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Trumps Warning Shots To Deep State

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posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 12:58 AM
On one side you have four people who take enormous amounts of money from oligarchs, such as Peter Thiel, or the Mellon banking family. And they all take the money from the same people. Peter Thiel has given millions to Trump and to Kennedy and Vance and Shanahan, and is a mentor to the last two.

Follow the money works in politics too, you know. In fact that's where it needs to be applied.

On the other side you have Harris and Walz who have raised a ton of money from millions of small donations, around a hundred bucks.

I don't know about you guys, but if you want to fight the deep state, fight the ones taking money from the oligarchs, bankers and tech bros, not the ones financed by the people.

posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 01:06 AM

originally posted by: Mahogani
On one side you have four people who take enormous amounts of money from oligarchs, such as Peter Thiel, or the Mellon banking family. And they all take the money from the same people. Peter Thiel has given millions to Trump and to Kennedy and Vance and Shanahan, and is a mentor to the last two.

Follow the money works in politics too, you know. In fact that's where it needs to be applied.

On the other side you have Harris and Walz who have raised a ton of money from millions of small donations, around a hundred bucks.

I don't know about you guys, but if you want to fight the deep state, fight the ones taking money from the oligarchs, bankers and tech bros, not the ones financed by the people.

You don't really believe that, do you?

Millions of dollars worth of those "small donations" were officially made by a small group of every day people with limited funds who for some reason don't remember making the donations. You know, people on limited income who donated hundreds of thousands of dollars in multiple small amounts. This still has not been explained.

posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 04:26 AM

originally posted by: AwakeNotWoke

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: AwakeNotWoke
a reply to: chr0naut

Who cares? The point was they Trump called the little runt's bluff and the little runt backed down. Didn't he?

No. Not in the slightest.

North Korea has continued to test launch ICBM delivery systems and is developing and testing other delivery systems as well.

N Korea conducts 'underwater nuclear weapons system' test - state media

North Korean nuclear weapons, 2024 - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Kim Jong totally played Trump. Just like Putin did.

I disagree. It was all good until the dementia addled sock puppet got into the office.

Of course they were waiting to see what would happen, who'd come in next. When they say Joe heading toward 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., they knew that they were running the game again. You didn't think they'd sit on their hands forever and let things run on Trump's karma? Of course not; you're smarter than that. The faeces hit the ventilator once it was Joe's watch.

This article was from June 2020:

From 'beautiful letters' to 'a dark nightmare': How Trump's North Korea gamble went bust

Even while Trump was hosting Little Kim, North Korea continued expanding its nuclear military facilities that could potentially attack the USA. They had no intention to reign in their nuclear arms programs. They played it for the PR and delaying tactic that it was.

And this is also from June 2020:

Timeline: Threats and stalemate one year after Trump last met North Korea's Kim

Trump was ineffectual, he was totally played by someone smarter and more self-centred (I'm sure Trump still thinks he achieved something from the meetings). He has as much tactical and strategic nous as a houseplant. His solutions have no subtlety, they are all on show and in everyone's face. There's no brinkmanship or playing both ends against the middle. He is no diplomat or statesman.

edit on 2024-08-26T04:41:04-05:0004Mon, 26 Aug 2024 04:41:04 -050008am00000031 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 04:48 AM

originally posted by: Mahogani
On one side you have four people who take enormous amounts of money from oligarchs, such as Peter Thiel, or the Mellon banking family.

On the other side you have Harris and Walz who have raised a ton of money from millions of small donations, around a hundred bucks..

Oh stop it. The Democrats ... and that includes Harris/Walz ... have their millionaire/billionaire donors as well.

Besides money like Soros .... the Democrats have people such as these ..
millions out of each, some are tens of millions out of each

Open Secrets Biggest Donors

And then we have this -
Democratic Billionaires and Donors Rush to Back Harris

And this -
US Billionaires Donating to Biden

And this - behind pay wall but still part can be read -
It doesn't say that he only has ten billionaires donating to him.
It says this is the 10 biggest, meaning there are lots more of them.
Bidens 10 Biggest Billionaire Donors

originally posted by: Mahogani
if you want to fight the deep state, fight the ones taking money from the oligarchs, bankers and tech bros,.

Then that's fighting the DEMOCRATS just as much as it's fighting the Republicans.
Wake the hell up.
edit on 8/26/2024 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 05:35 PM

Absolutely started a thread about Trump & Kennedy signaling to the Deep State "the gloves are coming off" just to chit chat about campaign financing which is a hot mess, but not hardly covert.

Herding cats shouldn't be this hard.

posted on Sep, 1 2024 @ 04:05 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan
Pretty sure he said he was going to do that back in 2016 ... and then didn't.
There was a thread here about a conversation he had with Judge Napalitano
on the subject and in that conversation Trump said that the file on
Kennedy was too horrible to release.

Earlier this week I was reading the New Yorker article about the Haditha Massacre where US Marines murdered 24 innocent unarmed men, women and children, and the elongated legal battle to have the photographs made public.

