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Wait, Did Trump Just Admit He Lost the 2020 Election?

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posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 11:05 PM

originally posted by: rigel4

originally posted by: AlroyFarms
a reply to: rigel4

Oh ya for sure just a little bit. Just conveniently a little bit enough after the lights went out for a few hours in the dead of night.

What does your graph imply?

It was a graphic representing some sudden jumps in vote counts in the states of Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan, probably mostly due to votes being processed in large batches.

Fuller explanation for these jumps is given here: Fact check: Vote spikes in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania do not prove election fraud

Overall national vote tallies did not show the same jumps.

posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 12:14 AM

originally posted by: Boomer1947

originally posted by: AlroyFarms
a reply to: rigel4

Oh ya for sure just a little bit. Just conveniently a little bit enough after the lights went out for a few hours in the dead of night.

That's a nice cartoon you drew, but here's the actual trend over time, from Nate Silver's website:

Trump was never likely to win and he knew it early on. That's why he started preemptively lying about it early and often.

I think Nate Silver has created his own alternate universe where the polls project what he wants them to.

posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 12:30 AM
And then there’s this … ch_Brand-June&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD8dCux6wKGFd6K7fVVkw_vjs_2EF&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI7bzcqvSRiAMV9Ef_AR2r8jw7EAMYASAAEgL7zvD_BwE

The aforementioned Economist-YouGov poll sampled 7% more Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents than Republicans and Republican-leaning independents. But even with such a skewed sample, Harris could only manage a national lead of four points. In the NPR-PBS-Marist poll, the partisan divide once again favored Democrats by 4 points but yielded a nearly identical 3-point lead for Harris. For reference, the partisan divide in the 2020 electorate was 1 point, according to CBS exit polls.

posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 05:55 AM

originally posted by: rigel4
“This was the last week in office for me because of a horrible, horrible election where I got many millions more votes than I did the first time, but didn’t quite make it, just a little bit short,” Trump said. “Just a little bit short.” It certainly lacks the unrestrained zeal of “Stop the Steal.”

Trump just admitted he lost 2020 election

There are many news sites covering this , if you want to pick a fight with the Daily Beast.

Trump admits he lost, im sure he didn't mean to , but its straight from the horses mouth !

After all this time he finally admits it .
That should be the end right there.

what do you win? I wasn't told of a prize, but I'm sure there is one. But just so I understand, if Trump said this, but it's found later that there was fraud, does that mean that Trump can be put in jail for spreading misinformation about admitting he didn't win? Or is not winning the same as being cheated out of winning? Sorry, I just have to try to keep up with the changing rules.

posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 06:22 AM

originally posted by: rigel4

originally posted by: TheLieWeLive
a reply to: rigel4

What’s he admitting to? It’s obvious that he’s not the current president right?

We all lost under the current administration.

I am not a linguistic expert , but i'd say he is admitting that he didn't get enough votes to win the 2020 election.What do you think he's admitting ?

can you quote the part where he said he didn't get enough votes? If not, I think I see the problem.

posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 07:08 AM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: rigel4

originally posted by: AlroyFarms
a reply to: rigel4

Oh ya for sure just a little bit. Just conveniently a little bit enough after the lights went out for a few hours in the dead of night.

What does your graph imply?

It was a graphic representing some sudden jumps in vote counts in the states of Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan, probably mostly due to votes being processed in large batches.

Fuller explanation for these jumps is given here: Fact check: Vote spikes in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania do not prove election fraud

Overall national vote tallies did not show the same jumps.

Votes can't be processed in large batches. But votes can be added and subtracted during transportation from actual vote locations to vote "count" facilities. 😃

posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 08:11 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

between three and five o'clock in the morning on the west coast when 95% of the country was still asleep they just happen to find votes that hadn't been counted yet. yeah right.

those were the ones they kept in reserve hidden under the table just in case.

edit on 26-8-2024 by BernnieJGato because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 08:13 AM
a reply to: EyeoftheHurricane

I think Nate Silver has created his own alternate universe where the polls project what he wants them to.

they all do.

then this from yesterday from polls from FiveThirtyEight, RealClearPolitics, FT, puts trump ahead right now in the electoral vote count 219 to 215.
and that's what counts.

Trump or Harris: Who’s ahead in the polls? Tracking the polls in every state and possible paths to electoral college victory for Kamala Harris and Donald Trump Updated yesterday

edit on 26-8-2024 by BernnieJGato because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 09:25 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: rigel4

originally posted by: AlroyFarms
a reply to: rigel4

Oh ya for sure just a little bit. Just conveniently a little bit enough after the lights went out for a few hours in the dead of night.

What does your graph imply?

It was a graphic representing some sudden jumps in vote counts in the states of Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan, probably mostly due to votes being processed in large batches.

Fuller explanation for these jumps is given here: Fact check: Vote spikes in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania do not prove election fraud

Overall national vote tallies did not show the same jumps.

Votes can't be processed in large batches. But votes can be added and subtracted during transportation from actual vote locations to vote "count" facilities. 😃

Of course they can be processed in large batches. And also the process of moving paper votes from one location (like a bonded received mail premises or a polling place) to another, to be counted, cannot be instantaneous.

posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 09:39 PM

originally posted by: BernnieJGato
a reply to: chr0naut

between three and five o'clock in the morning on the west coast when 95% of the country was still asleep they just happen to find votes that hadn't been counted yet. yeah right.

those were the ones they kept in reserve hidden under the table just in case.

