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Kamala Harris's economic relief policy is failing amongst all

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posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 10:12 AM
Over a month into her campaign for president, over three and a half years as second in command at the White House, and now with the DNC in the books; Kamala Harris still has no cohesive set of policy positions to define her campaign and to explain to the American people what they will be getting if they elect her president in November.

To make matters even worse for Kamala Harris, the policy plans she does have seem to be falling apart right in front of us.

A few weeks ago, Kamala Harris put forth a plan that was meant to aid the American people who are still struggling under the massive food price inflation that occurred during her vice presidency. Food Insecurity has grown almost 5% among families with children since Kamala Harris took office in 2021.

Needing to address this issue Kamala Harris put forth an economic policy plan based on combating price gouging in the food industry. Haris was claiming that a key reason for the food price inflation that occurred while she was vice president was due to grocery chain and food manufacturers keeping prices artificially inflated.

Unfortunately for Harris the backlash from her critics, Economists, the food industry... and more damming... from members of her own party... have put her on the defensive on the issue.

Hill Dems try to tamp down backlash to Harris’ grocery price gouging pitch

Under pressure to defend Kamala Harris’ grocery price gouging plan, some Democratic lawmakers are delivering a quiet message to anxious allies: Don’t worry about the details. It’s never going to pass Congress.

a bill has no chance of passing Congress anytime soon, even if Democrats win the White House and Congress this November, according to six Democratic lawmakers and five Democratic aides who were granted anonymity to discuss the matter candidly. These people said Democrats in Congress have privately been telling critics that this part of the Harris plan is not viable.


The backlash has caused the Harris campaign and it's alies to act in the very same manner they have repeatedly accuse their opposition of when the science and research doesn't back up their policies.

Dispite the risk of sounding like Neanderthalic Cultists; Harris and her allies don't want the American people to follow the science behind her policies; to not listen to the experts.

Sometimes You Just Have to Ignore the Economists

Kamala Harris’s proposed price-gouging ban might irritate academics, but it makes sense to everyone else.

The Atlantic

However it would seem the backlash from all direction has been too great for Harris to maintain courses on her key policy.

Now, much like the Biden inflation reduction act, Harris is executing a bait and switch on the American peole over her signature (and only) economic policy.

Instead of being meant to help the millions of Americans struggling to put food on the table every day ... now, according to Harris and her allies, their signature Price Gouging economic plan is only meant to expand short-term future disaster relief policies that State Governments already employ.

Kamala’s price-gouging backtrack is blatant gaslighting

Kamala Harris is backpedaling again, this time on her plan to ban “price gouging.”

Sources “familiar” with Harris’ “thinking on the ban” anonymously told The New York Times this week that the policy would be “narrowly tailored to the food and grocery industries” and “would likely be reserved for emergency situations, like the immediate aftermath of a natural disaster or the thick of a pandemic.”

NY Post

edit on 25-8-2024 by Dandandat3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 10:26 AM
a reply to: Dandandat3

the left here on ATS have proven to be mostly intelligent people, at least in their ability to communicate, and even argue ideas. This is what I think most of us call a gargantuan issue with Harris' campaign. She has no plans other than the few she has mentioned, and of those, the bulk (of the few) seem to be ludicrous. When those on the left are asked about this, we get whataboutism, and crickets. At some point, doesn't the emperor's new cloths need to be talked about like adults?

Now all this isn't a direct move to communism, but even a slow person could see, this is a move towards socialism, and one that would just erode our economy more than it is currently. I'm concerned for the cult mentality that has brought us here. It exists in some form in both sides, but to deny one, while promoting the other won't help anything.

Is destroying the entire nation the goal?

well written OP, forgot to mention that.

edit on 25-8-2024 by network dude because: Beto, what a stupid name.

posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 11:23 AM
The phony job numbers isn't helping either. No Democrat has explained it.

And the price gouging thing ---- why hasn't The Biden Admin done anything?? He was harping on price gouging a while back and then he seemed to just suddenly shut up about it.

All phony BS from Democrats. 🤣🤣

posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 11:29 AM
Turns out Harris Marxist policies are turning away potential voters in record numbers.

Price Controls
28% corporate tax
44.6% capital gains tax
25% tax on unrealized gains
Banning fracking
Using taxpayer money for abortions

This is not a winning platform and it’s great people are seeing it now.
The media manufactured hype is over.
She didn’t even get a bump from the DNC reach-around gala.

posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 12:01 PM
Price gouging is a rule that many states enforce, in case of emergency, within the states, it was not mean to be a federal law.

As kamala obviously wants to push for.

It is a reason why individual states take this rule only in emergencies, that is because it cannot become permanently as prices are rule by the markets, Supply and demand, she is talking about control of markets over all and cause caos within the national economy.

People think that her proposition is all good, first is unconstitutional, the president does not control the markets, congress will never vote for that.