I kept think about this remark by Trump. Obviously, these photos were not being with-held due to national security, they were with-held because they are "too horrible" they vividly display children slaughtered in cold-blood. Excuses were made for the actions of the murderers that the photos contradict. Releasing them at the time could have had negative impacts certainly but they were not a threat to national security, just too horrible.

So, in terms of the assassination of JFK, what could really be that "horrible" and/or a threat to National Security? Still. Sixty-plus years later.

Aren't we, in reality, just waiting for the last of those whose names have been redacted to die and then it will all finally see the light of day?

Apart from a few names, does anyone actually believe that the smoking gun is still locked in some filing cabinet? That a secret so tawdry that all the other incredibly "too horrible" stuff that we have already learned about the CIA in that period is not nearly as "too horrible" as what has to remain secret about JFKs assassination?

posted on Sep, 1 2024 @ 04:38 AM

originally posted by: Caver78
John F Kennedy was murdered in the process of dismanteling the CIA among other things like working on a more cordial relationship with th Soviet Union. The MIC doesn't make money without someone to fight.

What is very interesting about the 2022 release of documents is the "listening in" to how other nations and organisations responded to the assassination in the period immediately after. Overwhelmingly, in the days following, reports were collated that indicated that the concensus was, in Cuba and East Germany for example, that Kennedy was most likely killed because he was aligning himself towards a peaceful detente and that he was in favour of ethnic integration. Cuba, within 48 hours of the assassination, is even saying that Oswald has been set-up as a patsy and that it was most likely far-right elements within the US who planned the assassination.

Similarly, following RFK's assassination;

In terms of Trump, and surviving assassination by a lone-gunman all of his own, what I find interesting in this context is how the Secret Service responded when Trump was shot compared to how they responded, or rather didn't, when JFK was shot.

The Secret Service on the occasion of JFKs assassination were completely derelict in their duty and yet, not a single one of them was penalised because they were considered to have "suffered enough".

When Trump was shot, the Secret Service reacted instantly, physically placing themselves between potential gunfire and Trump. They have subsequently been vilified for not securing the roof where the gunman positioned himself.

I don't know that there is anything in that, I just find it interesting.

posted on Sep, 1 2024 @ 04:50 AM
I sincerly hope I am wrong, but I feel the chance the US had to reverse the decades long corruption and march toward authoritarianism has long since past.
I see absolutely no route back because the 'Democrats' capture of the election process where they can simply create the votes they need and get away with it is now very well established.
They managed to rig the 2020 election on a massive scale and pulled it off with not just the prize of power, but the ability to put people in jail that dared to call it out.
For those that thin they are going to allow Trump to win in November and not do exactly the same thing again - even if it's brazen, I think you are being very naive.

All this RFK noise and releasing the JFK files in full is just a distraction.
Not enough people are going to care.

This election has always been about Love trump / Hate Trump with the added effect for Democrats of vote rigging in just the key districts that they control that gives them enough to swing the state wide vote.

Let's take Georgia Fulton County as an example - they needed nearly 100k extra votes vs 2016 to win the state overall - a massive 30% increase vs 2016. They got them in Fulton overnight in a massive 100% vote drop for Biden. Exactly the same thing is going to happen again.

The point is that the Democrat vote rigging operation only requires control of the process and a tried and trusted method for fraud in a few districts/counties across the country. It's surgically planned and operated.
edit on 1/9/2024 by UKTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2024 @ 05:08 AM

originally posted by: UKTruth
I sincerly hope I am wrong, but I feel the chance the US had to reverse the decades long corruption and march toward authoritarianism has long since past.

Well you have to take into account that governance, certainly from the 19th century, in the US was entirely grounded in political gangsterism. JFKs father used that system to help get his son the presidency.

That relationship, between governance and organised crime, is something that Trump understands at the basest level, or should do, better than any other presidential contender - past or present - since Kennedy.

edit on 1-9-2024 by BrucellaOrchitis because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2024 @ 05:38 AM

originally posted by: BrucellaOrchitis

originally posted by: UKTruth
I sincerly hope I am wrong, but I feel the chance the US had to reverse the decades long corruption and march toward authoritarianism has long since past.

Well you have to take into account that governance, certainly from the 19th century, in the US was entirely grounded in political gangsterism. JFKs father used that system to help get his son the presidency.

That relationship, between governance and organised crime, is something that Trump understands at the basest level, or should do, better than any other presidential contender - past or present - since Kennedy.

Hmm, i think I would be looking more to the Democrats for links to organised crime - and besides, whilst it is fairly clear organised crime backed Kennedy, it was the horrendous Nixon debate that really turned the tide in that election.
I'd say, doners and organisers get you in the game, but you still have to win.

posted on Sep, 1 2024 @ 05:41 AM

originally posted by: UKTruth
Hmm, i think I would be looking more to the Democrats for links to organised crime

Such as?

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