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RFK JR endorses Trump

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posted on Aug, 24 2024 @ 09:22 PM

originally posted by: BingoMcGoof
a reply to: 727Sky

If Trump were to give him a cabinet spot I tink it would be as the head of the Department of Keep Your Mouth Shut, or you're out to door buddy.

Hey Bingo ya gotta admit all these yesrs later wouldn't it be nice if RFK, jr, or Bobby as Trump calls him, if Bobby would be in charge of restructuring tbe CIA & FBI? Kind of sweet justice, finishing the job his uncle and dad set out to do. Then have Viveck dismantle the IRS and let Elon Musk breakdown the Department of Education, they really did a number on Elon's boy-breaks my heart. Trump will lead the global affairs and JD Vance will be "The Apprentice".
Now who's gonna lead the DOJ and hold all those wrong doers accountable? Can't wait to find out. I hope Trump makes to the resolute desk, we sure could use him.
Trump wants to eliminate income tax
Viveck wants to shut down federal agencies
Elon lost his son to wokism
That is a hell of a crew to make huge changes, can't wait to hear the rest of the cabinet. Gotta believe!

posted on Aug, 24 2024 @ 10:26 PM
a reply to: fringeofthefringe

I can read by your post here that you and I are very similar except for one small point. Time. That kind of change, of restructuring, of tear it down and build it back up again was my position fifty years ago. I loved the idea of Texas seceding from the union. I I was in favor of splitting California in half and making a new state though I went further. California would have seceded as well. And Ecotopia or State of Jefferson which would have been a nation comprised of Norther California, Oregon and Washington.

But I have changed in small part because I am now approaching eighty. But more because times have changed as well. I now hold firmly that massive changes which might have been achievable that long ago should have happened that long ago but now? Now, the entire world is so close to one big machine, not like back then when there was still a lot of separation but now? Nah, I think it would be dark ages now. And besides, I lost faith in elected leaders when Nixon hit the stage. No, when the people of the country saw fit to elect him.

And besides, Trump is an imbecile.

posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 12:20 AM

originally posted by: fringeofthefringe

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: wAnchorofCarp
a reply to: putnam6

Folks are underestimating how many votes even one percent is.

Yes they do,

Trump lost Georgia in 2020 by 0.2% of the vote. 2024 Trumps up 1% according to 270 to win without any of RFKjrs 3.6%

lost Arizona by 0.3% 2024 Trump is down 2% without any of RFkjrs 5% bump

lost Wisconsin by 0.7%. 2024 Trump is down 5% without any RFkjrs 5% bump

Pennsylvania by 1.2%. 2024 Trump is down 2% without RFkjrs 4.7% bump

Michigan was just 2.8%. 2024 Trump is down 2% without RFkjrs 5.4% bump

It will come down to the debates as long as there isn't anything else that pops up

Did it really go down like that? 81 million votes, Biden just squeeked by. Hmmm, not sure about that. I am thinking towards the end of election night they stopped counting in just the swing states(funny how that was) and nearly a week later Trumps huge lead was gone by a razor thin margin. I watched it all and if Trump gets X amount of votes, then Kamala will get X plus small margin. That is what concerns me. There is no way Joe Biden won the 2020 election. I still think Trump can win but I am concerned that the political system, democrats, deepstate, msm and other interested parties have too much to lose. They tried to bankrupt Trump jail him(still may) and assassinate him so what makes anyone think cheating is off the table? Just sayin'. I have to believe that far too many people will vote for Trump, too big to rig but I also know what happened last time and what has been going on since then. From Jan 6th to Butler and everything in between. Such an amazing path up to now.

161 million votes, the most ever. The 2024 election will be atleast 10% less if not more

FWIW I watched it live on TV and online and it was about 2:30-3:00 in the morning and IIRC they dropped the figures from Wisconsin and that was when the nice little statistical arc spiked through the roof. Hell, we should have a great election thread archived where we could see almost everybody's thoughts contemporaneously.

Which for the number of votes in a race that close is a statistical anomaly that hasn't been reproduced in an election before or since. So I had questions immediately too, and here we are closing in on 4 years later.

It all got drowned out by the noise, chaos, and false claims on both sides or outright fabricated evidence from both sides, enough that the early core questions got squashed into the background and the story became confusing and exasperating to watch. Sure It's hindsight but everybody knows unless you can prove something of this magnitude the best course, the only course is to suck it up and shut up and go along till things quiet down and you can present and prove your case. Instead, Trump gave the DNC all the ammo, right or wrong, they needed to hound him another 4 years. The proverbial and completely unsatisfactory, it is what it is.

If he played it cool DJT would be in an even better position now, but he is still a bit of a Teflon Don. There will be a September sentencing and probably an October surprise or 3, he has got to chill and relaxingly campaign cool and calmly in the battleground states, urging everybody to vote, and check their vote. Vance locked up Ohio he should be hitting the rust belt and the bible belt. Trump needs to continue to hit the border hard and the many communities hit hard with immigration issues in the battleground states.

The debates loom large on both the President and Vice President, Trump needs to stay on message and realize less is more, Instead of it's the economy stupid, maybe the politically correct It's the economy, intellectually inert and vacuous person. It's his race to lose, he should have an advantage with the debates, stay on policy and the agenda for the next four years, and limit the personal attacks on Madame VP. Generally, be Presidential.

If Trump makes one or two mistakes and Harris finally does a presser or 3 and breaks even in the debates, will be enough to get her close to winning, then the last-minute push from Barrack and others and it will be as close as 2020.

Let's not forget the MSM and social media will hype this to a fever pitch, the closer the race is perceived the more ratings, views, and clicks

Just remember they didn't save the soul of America, and nothing new is built, nothing is back, and it certainly isn't better

and we will see what November brings ...

Apologies for the ramble but you post got me thinking

posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 07:41 AM
a reply to: putnam6

There really is no explanation for the statistical spikes in several key swing states in 2020.
The ONLY thing that makes sense is that the people counted SEPERATED out the Biden and Trump ballots - but even then we saw no spike for Trump for HIS ballots that would have been separated out.
It's completely unreasonable to suggest or beleive that a 'natural' 100k batch of votes went 100% to Biden - especially as it happened with no supervision and in the dead of night after the vote counts were stopped in several swing states.

Bottom line is we really do know that the Democrats stole the election - beyond reasonable doubt.

The media and the Govt ensured that any proper investigation was buried - making it on the edge of being illegal to question the election.

What remains now is whether they will simply do it again.

edit on 26/8/2024 by UKTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 12:17 PM
WHY are these Vietnamese-Americans asking candidate Trump to sign his name on their money?


posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 09:54 PM

originally posted by: UKTruth
a reply to: putnam6

There really is no explanation for the statistical spikes in several key swing states in 2020.
The ONLY thing that makes sense is that the people counted SEPERATED out the Biden and Trump ballots - but even then we saw no spike for Trump for HIS ballots that would have been separated out.
It's completely unreasonable to suggest or beleive that a 'natural' 100k batch of votes went 100% to Biden - especially as it happened with no supervision and in the dead of night after the vote counts were stopped in several swing states.

Bottom line is we really do know that the Democrats stole the election - beyond reasonable doubt.

The media and the Govt ensured that any proper investigation was buried - making it on the edge of being illegal to question the election.

What remains now is whether they will simply do it again.

That was awesome, well put - there is no way Biden won. I appreciate the matter of fact way you laid it out. The USA was cheated.
Bump it so more people can read it, bravo UKTruth!
edit on 26-8-2024 by fringeofthefringe because: (no reason given)

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