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Several Dead after Mass Stabbing in Germany - Manhunt Underway

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posted on Aug, 24 2024 @ 02:03 PM
In connection with the attack, police searched a refugee shelter in the center of Solingen on Saturday evening with heavy forces. “We have received information and are currently carrying out police measures as a result,” said a police spokesperson. A special task force was also deployed. The area is being cordoned off by a team of hundreds. A raid is planned as part of the investigation into the knife attack.
Link (German)

posted on Aug, 24 2024 @ 02:47 PM
24.08.2024 - 20:35
SEK storms asylum home in Solingen

Elite police officers from the Special Operations Command (SEK) have stormed a refugee shelter following the terrorist attack in Solingen. The asylum home is only around 300 meters away from the Fronhof, the site of the attack. And 150 meters from the place where investigators found the suspected murder weapon in the afternoon - the knife with which the attacker killed three people and seriously injured eight on Friday evening.

24.08.2024 - 21:32
Arrest in asylum home
Police have arrested a person in a refugee shelter in the city in connection with the terrorist attack in Solingen. A police spokesperson said that connections between the crimes were now being investigated.
Link (German)

Rumors say that it was a syrian refugee but that are still rumors. I will check the MSM here for another hour or two, if there is anything new I will post it here.

edit on 24-8-2024 by DerBeobachter2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2024 @ 03:05 PM

originally posted by: Dalamax

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

Try to cut bread with a gun...

Try and drink soup with a knife

Have you ever tried to load a spoon? Very diificult.
But seriously, does Germany really need those sharp knives? Can't they just rip the bread like they used to. It might be time for Germany, and Europe as a whole to rethink this whole "knife rights" thing. You really don't have "rights" when it comes to owning a knife. If you're gonna let in millions of criminals from God knows where then the least you can do is ban knives, for public safety and all.

posted on Aug, 24 2024 @ 03:14 PM
As BILD learned, a police mantrailer dog had led the investigators directly from the place where the knife was found to the asylum home on Wupperstrasse / Goerdelerstrasse in Solingen (North Rhine-Westphalia). The special unit then surrounded the building and finally stormed it at 8.18 pm. One suspect was arrested. It is currently being investigated whether the man is connected to the crime. Investigators are also questioning residents of the home.
Link (German)

Now somebody needs a good explanation why it took nearly 24hrs to bring that dog to the place where the knife was found?

posted on Aug, 24 2024 @ 03:17 PM
Islamic state claims responsibility

Source is the Guardian a paper who would bend over backwards to avoid laying any blame at IS so pretty confident it probably is them.

posted on Aug, 24 2024 @ 03:25 PM

originally posted by: fringeofthefringe

originally posted by: Dalamax

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

Try to cut bread with a gun...

Try and drink soup with a knife

Have you ever tried to load a spoon? Very diificult.
But seriously, does Germany really need those sharp knives? Can't they just rip the bread like they used to. It might be time for Germany, and Europe as a whole to rethink this whole "knife rights" thing. You really don't have "rights" when it comes to owning a knife. If you're gonna let in millions of criminals from God knows where then the least you can do is ban knives, for public safety and all.

Cain killed Abel with a stone. David killed Goliath with a stone.
Is the stone good or evil?

posted on Aug, 24 2024 @ 03:39 PM

originally posted by: SprocketUK
Islamic state claims responsibility

Source is the Guardian a paper who would bend over backwards to avoid laying any blame at IS so pretty confident it probably is them.

Oh yes, i forgot to mention that "little detail" in the hurry, sorry for that.

posted on Aug, 24 2024 @ 03:51 PM
a reply to: DerBeobachter2

Arrest in asylum home

Chickens coming home to roost all over Europe yet still crickets when you mention migration , Sweden is currently being destroyed by drug gangs thanks to uncontrolled immigration.

