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Trumps Warning Shots To Deep State

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posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 07:37 AM
On the campaign trail this cycle Trump has mentioned his uncle John G Trump more than ever. Trump was distasteful to the Washington DC not only for being a alleged "outsider" but for being unpredictable. At least that was the propaganda.

He was feared more for knowing where all the deep state bodies were buried.
John F Kennedy was murdered in the process of dismanteling the CIA among other things like working on a more cordial relationship with th Soviet Union. The MIC doesn't make money without someone to fight.

Trump's shockingly blatent warning to the CIA & other weaponized agencies stating he's going to release ALL the JFK documents is monumental. It's going to just implode career's, incite multiple legal actions an definately bring home to the everyday US Citizen just HOW stunningly corrupt our govt has been for decades. Aligning with Bobby Kennedy Jr. who also knows where the bodies are buried is horrifying to the same deep state players.
While Bobby's aim to end the corporate capture of our regulatory agencies is also staggering.

I'm surprised no ones brought up this angle or noticed both Trump & Kennedy just put the Deep State in the hot seat.
In public, for every other Nation's Leader's to see.
Which is if nothing else is earth shattering. The factions within our so-called 5-eye allies govt's who've assisted and profited as well from our deep states shennanigans have to be back room panicking as well. Since so much of our dirt is their dirt as well.

Screw the DNC & who cares?
On the campaign circuit Trump an Kennedy can drop enough information they can blow up the deep state before the election if they so choose.

posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 08:18 AM
a reply to: Caver78

RFK jr speech joining Trump had to shake up the Deep State. I wish them both the protection of God and his angels.

edit on 25-8-2024 by soulrevival because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 08:25 AM
all the media wants to talk about is abortion
and Kamala's nonwhite nonmale status. (21st century, why is that even an issue?)

really hoping and praying for a Trump win

posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 08:36 AM
a reply to: Caver78

I think it’s just campaign messaging.

He ran on this in 2016 as well. There was a batch released under his first term, but he blocked the remainder citing national security reasons.

I don’t think JFK would blow the lid on the current system too since it was long enough ago all the players are gone. Not anyone left to really go after on that one. Plus, I think a lot of people are already skeptical about it.

I think it would take a more recent events to expose to really push the needle on opening up the public’s eyes.

If he gets a second term, I don’t think we’ll see much difference than the first term in draining the swamp. I’m guessing it will be rhetoric, but nothing really changes while blame gets put on the same swamp.

posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 08:57 AM
a reply to: Caver78

Enough about JFK, I want to know more about who installed biden and then unceremoniously baited and switched democrat voters. Connecting them with the shooter on the roof would be a bonus.

edit on 25-8-2024 by TzarChasm because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 08:58 AM
a reply to: Caver78

The plan to dismantle the US has been set in motion many decades ago. This certainly is an interesting chapter, few to go. Unfortunately for the world as a free community of people with not so dissimilar interests, the wildcard called "we the people" have grown fat and lazy...

posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 09:40 AM
The NWO Shadow Government has their puppets in place with Democrat Biden & Co. Inc.

Kamala is in line and they'll do what they can to install her. They already have The Executive Branch implanted and more brand new booby traps and snares are being set. ☠️

posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 11:34 AM
Had I thought the contents of Kennedy's speech OR Trumps this time was just run of the mill I wouldn't of bothered making a thread to point ANYTHING out. I've been very plain & blunt actually about waking up one morning to find out a Ooopaloompa was our new President.

Trump has less vocabulary than a TikTok influencer.
Trump is a glory-hound, self involved maniac.
Trumps foreign policy consisted of being crazier than Kim Jong Un & a bromance with Putin.
Nepotism should be his family coat of arms.

The minute I heard Kennedy was running I congratulated democratic family members on CAMELOT!!! OMG!!! You lucky ducks!!! I didn't even bother to listen to him for months.

The JFK files are important not because we wanna know who the shooter was, but because so many foreign representitives along with the CIA an our Military was involved. Heck there are pictures of some of them on the street AS Kennedy was shot!!

The skin in that game, the machinations of the US govt an other Nations is something we've funded to the tune of millions of dollars to keep buried. Opening it up, doesn't even matter if the parties have passed away, the regular US citizen will be treated to a overnight education of corruption they can't ignore.