Soo her price national price gouging law is nothing but more political pandering than anything else, she has nothing really good to fix the economy from the mess she and biden has created.

posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 12:05 PM
And people wonder why they don't want her discussing Policy issues ....

This is why . She makes one speech about Economic policy and it blows up in her face .

Just imagine what other plans her Administration has in store for us

posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 12:07 PM
Kamal's entire campaign is based on Saul Alynsky's Rules for Radicals. Careful what you wish for, people; you just might get it.

edit on 1/1/1908 by nugget1 because: oops

posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 12:36 PM

originally posted by: Dandandat3
Over a month into her campaign for president, over three and a half years as second in command at the White House, and now with the DNC in the books; Kamala Harris still has no cohesive set of policy positions to define her campaign and to explain to the American people what they will be getting if they elect her president in November.


I think that you are mistaken regarding the allegation that she "still has no cohesive set of policy positions to define her campaign and to explain to the American people what they will be getting..."

Matter of fact, her policy positions have been published and clearly articulated. You can see them in writing at this link here.

ETA: Then, regarding her social agenda, there's this

Hope that helps.

edit on 2024 8 25 by AwakeNotWoke because: ETA.

posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 12:42 PM

originally posted by: AwakeNotWoke

originally posted by: Dandandat3
Over a month into her campaign for president, over three and a half years as second in command at the White House, and now with the DNC in the books; Kamala Harris still has no cohesive set of policy positions to define her campaign and to explain to the American people what they will be getting if they elect her president in November.


I think that you are mistaken regarding the allegation that she "still has no cohesive set of policy positions to define her campaign and to explain to the American people what they will be getting..."

Matter of fact, her policy positions have been published and clearly articulated. You can see them in writing at this link here.

ETA: Then, for further clarification, there's this

Hope that helps.



posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 01:38 PM

originally posted by: network dude
a reply to: Dandandat3

the left here on ATS have proven to be mostly intelligent people, at least in their ability to communicate, and even argue ideas. This is what I think most of us call a gargantuan issue with Harris' campaign. She has no plans other than the few she has mentioned, and of those, the bulk (of the few) seem to be ludicrous. When those on the left are asked about this, we get whataboutism, and crickets. At some point, doesn't the emperor's new cloths need to be talked about like adults?

Now all this isn't a direct move to communism, but even a slow person could see, this is a move towards socialism, and one that would just erode our economy more than it is currently. I'm concerned for the cult mentality that has brought us here. It exists in some form in both sides, but to deny one, while promoting the other won't help anything.

Is destroying the entire nation the goal?

well written OP, forgot to mention that.

That is because we don't have either Biden, Harris, the squad, and some of the head democrats in the house and senate posting here.

Could you imagine what it would be like here if Pelosi and Biden and AOC were members?

posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 03:35 PM
Didn’t she say something about an executive order and guns or something too?
a reply to: Vermilion

posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 03:42 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
The phony job numbers isn't helping either. No Democrat has explained it.

And the price gouging thing ---- why hasn't The Biden Admin done anything?? He was harping on price gouging a while back and then he seemed to just suddenly shut up about it.

All phony BS from Democrats. 🤣🤣

Why does Kamala say in this video she will take individually owned "patents" and make them property of the Federal Government?

She's Serious?:


posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 03:48 PM

originally posted by: Sisavran
Didn’t she say something about an executive order and guns or something too?
a reply to: Vermilion


Harris wants a mandatory gun buy back.

Harris also wants to decriminalize illegal immigration.

Harris also wants to take your private health insurance away and replace it with government health insurance.

They are hiding her from the media because her policies are total garbage.

If more people knew about them she would get about 25% of the votes.

posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 03:48 PM
What? The federal government has immunity against any patent claims… been that way since the 80s I think
a reply to: WeMustCare

posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 04:16 PM

originally posted by: Sisavran
What? The federal government has immunity against any patent claims… been that way since the 80s I think
a reply to: WeMustCare

Kamala and Walz are not allowing themselves to be interviewed by career journalists for good reasons. They'd make Vladimir Putin and Kim Jung-Un look like capitalist leaders, by comparison.

posted on Sep, 6 2024 @ 12:52 AM
a reply to: Dandandat3

Kamala/Tim did one interview on CNN (it flopped) and then went back to hiding.

Kamala is now investing over 6 days of mostly seclusion in PA, preparing for her debate with Donald Trump on Sept 10th.

Contrast Kamala against candidate Trump, who is out giving speeches, and granting interviews between now and Sept 10th.

posted on Sep, 6 2024 @ 05:32 AM
Ok… I'm not for Kamala or Walz, I’m for Trump. But when it comes to patent laws in the US the federal government doesn’t need permission to use a patent, it just does and is protected. Like I said it has been that way since the 80s and I just looked it up and am correct. Not in disagreement with you

a reply to: WeMustCare

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