Ten years after then-Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfelt (Moderates) in a speech told Swedes to “open your hearts” to migrants, Denmark is suffering the fallout of the neighboring country’s liberal migration policies. A week ago, Denmark implemented border controls on trains coming across the Øresund bridge after two shootings and a bombing involving perpetrators from Sweden. On Wednesday, another Swedish citizen was arrested in the Danish capital, carrying two hand grenades.

Sweden is a frightening example of what happens when too little attention is given to immigration and law enforcement policies,” Danish MP Preben Bang Henriksen told Aftonbladet. “Neither the conservative nor the Social Democratic governments have addressed the problem,”

Sounds familiar.

posted on Aug, 24 2024 @ 05:06 PM
Well, one of the WEF’s main agendas was to destroy established nations by attacking them from within, eroding national identity, diluting patriotism, destroying religion and the family unit. They seem to be doing a grand job of it in Europe and the USA, aided and abetted by the dumb left leaning fools who think they’re being such good people. Yes folks, they are winning and the foolish amongst us are greasing the wheels for them.

posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 03:40 AM
As first reported by “Der Spiegel” and “Bild”, the suspected Solingen attacker has been arrested. The man surrendered to a police patrol on Saturday evening. His clothes were dirty and covered in blood. The information is said to have come from security circles.

As reported by Der Spiegel, the suspect is said to be a 26-year-old Syrian. Issa al H. came to Germany at the end of December 2022, applied for asylum in Bielefeld and was granted protection status.

On Saturday evening, police stormed a refugee shelter in the former tax office in Solingen with a large number of officers and arrested a man. It was “a person who is connected to the crime”, said a police spokeswoman.
Link (German)

As WELT learned, the suspected Solingen attacker was due to be deported to Bulgaria at the beginning of 2023. However, Issa Al H. then went into hiding for months - until he reappeared in Solingen.

The authorities had already set a deportation date - Al H., a resident of Paderborn in early 2023, was to be deported to Bulgaria. He had previously entered the European Union there. According to the Dublin rules, the country first entered by an asylum seeker is responsible for the asylum procedure.

Although the deportation had already been scheduled, it never happened. According to information from WELT, Issa Al H. could not be found, went into hiding and only reappeared several months later. The deportation was therefore invalid for the time being and the Syrian was “redistributed” to Solingen, as the authorities say.
Link (German)

posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 04:43 AM
A man has been arrested following an explosion and fire at a synagogue in a southern France , five people including the rabbi were in the building at the time , a police officer was injured by the explosion which was caused by a gas bottle in a burning car.
No details released about the attacker but I bet his name isn't Pierre.

French media reported that the suspect was shot and injured by police after he opened fire on the officers who came to arrest him in the city of Nîmes.

Earlier on Saturday, a police officer was injured in the blast outside the Beth Yaacov synagogue in the nearby seaside resort of La Grande-Motte.

The police officer's injuries are not said to be life-threatening, following the blast between 08:00 and 08:30 local time (07:00-07:30 BST) on Saturday.

Five people, including the rabbi, were inside the synagogue at the time, authorities said.

The explosion was caused by two cars which were set alight outside

Police sources told French media that one of the vehicles contained a hidden gas canister.

The suspect - who was reportedly carrying a Palestinian flag - also set fire to several entrance doors of the synagogue.

posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 07:37 AM
a reply to: DerBeobachter2

BBC News - Germany attack: Man surrenders to police and confesses to mass stabbings

In English.

posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 08:38 AM
a reply to: DerBeobachter2

So the murderer had a deportation order on him but went into hiding to evade it. When he re-emerged months later the deportation order was no longer valid so they sent him to a refugee centre.
That's crazy - surely the fact he deliberately went into hiding to prevent his deportation meant his deportation was actually even more valid and justified.

Another case of kicking the can down the road.....and some poor souls paid the price with their lives.

Surely its time the EU realised the recklessness of this open door policy and started preventing these illegal immigrants easy access in the first place. That way countries won't continually pass the buck to the next country down the line.

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