Make no mistake every other Nation is paying rapt attention.
Those who assist in the US corruption and others who've been bullied by it. JFK's assassination is just the tip of a very big iceberg. Once cracked open leads to a firestorm that probably won't be able to be walked back.

Either way, publicly making that threat WAS a shot heard round the world.

posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 02:21 PM
a reply to: Caver78

As far as releasing all info related to the JFK assassination, we've heard that song and dance

What is the old saying?

Sorry, but I ain't holdin' my breath.

IF I vote in this round of of (s)elections, I won't vote for Trump; I'll vote against Harris.

But I'm done with the promises and the hopium. I really don't think think that anything will fix this.

posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 02:34 PM

originally posted by: Caver78
Trump's shockingly blatent warning to the CIA & other weaponized agencies stating he's going to release ALL the JFK documents is monumental.

Didn't he say that last time around?

Pretty sure he said he was going to do that back in 2016 ... and then didn't.
There was a thread here about a conversation he had with Judge Napalitano
on the subject and in that conversation Trump said that the file on
Kennedy was too horrible to release.

I started that thread HERE

Oct 2017 - X - Trump on Twitter saying he promises to release all JFK Files

NOW - Video on X - Trump tells Napolitano why he can't release JFK files

Judge Napolitano: "I told Trump, 'you promised you would release the records of the JFK assassination.' He said to me 'If they showed you what they showed me, you wouldn't have released it either.' I said 'Who's they? What did they show you?' Trump said "Someday when we're not on the phone and there aren't 15 people listening to the call, I'll tell you.'"

Judge Napolitano Talks Phone Call About JFK Assassination with POTUS Trump

The retired judge said Trump called him occasionally, and spoke about one particular conversation that took place after the January 6 insurrection. After the lame-duck president grumbled about losing the 2020 election, Napolitano said he confronted Trump about his failure to release all of the government's remaining JFK assassination documents.

"I said, you know you made a promise to the public many times — and to me privately — that you haven't kept. 'What, what? I'll take care of it right now.' I said, 'you promised you would release the records of the JFK assassination.' He said to me, 'Judge, if they showed you what they showed me, you wouldn't have released it either,'" Napolitano recalled. "And I said, 'who's they? What did they show you?' And then he said, 'Judge, someday when we're on the phone, and then he raised his voice, and there aren't 15 people listening to the phone call — back to a normal voice — I'll tell you.'"

And Trump saying the files were so horrible they can't be released isn't new and only what he told Napolitano. He said the same thing to Roger Stone - Newsweek

"Even he, Trump, held back 20 percent of the documents," Stone told Jack Posobiec of Human Events, part of the GOP nonprofit Turning Point USA. "When I had the occasion to ask him about that, I said, 'Why didn't you let it all out?'

"He said, 'I can't tell you, it's so horrible you wouldn't believe it. Someday you'll find out.' That was the sum total of it and he didn't want to talk further about it. He kicked the can down the road to President Joe Biden."

edit on 8/25/2024 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 02:55 PM

originally posted by: Caver78
... Trumps foreign policy consisted of being crazier than Kim Jong Un & a bromance with Putin.
Nepotism should be his family coat of arms. ...

But it worked, didn't it?

Before the Trump administration, the little dork with the funny haircut threw a temper tantrum every few months and threatened to blow up the west. Western leaders shook in their wing-tipped shoes, begged him not to hurt them and gave him whatever baubles he demanded. He essentially held the west hostage and western leaders were in the throes of some kind of Stockholm Syndrome.

He tried with the Donald Trump and Trump said, "My bombs are bigger than yours." That shut the little runt of a dork up for four years, didn't it? There wasn't a peep out of him until Biden took office.

As to the "bromance" with Putin; say there is a bully on the block who is as strong and capable as you. Getting into a fight could mean the death of either or both. Wouldn't it make more sense to build a friendship with that opponent than to get into a pissing match.

Seriously, look at where the Biden foreign policy has gotten us. We are on the brink of nuclear confrontation with two or three armed powers (China, Russia and maybe Iran). Do you seriously think that this is a better position than a "bromance?" You really think that an international nuclear pissing match is a better position than just getting along?

Please answer that question, if you can. I really want to understand that line of reasoning. I doubt that you can answer, but would love to hear your reasoning, if you have any other than ORANGE MAN BAD.

