justoneman

I previously broached the subject that the USA does not have anything in its Bill of Rights that covers a right to refuse medical intervention. This was due to my insistence that too many Americans believe that they have rights that are not actually explicitly granted as rights in the US Bill of Rights.

TheSemiskepticII suggested that the 4th Amendment covered that right to refuse medical intervention, but it didn't, because the whole clause clearly was talking about something else. The 4th protects from undue search and seizure.

The concept that "shall not be violated" is a complete phrase of itself is more evidence of the inability of some people to parse an entire phrase in English, and you provided a perfect example.

If someone came up to you and said, "shall not be violated" with no context, I'm sure that you would wonder what the hell they were talking about and would assume that they may possibly be an incoherent raving froot-loop.

So, the phrase cannot possibly have legal meaning without its context, namely the entire sentence where it is used.

I am also in some confusion about if your diatribe was against the "Leftys" (referenced in the OP and thread title), or "Nazi's" (who are extreme-right-wingers)?

edit on 2024-08-30T00:53:27-05:0012Fri, 30 Aug 2024 00:53:27 -050008am00000031 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2024 @ 12:47 PM

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: Therealbeverage

originally posted by: berbofthegreen
So I spent yesterday reading up on your candidates. All I know is that Trump is evil, the DNC candidates aren't bad at all, in fact they like black people which is the best thing ever. And if you don't like the stuff they are really doing you are racist and sexist among other slurs and then of course there is the most wonderful thing ever; abortion.

So tell me how that is going to reduce costs, taxes, and military foreign engagement? Since those are the real problems...

Oh I see so you think BILLIONAIRE trump is here for you? Tell me how?

with policies that have helped us, and will again. You don't have to believe he's Christ reincarnate, or even a nice guy, but you do have a 4 year track record with accomplishments, and the results of those accomplishments.

For me personally, he's the right guy because he is ignorant as to how things really work. He hasn't been trained to NOT FIX ANYTHING, so it can be exploited and used for monetary gain for all family of politicians. He actually tries to fix things that need fixing. I am man enough to deal with his quirks and inadequacies. Are you?

What does having to be a man have to do with putting up with a infantile Billionare? Who's B.S. I put up with for 4 years and I don't vote for Losers who had their shot and failed!

I certainly don't support felons, but I guess you are man enough to put up with criminals or make up conspiracies on how jury's are rigged and saint Trump is actually the fools christ?

posted on Aug, 30 2024 @ 01:20 PM

originally posted by: network dude
I am man enough to deal with his quirks and inadequacies. Are you?

Are you man enough to take the shot? Or better how about a Mark?

I am guessing you forgot the Father of WarpSpeed with the Clot shots from the warfare Wuhan virus also said he would make sure that "we will finally complete the biometric entry-exit visa tracking system which we need desperately." and I take him at this word! You and me will not be able to leave or come back to our country without a BIOMETRIC VISA!

So Righty please explain why they want to implement what could very well be considered the Mark of the Beast? And nobody says anything about this...

edit on 30-8-2024 by Therealbeverage because: (no reason given)
extra DIV

posted on Aug, 30 2024 @ 01:41 PM

originally posted by: Therealbeverage

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: Therealbeverage

originally posted by: berbofthegreen
So I spent yesterday reading up on your candidates. All I know is that Trump is evil, the DNC candidates aren't bad at all, in fact they like black people which is the best thing ever. And if you don't like the stuff they are really doing you are racist and sexist among other slurs and then of course there is the most wonderful thing ever; abortion.

So tell me how that is going to reduce costs, taxes, and military foreign engagement? Since those are the real problems...

Oh I see so you think BILLIONAIRE trump is here for you? Tell me how?

with policies that have helped us, and will again. You don't have to believe he's Christ reincarnate, or even a nice guy, but you do have a 4 year track record with accomplishments, and the results of those accomplishments.

For me personally, he's the right guy because he is ignorant as to how things really work. He hasn't been trained to NOT FIX ANYTHING, so it can be exploited and used for monetary gain for all family of politicians. He actually tries to fix things that need fixing. I am man enough to deal with his quirks and inadequacies. Are you?

What does having to be a man have to do with putting up with a infantile Billionare? Who's B.S. I put up with for 4 years and I don't vote for Losers who had their shot and failed!

I certainly don't support felons, but I guess you are man enough to put up with criminals or make up conspiracies on how jury's are rigged and saint Trump is actually the fools christ?

I can accept that his accountant listed payments to his lawyer as legal fees. That's what kind of man I am. LOL! And you seem to show exactly what kind of person you are. You make me smile.

posted on Aug, 30 2024 @ 01:42 PM

originally posted by: Therealbeverage

originally posted by: network dude
I am man enough to deal with his quirks and inadequacies. Are you?

Are you man enough to take the shot? Or better how about a Mark?

I am guessing you forgot the Father of WarpSpeed with the Clot shots from the warfare Wuhan virus also said he would make sure that "we will finally complete the biometric entry-exit visa tracking system which we need desperately." and I take him at this word! You and me will not be able to leave or come back to our country without a BIOMETRIC VISA!

So Righty please explain why they want to implement what could very well be considered the Mark of the Beast?

I chose not to, and it seems it was the right choice. Neither safe, nor effective. But unless you can show where Trump mandated the shot for anyone, you are just being .....that guy.

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