Nope. When they had finished one lot of votes from one location, they moved on to votes from another location. It is a function of not having unlimited staff to process votes.

posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 10:59 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

When they had finished one lot of votes from one location, they moved on to votes from another location. It is a function of not having unlimited staff to process votes.

keep on believein what they spoon feed you, mister establishment man.

edit on 26-8-2024 by BernnieJGato because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 11:08 PM

originally posted by: BernnieJGato
a reply to: chr0naut

When they had finished one lot of votes from one location, they moved on to votes from another location. It is a function of not having unlimited staff to process votes.

keep on believe what they spoon feed you, mister establishment man.

It's even more ridiculous to know that he is not even an American citizen.

Trump even smashes feelz all the way to New Zealand.

posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 11:53 PM

originally posted by: BernnieJGato
a reply to: chr0naut

When they had finished one lot of votes from one location, they moved on to votes from another location. It is a function of not having unlimited staff to process votes.
keep on believein what they spoon feed you, mister establishment man.

Paper votes go into ballot boxes at the polling place. The boxes are supposed to remain unopened until they are delivered to be counted. It takes time to count them.

It is fairly silly to assume everything is instantaneous, and isn't dealt with in batches.

posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 11:58 PM

originally posted by: watchitburn
a reply to: rigel4

Except the fact that election fraud has been proven in NV, GA, PA, WI, MN, AZ... That exceeded Biden's margin of victory.

But go on jerking yourself off.

We all watched it happen in real time. Everyone knows it.

FRAUD enabled Biden to win. The totality of the evidence was presented to the U.S. Supreme Court, but Chief Justice Roberts was working to keep Trump from being re-elected also. (Roberts was a big Epstein client and didn't want to be exposed, as "Drain the Swamp" dictated exposing all criminals.) So, officially, Biden won. Not legitimately, but legally.

posted on Aug, 27 2024 @ 12:00 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

they counted chads faster by hand than they did in the 2020 election. don't give me that bullsh@@.

edit on 27-8-2024 by BigJohnTally because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2024 @ 12:04 AM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: BernnieJGato
a reply to: chr0naut

When they had finished one lot of votes from one location, they moved on to votes from another location. It is a function of not having unlimited staff to process votes.
keep on believein what they spoon feed you, mister establishment man.

Paper votes go into ballot boxes at the polling place. The boxes are supposed to remain unopened until they are delivered to be counted. It takes time to count them.

It is fairly silly to assume everything is instantaneous, and isn't dealt with in batches.

In a NORMAL year the mail in votes are counted already before the close of polls election night. It is possible to do it in 1 day.

posted on Aug, 27 2024 @ 12:18 AM
a reply to: RazorV66

I've noticed that the majority of the Anti-Trump crew, here at ATS, are foreign.

If I had to guess I'd say "90 -:95%" of the TDS ATSers can't vote here.

I believe there's more Trump voters in the U.S., than Harris. He'll pull in more votes than in 2020.

I'd put money on 95 million.

Kamala has a lot of ballots to print.

posted on Aug, 27 2024 @ 12:27 AM

originally posted by: yuppa

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: BernnieJGato
a reply to: chr0naut

When they had finished one lot of votes from one location, they moved on to votes from another location. It is a function of not having unlimited staff to process votes.
keep on believein what they spoon feed you, mister establishment man.

Paper votes go into ballot boxes at the polling place. The boxes are supposed to remain unopened until they are delivered to be counted. It takes time to count them.

It is fairly silly to assume everything is instantaneous, and isn't dealt with in batches.

In a NORMAL year the mail in votes are counted already before the close of polls election night. It is possible to do it in 1 day.

Mail-in and Drop-box ballot batches are where the NON-LEGAL ballots are inserted. Usually at the last minute, if the election appears to be close, as it was in GA/PA/MI/WI/NV/AZ.

Wi example: Democrats usually vote by mail early. Weeks before November election day. Well, suddenly tens of thousands of mailed-in ballots arrive at 3am on election night, with 90% of them being for Biden.
COMMON SENSE told every "normal" person that most of the ballots were probably not legal.

But crooked judges in Wisconsin wouldn't allow any evidence of fraud to be considered, even though it was filed with the courts for examination. Same with Arizona and Georgia. In PA the judge thanked Rudy Giuliani and his team for doing a great job of presenting their evidence of fraud, but after he consulted with the PA Supreme Court, he threw the case out.

This November, if major cheating occurs to get Kamala into the White House, and is followed by judges/justices protecting the cheaters, it will be time to remake our nation into what we deserve...what it should be. Hopefully it can be done peacefully.

posted on Aug, 27 2024 @ 11:22 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

Wrong again. Naïve. 😊

posted on Aug, 27 2024 @ 03:38 PM

originally posted by: BigJohnTally
a reply to: chr0naut

they counted chads faster by hand than they did in the 2020 election. don't give me that bullsh@@.

I think you mean ballots, not chads. Chads are the little bits of paper that were supposed to be punched out of perforated electronically readable 'ballot cards' used in the 2000 election, and which are no longer used after the 2002 "Help America Vote Act".

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