As far as the nepotism claim, show me a politician that doesn't engage in it. Not that it justifies it, but your singling out one individual is hypocritical. Hell, Joe had a confirmed dope-head, whore-mongering criminal as one of his top advisers.

ETA: As per my previous post in this thread, you'll see that I do not write this as an avid Trump supporter. I am not. I do not want to defend Donald Trump; I simply want to understand how you consider an international nuclear pissing match to be a better position than getting along with other superpowers.

edit on 2024 8 25 by AwakeNotWoke because: ETA.

posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 04:28 PM
a reply to: Caver78

Trump didn't declassify all the JFK files when he had the opportunity. Even though he has said he would back in fall 2018.

Trump boasted he’d open all JFK files, but now says he can’t - 2018 AP article

Perhaps the deep-state guys behind the assassination were all Republican Party members?

And he's repeating the same thing now. Perhaps he's getting a little old and forgetting stuff?

posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 04:46 PM

originally posted by: AwakeNotWoke

originally posted by: Caver78
... Trumps foreign policy consisted of being crazier than Kim Jong Un & a bromance with Putin.
Nepotism should be his family coat of arms. ...

But it worked, didn't it?

Before the Trump administration, the little dork with the funny haircut threw a temper tantrum every few months and threatened to blow up the west. Western leaders shook in their wing-tipped shoes, begged him not to hurt them and gave him whatever baubles he demanded. He essentially held the west hostage and western leaders were in the throes of some kind of Stockholm Syndrome.

He tried with the Donald Trump and Trump said, "My bombs are bigger than yours." That shut the little runt of a dork up for four years, didn't it? There wasn't a peep out of him until Biden took office.

As to the "bromance" with Putin; say there is a bully on the block who is as strong and capable as you. Getting into a fight could mean the death of either or both. Wouldn't it make more sense to build a friendship with that opponent than to get into a pissing match.

Seriously, look at where the Biden foreign policy has gotten us. We are on the brink of nuclear confrontation with two or three armed powers (China, Russia and maybe Iran). Do you seriously think that this is a better position than a "bromance?" You really think that an international nuclear pissing match is a better position than just getting along?

Please answer that question, if you can. I really want to understand that line of reasoning. I doubt that you can answer, but would love to hear your reasoning, if you have any other than ORANGE MAN BAD.

As far as the nepotism claim, show me a politician that doesn't engage in it. Not that it justifies it, but your singling out one individual is hypocritical. Hell, Joe had a confirmed dope-head, whore-mongering criminal as one of his top advisers.

ETA: As per my previous post in this thread, you'll see that I do not write this as an avid Trump supporter. I am not. I do not want to defend Donald Trump; I simply want to understand how you consider an international nuclear pissing match to be a better position than getting along with other superpowers.


Yeah, but are the US's nuclear weapons really bigger than North Korea's? The NK test on 3rd September 2017 was allegedly a H-bomb.

Does the US even have any thermonuclear weapons anymore? With the retirement of the B83-1, the USA does not currently have any deployable megaton or greater yield nuclear weapons. Definitely, the Minuteman class missiles, the staple of US ballistic missile defence for decades, could not loft anything as heavy as a thermonuclear weapon.

United States nuclear weapons, 2024 - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

edit on 2024-08-25T16:54:04-05:0004Sun, 25 Aug 2024 16:54:04 -050008pm00000031 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 10:47 PM
Okie Doakie!

Since I don't "ring & run" have no problem clarifying.

As far as the concerns Trump only 1/2 way released JFK' s files.
- Just saying that during his speech with Kennedy is a message sent to Deep State players. They know exactly the message he decided to send in public. He may follow thru or not, but he put everyone on notice "keep pushing an things get ugly".
This threat was recognised by every foreign IC agency.

About Trumps foreign policy
- I didn't say he wasn't effective. His fawning over Putin is a keep your enemies close strategy. Which doesn't rule out Trump may actually personally just like the guy. His foreign diplomacy is not elegant. He freaked out NK, Putin bro-mance, then went to the UK an acted like a American tourist abroad. FACEPALM!!! There is no way the State Dept & the UK's version of protocol didn't brief him beforehand.

The Atom Bomb
- We've had a hydrogen bomb capability to blow up 1/2 the earth with neglible radiation since the 60's. By now the Russians have it too. Nukes have been irrellivent for a long time now. Google the last atmospheric Hydrogen Bomb test called "Ripple". It was invented for us by a paperclip guy, then made in a smaller size by the guy who invented the TV. The smaller one was made using TV tubes & used everyday electrical current from a wall outlet.
The size of the explosion can be increased or decreased by changing the detonation pulse after launching. After the TV inventor did his demonstration this all went dark immediately.

The downside is they can also be built in anyones garage.
The primer for the Hydrogen detonation is a minescule amount of radioactive material. Not tons or pounds. Note test conclusion was 99.9% CLEAN.

Operation Dominic
Housatonic October 30, 1962 16:02:??

Repeat of Androscoggin, successful, target accuracy within 100 ft (30 m); last U.S. nuclear weapon airdrop. Reportedly 99.9% clean.

posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 11:06 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

Who cares? The point was they Trump called the little runt's bluff and the little runt backed down. Didn't he?

posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 11:07 PM
a reply to: AwakeNotWoke

I don't have to agree with Trump or like him as President.
I did however vote for him cause my politics run "pick the one who will do the least damage". We get two abysmal candidates every 4 yrs so lesser of 2 evils is really my only choice.
Nobody rises to the top without having first stepped over a LOT of bodies. So yes I'll slag off on him at will.
BTW even before the Kennedy support, voting for Trump this time too! The second someone makes a flag out of both him & Kennedy on stage from the Phoenix event I'm slapping one on my house.

Frankly Trump is a multi-millionaire.
A crappy orange spray tan was all he could get? FFS!!! there are Waaaaaay better spray tans on the market. I've NEVER called him "Orange Man" OoompaLoompa? You bet I call him that. That's never going away.

No one in their right mind wouldn't agree Biden, who did squat for 50yrs prior to running for President was EVER a good choice. He failed-up 1000% more than Kamala could ever hope to achieve.
He's the poster child of "Post Turtles"!!

posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 11:14 PM
a reply to: Caver78

I lived in Central Asia for ten years in a former Soviet satellite. Honestly, I kinda like Putin.

Sure, he's a despot. Sure, you don't want to get on his bad side. But I would have swapped him and his titanium balls for Obama's (insert what you want here as I don't want to have my wrist slapped).

He is Russian. He rules Russia. Study some Russian history - the history of its politics, its rulers. Fratricide want uncommon among them. When "patriotic" bleedin' heart gringos finally learn that the rest of the world is not like the holier-than-this "us" and get off the high horse of demanding that the rest of the world run line the USA (the country's own corruption and skeleton packed closets notwithstanding), maybe they will have grown up a little.

posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 11:17 PM
a reply to: Caver78

I don't look at it so much as voting for the lesser of two evils. I couldn't stomach that. Instead of saying, "I'm voting for X," I just reason that "I'm voting against Y."

posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 11:43 PM

originally posted by: AwakeNotWoke
a reply to: chr0naut

Who cares? The point was they Trump called the little runt's bluff and the little runt backed down. Didn't he?

No. Not in the slightest.

North Korea has continued to test launch ICBM delivery systems and is developing and testing other delivery systems as well.

N Korea conducts 'underwater nuclear weapons system' test - state media

North Korean nuclear weapons, 2024 - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Kim Jong totally played Trump. Just like Putin did.

edit on 2024-08-25T23:46:00-05:0011Sun, 25 Aug 2024 23:46:00 -050008pm00000031 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 12:26 AM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: AwakeNotWoke
a reply to: chr0naut

Who cares? The point was they Trump called the little runt's bluff and the little runt backed down. Didn't he?

No. Not in the slightest.

North Korea has continued to test launch ICBM delivery systems and is developing and testing other delivery systems as well.

N Korea conducts 'underwater nuclear weapons system' test - state media

North Korean nuclear weapons, 2024 - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Kim Jong totally played Trump. Just like Putin did.

I disagree. It was all good until the dementia addled sock puppet got into the office.

Of course they were waiting to see what would happen, who'd come in next. When they say Joe heading toward 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., they knew that they were running the game again. You didn't think they'd sit on their hands forever and let things run on Trump's karma? Of course not; you're smarter than that. The faeces hit the ventilator once it was Joe's watch.
edit on 2024 8 26 by AwakeNotWoke because: I could.

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